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Our Motivational Database currently contains more than 8,000 articles from experts all across the United States, and several countries around the world. You will truly find here quite an incredible treasure of information that can literally change your life. Please consider the idea of committing to starting each day by reading a new article that will life you up, inspire you and recharge your batteries!




Youth Baseball Practices Don¡¯t Have To Be Long To Be Good
Author: Marty Schupak

Back in the late 70's an old college professor of mine was fond of saying, "Don't confuse activity with accomplishment." Jump forward about eight years and imagine me observing a coach running practice for his little League team. At the start of practice most of the 10, 11, and 12 year olds are very enthusiastic. As the practice progresses I notice only two forms of activity taking place. One has the head coach throwing batting practice, with each hitter getting 10 to 15 swings while each pitcher takes a turn throwing to the assistant coach as the others stand and watch. I, too, stand and watch and I don't know who is more bored- the players or me. When I saw a member of the board of directors, I commented on how poorly I thought the practice had been run. The board member responded, " If you think you can do a better job, then volunteer to coach." (Me and my big mouth.)


Your Thoughts Are Powerful
Author: Gerri D Smith

Copyright 2005


Your Self Image - How to get a healthy one!
Author: Craig Lock

The Man In The Looking Glass


Your Self Image - How to get a healthy one!
Author: Craig Lock

The Man In The Looking Glass


Your sacred space
Author: Cathy Goodwin, Ph.D.

Many of us have a place in our lives where we feel especially free and creative. They are places we retreat when we want to recover from a bad day, celebrate a good day, think through a knotty problem, or write the first draft of our next chapter. Some people head for the hills and the parks, but sacredness can come anywhere: one friend confided that she wrote her best grad school papers in a pizza parlor. Sometimes your entire home, and sometimes a special room in your home, will be a sacred space.


Your Reasons To Be Thankful Abound
Author: Josh Hinds

Tracking our things to be thankful for - Everyone of us has many things to be thankful for. The problem is that we don't always see this to be true. Me included :-). Therefore; playing something as simple as the thankfulness game can do wonders to get us track. This is something that takes little more effort on your part then your time and commitment to actually carry it out.


Your Psychic Time
Author: John Holland

Here's a scenario you're probably all too familiar with: You get up, take a shower, eat breakfast, get dressed, and go off to work, all the while trying to feel positive and hoping for a great day. You hit heavy traffic (or the bus or train is crowded), you remember the kids forgot their lunches, and finally you look down to realize that you're currently wearing your cup of coffee. Your stress and anxiety levels have risen to critical levels before you even get to work. So if you don't stop, breathe, and check in with yourself, the rest of day will most likely be crazy, leaving you scrambling to catch up. And obviously, if your body and mind are stressed, it's that much harder to acknowledge and listen to your intuition. But one of my students doesn't settle for “living” like this.


Your Power
Author: Gloria Wendroff

HEAVEN 1163 Your Power


Your Portfolio and “Old Ironsides”
Author: Kemberly Wardlaw

The USS Constitution first ventured into the waters in 1798. From there she became an icon of durability and success.


Your Plan to Stop Smoking: Is It A Resolution That Makes Sense?
Author: Charles Tedesco Founder, Smoking Release Associates

Now that we're into February, many peoples' New Year's Resolutions to stop smoking are just a fading memory. If you are one of those who have postponed following through on your stop smoking resolution, I'd like to give you some realistic ways to get back on the right track towards a life that is free from tobacco. What I will show you here are some of the key things I've learned in over 20 years of research into smoking cessation methods and products.


Your Personal Image: It's Your Most Important YOU Asset
Author: Paul Barton

Your personal image: It’s the most important “YOU” asset that you own.


Your Life is What You Make It
Author: Jim Donovan

A recent article in a business magazine asked the question "If the economy is doing so well, why does everyone feel so bad?"


Your life is a do-it -yourself project!
Author: Caroline Jalango

The responsibility of working hard, planning and living a successful and fulfilled life falls largely on you. This simply means that from this point forward, the burden of shaping your adult life is on your shoulders. The sooner you realize this, the better!


Author: Dan Baldyga

There’s nothing that has a greater impact on evaluating a personal injury insurance claim than the damage done to your body, the medical bills that are a direct result of that injury and the “pain and suffering” you were forced to deal with.


Your Happiness Is Critical To This World
Author: Jennifer Hautman

I have a theory. No, it’s more like a dream, a hope, a strong desire. It’s not a unique dream. Many have dreamt it. It’s the desire for the all those on this planet to be loving towards each other. For peace and tranquility among mankind. For a song, which if heard by distant planets, would sing out, “We Love.?


Your Greatest Resources
Author: Chris Widener

When people think about pursuing something, they usually first take a look at their resources to determine whether or not they can do it. That is a wise thing to do.


Your boss is hostile…what do you do?
Author: Caroline Jalango

Are you working at a job where the boss has no interpersonal skills; micro-manages you and treats you like a child?


You KNOW Your Life Mission is in your Heart
Author: Jill Wellington

If a magic fairy had visited me as a young girl and told me I would be a journalist when I grew up, I would have said, “No way!” That was the last vocation I could ever imagine for myself. The evening newscasts frightened me with their macabre scenes of violence and atrocities. I would flip off the television if a story came on about abuse or crime. I had an internal instinct of love and peace that didn’t settle with what I saw on the news.


You Don't Have to Know Everything
Author: Jan Noyes

Several years ago I was listening to a radio interview of a famous multiple award-winning actress. She’d been in the business a long time--in movies, on stage and in television. She was and still is admired and respected by her peers as well as the general public.


You Can't Sell Anything If You Can't Sell Yourself
Author: Marjorie Brody, CSP, CMC

What makes some sales professionals standouts and others merely competent? I'll give you a hint, it's not the products they are selling.


You Can't Direct the Wind But You Can Adjust the Sails
Author: Dan Hamilton

© 2004 - Dan Hamilton - All rights reserved


You Can Turn Back Time
Author: Wendy Beall

Scientific studies show that aging is as much a state of mind as any other aspect of health. That means you’re only as old as you think you should be.


You Are Your Authority
Author: Linda-Ann Stewart

Years ago, I discovered that the critical people in my life, who loved to pick at me and tear me down, were just echoing the condemning voices in my head. I'd spent so much time distracted, defending myself against those outer critics, that I hadn't addressed the real issue, how I felt about myself. I'd given the past, and the people in it, authority over me.


You are the child, you are the parent
Author: Nisandeh Neta

I always believed myself to be this open, enlightened father in relation to my daughter, Thom. I was genuinely convinced that during the first 4-year period of her life, I had not made any significant errors that had adversely affected her growth and development. She's a happy, bright and lovable kid and our relationship is wonderful.


You Are In Control!
Author: Robert Taylor

You may well question the statement made in the title of this article. There are many who feel they have little or no control over their lives. That things happen to them which are totally beyond their control.


Yoga Therapy
Author: Christophe Mouze and Ciara Cullen

In this article we will look briefly at yoga as therapy, specifically how this can happen in the West. A lot of people in the West seek out yoga because they hope it might prove to be a means of healing an ailment or an injury. These ailments can range from stiff or painful backs to more serious conditions like asthma or depression. Indeed, the world in which we live, the day to day postures we assume, the stress which many are under, and barely able to cope with, has created a large segment of the population in the West who are in need of yoga therapy.


Yoga For Inner-Self Knowledge and Harmony
Author: Michael Nudel and Eva Nudel, Ph.D.

There is no any other discipline more helpful in achieving knowledge of inner- self, and harmony with the world than Yoga. Bio-energy knowledge of methods of mind and body healing cannot be completed without studying Yoga.


Would Socrates Be A Celebrity Today?
Author: Maya Talisman Frost

Last week, as I was standing in the checkout line of my local grocery store, I found myself staring at the dozen or so magazines on display. As I gazed upon the various photos and headlines praising or trashing the celebrity du jour, I got to thinking.


"Working With Resistance" Some Thoughts On Healing
Author: Richard Ross

This past week, I had the opportunity to work with several new clients who were each feeling intense emotion suffering. The personal situation, and nature of their feelings were quite different for each of them, however there was one common experience that all shared.


Working on Your Groove
Author: Rondell Demmings

We all come to a point in our lives, like in the movie “How Stella Got Her Groove Back” that we lose sight of who we are. Life has a person in so many different roles such as parent; employee and spouse we tend to loose “us” in being there for others. Although Stella got her groove back by meeting a man that was 20 years younger than her, how do we know that Stella’s groove is going to stay? Stella still had some matters in her life that she needed to clear up before taking a vacation to Jamaica. Taking a vacation is a temporary fix. When you come back all the problems are still there waiting on you.


Working from Home ... For Yourself or Someone Else?
Author: Elena Fawkner

Although many people badly want to work from home, not everyone wants to have to launch and run a fully-fledged business of their own in order to do so. For such people the desire to work from home is more about maximizing time to be with family, physical location, comfort and convenience than it is about entrepreneurship.


Working from Home ... For Yourself or Someone Else?
Author: Elena Fawkner

Although many people badly want to work from home, not everyone wants to have to launch and run a fully-fledged business of their own in order to do so. For such people the desire to work from home is more about maximizing time to be with family, physical location, comfort and convenience than it is about entrepreneurship.


Author: Gail Pursell Elliott "The Dignity and Respect Lady"

"Sing to me of the wonder


Communication: WomanSpeak: Women Need Communication Tips Men Already Know!
Author: Bettye Pierce Zoller, Hugh Lampman

Women learn to speak from imitating other women in nearly every culture in the world. Thus, certain lacks and gaps in speech communication haunt women from one generation to the next. Additionally, studies show that male students are often somewhat favored over female students at every academic level in schools. Men often have more experiences speaking before groups. They learn methods of communicating by imitating other men from childhood onward. This often makes males better at skills such as negotiating, the job interview, public speaking, leading meetings, introducing speakers, moderating panels, and more.


Within the Light
Author: Dr. Paul Clark Spiritual Healer and Metaphysician

From the dawn of humankind, Within each mind, This Light did shine, Some did align.


Wiould you like to change your it today!!
Author: Violet King

You are unique, you are special, we all are, and I feel sure that we would all like to have the best of everything life has to offer because that makes us feel good, and feeling that way is comfortable and makes us feel safe. Do you know that you have it within your power today to make changes that will bring about the kind of difference you would like to have in your life. It is all up to you. It is not down to circumstances or environment, but it is down to something that only you can control. It is down to your attitude of mind.


WHY? Why do I need self-help?
Author: STAR LEE

WHY? Why do we need help? Why use self-help?


Why You Should Use Multiple Bank Accounts
Author: Andrew Peacock

Many people who successfully manage their finances use multiple bank accounts to do so. Here are some of the benefits and advantages of doing so.


Why You Have a Case
Author: Alan C Walter

What is meant by 'making it all the way out' is:


Why won't they call me back? teleseminar
Author: Todd Natenberg

"If a salesperson expresses a view to a prospect, it's a pitch. If a prospect expresses it--out loud -- it's true."



If it is our aim to succeed in life then many qualities will be demanded of us. We must have not only courage and ability, but also intelligence and integrity to name just a few. To aspire to success you will also need to understand, either consciously or instinctively, the necessity of having a worthy goal and believing in its eventual realisation. And above all, to reach that goal you will need to have in your armoury one of the most valuable weapons you can possess, the power of determination. There are thousands of people around who have great talent and ability and yet because they lack the determination to strike out sadly achieve little. There are many well-educated and knowledgeable people, who, because of their lack of vision, will forever occupy lowly positions. They are, sadly, the losers in life who see the major successes going to those who are often less well equipped than they are. The determination to succeed is the factor that distinguishes people who are great achievers from those who are co


Why We Laugh!
Author: The FreeCoolJokes Group

Why We Laugh by FreeCoolJokes Group (C)2004


Why the Elephants Don't Run
Author: Jim Donovan

A number of years ago, I had the rather unique experience of being backstage in Madison Square Garden, in New York, during the Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey Circus. To say the least, it was a fascinating experience. I was able to walk around looking at the lions, tigers, giraffes and all the other circus animals. As I was passing the elephants, I suddenly stopped, confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg. No chains, no cages. It was obvious that the ele-phants could, at any time, break away from their bonds but for some reason, they did not. I saw a trainer near by and asked why these beautiful, magnificent animals just stood there and made no at-tempt to get away. "Well," he said, "when they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and, at that age, it's enough to hold them. As they grow up, they are conditioned to believe they cannot break away. They think the rope can still hold them, so they never try to br


Why not "Why?"
Author: Pauline Wallin, Ph.D.

When things don't turn out as expected or desired we often ask, "Why?" But most of the time the answer won't help. I'll explain in a minute.


Why is Coach Bobby Knight Explosive?
Author: John Boe

Bobby Knight is presently the head basketball coach at Texas Tech. Prior to being hired by them Bobby Knight spent twenty-nine years coaching basketball at Indiana University. In those twenty-nine years he coached many successful basketball teams and in fact, brought three NCAA basketball championships back to Indiana. He was recognized as a strict disciplinarian and used a “hands on” coaching style. Coach Knight was feared and respected not only by the opposing team, but by his own players as well. His winning tradition at Indiana University made him an icon for college basketball. Here is a man who was at the top of his game and appeared to have it all. So what happened? Why did Indiana fire him as their head basketball coach? Essentially Bobby Knight lost his job when he lost his temper. It has been said that people are a lot like steel, once they loose their temper they are rendered useless. Unfortunately when most people think of Bobby Knight, they picture an irate coach throwing a chair across the baske


Why Change Is So Difficult 2
Author: Rob Jager



Author: Alan Cohen

While walking through Costco, I noticed the large bin of photographs that had been processed and were waiting for customers to pick up. There were probably a couple of hundred packets listed alphabetically according to customers’ names. I was struck by the fact that all of these personal bags of photos were just sitting out in the open, to be purchased on the honor system. Anyone could have stolen any of them, or taken someone else’s package and paid for it as their own.


Who's In Charge Here?
Author: Steve Pilkington

My favorite author, Robert Fulghum, once wrote an essay


Author: Pauline Wallin, Ph.D.



Who Really Cares? 4 Groups who Absolutely Must!
Author: John Pellowe

Who really cares about your business? Sometimes it might feel like you are the only person in the world who really cares about it. But that's not true and your business couldn't survive if nobody cared. In fact, people care so much about your business that it is actually they, and not you, who ensure continued prosperity. These people are called stakeholders because they hold a personal interest in the well-being of your company.


Who Needs a Rear-view Mirror? Successful Living by Mastering Our Past
Author: Michael G. Rayel

When driving, we need to check our rear-view mirror every few minutes to perceive dangers lurking behind — tailgaters, hecklers, over speeding cars, and drivers under the influence. Aside from anticipating threats, it helps us contemplate our next move, giving us enough time to be cautious before overtaking or stopping or . . . slowing down.


Who me? Change? No way!
Author: Gene Simmons

At this point in my education at the University of Earth, I’m pretty well convinced that our ability to experience and enjoy life hinges on the type of mental programming that we’ve each managed to accomplish over the past several years. The kinds of information that we’ve crammed into our subconscious and now perceive as “facts”. The information that leads us to think and believe – and act - as we do today.


Author: Valerie Brown-Beckford

Who Is Jesus - This is for All the Victims of the Recent Tradegy.


Who Else Wants To Burn Fat?
Author: Ron Rougeaux

When you eat food, the food is broken down and supplies energy to different parts of the body. It's the rate that this happens that's called metabolism.


Where to Begin?
Author: Damien Senn

January is the king of months for those looking to make new beginnings. After the reflections and indulgences of December, the excitement of a new year unfolding brings contemplation of better days ahead. Unfortunately for many, contemplation is where the party ends. As the clock ticks over into February, hopes of transformation begin to fade, the habits of old return, together with the routines of years past. Not because of a lack of enthusiasm or good intentions mind you, but rather a lack of knowing where to start.


Where is the Law of Attraction when a Tsunami hits?
Author: Rebecca Hanson

Where is the Law of Attraction when a Tsunami hits?


Where Do I Belong?
Author: Elizabeth Tull

Where is it I Really Belong?


Where Can I Buy Endurance?
Author: Marsha Schauer

When I joined the network marketing business, I didn't realize that I had signed up to run a marathon, did you?! And now I'm realizing that this marathon will probably take a few years to finish! Huh? Say what?


When the Chips Are Down, That's When You Know
Author: Carol James

I have long thought that when the chips are down and things are not going my way is the perfect time to see who I really am. Recently, I had an incredible opportunity to find that out and to take a huge leap in evolution at the same time.


What's in it for the prospect? Everything - if you tell them
Author: Todd Natenberg

"People buy on emotion. It's your job as the salesperson to trigger those emotions to create interest. Interest=opportunity."


What's Hard to Find, But Always With You
Author: Richard A. Blumenthal, MS, NCC

To create a wonderful life, you first need to make a choice: will you use your thinking to help yourself to the happy, fulfilling life you wish for, or will you allow the often haphazard, random ideas we gather over time to non-consciously run your life for you? What you think leads directly to feelings and actions. Think in one direction, you will feel and act accordingly. Think differently, your feelings and actions will be different. Those thoughts are powerful, aren't they? The only trouble is, ideas can become so ingrained that we don't even need to be aware for them to exert instant control over us.


What You Don't Believe Can Save Your Life
Author: Tori Yarbrough

Why is it so hard to believe that we are good and capable and trustworthy?


What Will You Accomplish When 52 Self-Help/Wealth Gurus Mentor You For 6 Months For Free?
Author: Rick Miller

I recently interviewed my friend Tellman Knudson, an expert in helping people make rapid changes to overcome problems and achieve high levels of success using the latest human optimization technologies ... He's a Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) expert and Certified Hypnotherapist who runs 5 clinics throughout the New England area.


3 Reasons Why You Should Nap in a Hammock (Not on a Couch!)
Author: Pankaj andy

Have you ever marveled how life would be when the mornings do not turn to nights, your stars remain at a fixed position and the mountains and valleys run without twists and turns? It is droning to be part of such a world and drooping to lead this kind of life. So when we admire flexibility and relish the curves and curvatures in life, how can we fritter away the most delightful moments i.e. the time we relax and fantasize by squatting or lying on a stiff and a so called stubborn sofa or a couch? Let us delve into three good reasons to nap in a hammock and not on a couch…


What to do When Nothing Works
Author: Jim M. Allen

Every now and again, as we work to make our dreams come true, we will find ourselves tired, stuck, and trapped. We'll feel as if we've painted ourselves into a corner and not know how to get out and get moving.


Author: Life On Purpose Certified Coach, W. Bradford Swift

Recently during an interview for The Inside Success Show, (, the host, Randy Gilbert, asked me, "What is it that stops people from knowing and living their purpose?"


What Self-Forgiveness Is
Author: Thom Rutledge

A common fear – and criticism of self-help psychology – is that self-forgiveness is a snazzy, politically correct, socially acceptable way of letting ourselves off the hook by avoiding accountability and personal responsibility. This is absolutely not true. In fact, the more powerful and accurate definition of forgiveness is quite the opposite; self-forgiveness is the natural starting place for anyone who wants to lead an ethical life as free from hypocrisy as is humanly possible.


What Is Your Base?
Author: Jan Tincher

Do you have a base? A place within you that says, "Yes, I will do this." Or "No, I won't do this." Your base is called many things. Your morals, your way of standing true to yourself, your conscience, your belief system, etc. For today, we'll just call it your base. It's the place where you know deep in your heart what's right.


What is Reiki?
Author: Pamir Kiciman

The question is an intellectual one. Our conditioning always looks for quantifiable evidence. Yet given the nature of Reiki and the priorities as well as capabilities of today's science this evidence is scarce. Another type of evidence, however, is emerging and establishing itself. This is the testimony of the human experience, echoed down the ages, which is boldly changing our thinking and being. Fundamental ideas about health and well-being are being transformed as a direct result of the reigning mechanistic model of reality. This model, of which allopathic medicine is one segment, views health as the absence of disease in body and mind; a static state that limits the definition of health. Health is a dynamic state involving our whole being. By missing the forest for the trees, our healthcare system has exacerbated our psychophysical challenges, which are formidable in this increasingly complex and toxic world.


What Is My Purpose?
Author: Helaine Iris

What Is My Purpose?


What is Life Balance?
Author: Michelle L. Casto, M.Ed.

Balance could be defined as having a strong personal foundation, an appropriate level of stimulation in each life area, and knowing your limits. Each person will have an individual definition of balance; based on their life unique situation. However being balanced does imply making conscious choices and having more control over your life. Alan Loy McGinnis, in his book, The Balanced Life, “I have discovered that highly effective people are not so much brilliant as they are balanced.” In other words, balanced people are not workaholics. Stephen Covey also discusses this concept in his book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, “Equal energy is devoted to both work and family.” Balanced people do not buy into the myth of “having it all.” In fact, they realize that to find their unique balance, some things will have to be sacrificed at one time or another. Balanced people do not let areas of their life negatively impact the other parts of their life. Obviously you cannot honor family and career if one or the


Author: Aroon Ajmera

We are in a constantly changing environment affected by invisible energy forces prevalent in the places, in which we live or work. These forces affect our physical, emotional and spiritual health. Feng Shui enables us to create environments suitable for intended activity by identifying the inherent imbalances and adjusting them with various tools of wisdom from the reservoir of this holistic oriental science for the benefit and transformation of individuals and society in general to enhance the quality of our lives.


What Is Driving The Corporate Beasts?
Author: Bas de Baar

Bas de Baar


Author: Dr. Charles Albano

I use the term not just in the sense of a trademark, but more importantly to draw attention to a way of leading. I selected a chameleon for my logo because most people readily recognize it as a symbol of adaptation. Adaptation is a dynamic process of mutual influence. All creatures act on their environments, and their environments, in turn, act on them. We are all engaged in co-creation in our offices and in our families by virtue of the influences we exert on each other.


What If You Had Concentration Power?
Author: Steve Gillman

Steve Gillman


Author: Boni Lonnsburry

I used to believe in black and white. Right and wrong. True and false. Then I opened to my spirituality, and discovered metaphysics (the world beyond the physical). And I realized appearances are deceiving. All that I thought was true and solid in my world suddenly wasn’t.


What I Learned from "Monsters, Inc."
Author: Irette Patterson

Despite the ribbing of my friends, I went to see the new Disney film, "Monsters, Inc.," this weekend. It's the movie about the monsters who scare children at night. Surprisingly, the monsters are just as afraid of the children as the children are afraid of them. Havoc ensues when a "poisonous" child, Boo, wanders into the monster world through an open closet.


What Do You Want to Get a Bite of?
Author: Rondell Demmings

On nice mornings after I give “The Boys” (my cats Gypsy and Bogey) their breakfast, I let them outside to lie in the sun and enjoy the outside for a couple of hours. Somewhere around the end of May beginning of June, I saw that my neighbor across the street had a Pit-bull puppy. Around the same time I am letting “The Boys” out, I would see my neighbor with two bowls and a blanket. He would place these items under the big tree in his front yard and then go back in the house and come out with the puppy. The puppy would have a leash that is a couple of feet long and at the end of the leash there is a 5 pound weight or dumbbell, I am not sure of the correct name for it. Anyway he would put the puppy under the tree to eat and to play under the shade of the tree. The weight was used to keep the puppy from being able to runaway.


What Do You Really, Really, Really Want?
Author: Damien Senn

If the 90s British pop sensation 'the Spice Girls' ever get remembered for anything, I hope it's for bringing the question 'now tell me what you want, what you really, really want?' to the mass consciousness


What can the Internet REALLY do for me? - 12 KEY BENEFITS
Author: Peter Simmons

In my conversations with business people i've noticed a surprising lack of understanding about the Internet and its potential for their business. Most know it is important for business in general but dont really know why. Few really understand what it can specifically do for their organisation, "What can the Internet really do for me?" This article aims to answer this fundamental question by identifying some key benefits to help you start reaping the benefits of the internet for your business today.


What can the Internet REALLY do for me? - 12 KEY BENEFITS
Author: Peter Simmons

In my conversations with business people i've noticed a surprising lack of understanding about the Internet and its potential for their business. Most know it is important for business in general but dont really know why. Few really understand what it can specifically do for their organisation, "What can the Internet really do for me?" This article aims to answer this fundamental question by identifying some key benefits to help you start reaping the benefits of the internet for your business today.


What Are You Waiting For?
Author: Della Menechella

It’s the new millenium. Are you ready to finally realize your dream? I’m talking about the desire that you carry deep down inside of you that you attribute to some adolescent fancy. It’s the dream that isn’t practical and can’t possible be fulfilled. Well, it is possible to fulfill it and the time to do so is now.


What are Soft Addictions?
Author: Judith Wright (founder - The Wright Institute for Lifelong Learning)



Weight Loss: A Side Effect of Adaptive Wellness
Author: Dr. Dorothy McCoy

Changing any behavior has its challenges. Changing the way you have eaten for a number of years may take a little more time than some other habits. Perhaps, you like the way you eat, you simply do not like the consequences. Left to my own choices, with no nasty consequences, I would eat chocolate cake at least twice a day until I couldn’t stand to look another morsel in the face. However, it does not work that way, there are health related consequences. Good food is one of the great joys of life and you have the right to enjoy it. Healthy food can also taste wonderful. No matter what you have heard-- they are not mutually exclusive terms.


Weight Loss Without Dieting
Author: Bob Belive

I hadn’t really thought too much about my 100-pound weight loss over three years ago because it seemed so simple, or natural to me. This really started by watching a show on Larry King Live. The content was on alcoholism. As a result of that show, I began to curtail my cocktailing from a daily routine to 1 day a week, and then none at all. Within a month my pants felt much looser. I liked the feeling. I then asked my wife Ellie if I were to cut back on my food a bit did she think I could lose weight. The look in her eyes was my answer.


We Learn Best from the Worst
Author: Wendyl K. Leslie

It is one of the paradoxes in life that we learn best from the worst. In "The Prophet," Kahlil Gibran put it this way: "I have learned silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet strange-I am ungrateful to those teachers."


Ways to Make Life Fun
Author: Keith Varnum

10 Tips to Make Life More Fun


Watch What You Say
Author: Jim Donovan

"Now don't you go getting any ideas, Harold".


Watch How You Speak
Author: Bill Ferguson

When you were born, you were a full expression of love, but you knew nothing about the physical universe. You then began the exciting adventure of discovering life.


War, Peace and Potatoes
Author: Odete M. Bigote

"Nothing can bring you peace but yourself." Ralph Waldo Emerson


Wanted… Experienced Women who can Make a Difference
Author: Jo Ball

Wanted… Experienced Women who can Make a Difference


Want More
Author: Sue Dickinson

Isn't life fantastic? Even if there are problems at the moment, think of all of the wonderful gifts that surround us. We have the ability to visit museums and beautiful parks for little, if any, charge. We can attend movies and live shows for just the price of a ticket. We have the option to eat out at an unlimited number of restaurants, and choose from an almost obscene array of groceries at the corner store. And on top of all that, we have special people in our life that we can share our love and care with.


Want a successful life? Follow your intuition.
Author: Lynn A. Robinson

Think of someone you know who leads a successful life. They exude an aura of calm and inner peace, yet you can almost see their “spirit.” They crackle with infectious energy. They may have millions or they may not, but their success is obvious in their “presence.” They enjoy life and they love to share that joy with others. Does that sound like you? It could be, because you have within you a mechanism that can guide you unerringly to a positive and vibrant life. That mechanism is intuition -- the compass of the soul. It’s available to you 24/7, fifty-two weeks a year, ready to point you in the direction of energy, passion, and joy. And best of all, you don’t have to be a “gifted” intuitive to take advantage of all that it offers. You can get started on a successful life – or a more successful life – right now by following these simple suggestions:


Author: Jim Clemmer

Leaders don’t seek to change others, but to change themselves. They become models of change for others.


WAKE UP and Create Something
Author: Bob Doyle

It's time for the "mainstream" to WAKE UP. The alarm clock is ringing, they keep hitting snooze, and in the meantime, the life they could be living is passing them by.


Vitamins for the Soul
Author: Colleen Langenfeld

We are all into wellness these days. Personal fitness is


V.A.L.U.E.-based Wealth Creation Principles
Author: Paul Stuart

Don't Invest one cent of your hard-earned money until you check this guide...


Using the Internet to Find Health Information
Author: Marie Anakee Miczak

The Internet has opened many doors for people with a multitude of information swirling around, waiting to be accessed & downloaded. While a sizable amount may be deemed junk by those unfamiliar with the net, anyone must agree that there is a ton of good as well out there. A key area of good net content is that of health and healing related information. At one time, health topics were usually in the new age or natural health genre, even boarding on the side of quackery & obscurity but nowadays every company, branch of medicine and trusted physician worth his/her salt has a website. These websites aren’t simply billboard ads anymore either. The net surfing public is no longer satisfied with such sites, they want real information & the health field has followed suite.


Using Autosuggestion
Author: Josh Hinds

Using Autosuggestion - Did you know that our subconscious minds work hard towards making the things it hears a reality? With that said the question should be asked "what kind of inner dialog is our mind hearing the most of? Is it negative or positive? What kind of language do you use with regards to your goals.


Unveiling of Fear
Author: Orin Black

Numerous labels have been placed on fear in an attempt to cover the wide spectrum of avenues down which we come face to face with this, often times misunderstood, force in our lives. In our world of dualistic views and beliefs, courage would definitely be pinned as Fear's opposite or neutralizer. But this type of comparison minimizes the true nature of Fear and undermines the real purpose Fear has in our lives. Fear is not to be conquered or hidden; it is to be acknowledged and then unveiled.


Author: Dr. Asoka K. Selvarajah

We often hear of small actions that can make a dramatic impact on our lives. Here are ten such things which, if done with determination, will produce a revolution for you physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and financially!


Unleash the Potential of Booklets to Market Your Business
Author: Paulette Ensign

Does writing a booklet make you an 'authorlette' ? It sure does. That is one of several key reasons to write an informational tips booklet - author status as an expert on your topic. It takes much less time, money, and stress to write a booklet than writing a full-length book, and can bring as many or more benefits. Writing a booklet is less overwhelming than writing a book. If you have already written a book, you might want to divide that book into booklets and make more money from the parts than you will for the whole. Or, you may want to write a book by writing a series of booklets.


Understanding Life Themes
Author: Midge Hobbs

Same old story¡¦.Same s#*t, different day¡¦.Why does this always happen to me? Sound familiar? Do you ever have recurring dreams or nightmares maybe? Recurring experiences? Keep meeting the same kind of people?


Understanding & Moving Through Denial
Author: Charles N. Roper, PhD

Just about anytime we approach the subject of alcoholics’ and addicts’ denial regarding their substance abuse, they become defensive. There are many reasons for that. One of those is because they mistakenly associate the word denial with the word lying. This is unfortunate, because denial and lying are two very different things.


Two Ways to Feel Fear
Author: Paul McNeese

Franklin Roosevelt once said, in a speech on the radio, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."


Twelve Christmas Gifts for Singles
Author: Philippa Courtney

During the past few years that I have been writing my weekly AskPhilippa column, my life lessons have come back to me through letters from my readers. I want to share these lessons with you as gifts for the New Year. This coming year is full of promise and unlimited possibilities. Let’s experience it together.


Turn Problems Into Projects
Author: Jan Tincher

Do you have a problem? Here is a simple way to turn it


Author: Guru Aditiananda. Spiritual Grand Master.

What we call self-growth/development or personal growth/improvement is in fact Spirituality. It is much above religion and politics and forms the third dimension to our over-all personality - after body and mind. True Spirituality is to set the subdued and subjugated spirit within us - FREE - face reality, and rise towards the realms of GOD, seeking Liberation from the cycles of birth and death. It is our personal preference to nurse our spirit and nurture our own personal growth/self-development, get Enlightened/Empowered ; and in the process find true love, true power, real happiness, ecstatic delight, divine bliss and evolve further as a perfected human being, so as to attain Liberation. The whole process starts with self-acknowledgement.


Author: Dan Baldyga

Motor vehicle accidents, personal injuries and insurance claims are here to stay. No matter how far into the 21st Century American’s elect to drive (unless by the beginning of the 22nd Century we’re all zipping around in our own personal space ship) motor vehicle accidents will continue to pile up; with no end in sight!


Transformation - it is all about questions
Author: Nisandeh Neta

Have you ever noticed that the older you get, the fewer friends you have, the fewer new things you experience, and the fewer risks you take? The result? Less ecstasy! In actuality, it doesn't make sense. Instead of expanding as you grow, you shrink. When you can relate to this scenario, it is high time for personal transformation. Unless, of course you like the way it is!


Transcending: Turning Pain into Poetry
Author: Kay Marie Porterfield, M.A.

Writing poetry based in personal experience gives us a chance to focus on small, manageable pieces of past events and transform them into art. When we turn our painful memories into poetry, we remember our experiences, validate them and examine them from a new perspective. As we write, we clarify our relationship to what we are writing about. We find its meaning.


Traditional vs. New Age Self Defense
Author: Joe P. Lau

The alternative self defense product, stun gun, requires a bit of introduction. A lot of people when they first hear the term “stun gun”, they actually think of the little gadget featured in many science fiction movies. In fact, self defense technology has come a long way.


Touching Silence--A Meditation
Author: Christian Fisher

Allow me to lead you through a meditation that will allow you to directly explore the silence within you. Whether you are beginning to listen into yourself consciously for the first time or you have been doing this stuff for years, you can know this silence directly and profoundly through a simple practice that I call, Touching Silence.


Torah for Gentiles
Author: Elisheva Barre

The Jews have returned to their land to conquer it and settle it. The step that follows is to rebuild the Temple and restore the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem and with it, usher in the millenium of peace called the days of the reign of the Messiah. This is Gd’s plan in History as announced to us by our true prophets. No nation and no man can prevent it.


Top Three Secrets To Becoming A Better Thinker
Author: Maya Talisman Frost

We all know there are ways to become a better thinker. We should read more books. We ought to go to lectures and concerts. We need to visit exhibits and appreciate art. We can take classes and expand our horizons through travel.


Top Ten Ways to Raise Emotionally Intelligent Kids
Author: Mark Brandenburg MA, CPCC

Having a high level of emotional intelligence in your children is the best way to ensure that they live a happy, successful, and responsible life as an adult. Here are ten ways to help your kids attain a high degree of emotional intelligence:


Top Seven Character Traits of Successful People
Author: Chris Widener

They are hard working. There is no such thing as easy money. Success takes hard work and people who are willing to do it.


Top 10 Reasons to Identify Your Values
Author: Louise Morganti Kaelin

Living your life "in integrity" means that your words match your actions which match your beliefs. When you are living your life in harmony with your values, you naturally have more energy. Clarifying what really matters to you, knowing what you stand for, will set you free to live life to its fullest potential.


Top 10 Questions to Ask Yourself to Find Out How Satisfied You Are With Your Job
Author: Helen Y. Chen

How happy you are depends on how good you feel about yourself. When your unique strengths and abilities are developed and expressed through your life's work, you radiate with confidence. You even look more attractive!


TOP 10 QUESTIONS TO ASK YOURSELF AND WHY SELF KNOWLEDGE is the KEY to having the life you want.
Author: Dr. Dorene Lehavi

Start by asking yourself some specific questions. Keep a record of your answers in a notebook or journal.


Too late for a new report card
Author: Ridgely Goldsborough

The old man sat in the dark swaying back and forth in his chair in the living room, an all too familiar place of late.


Today is a New Day!
Author: Mary Beth Lang

"Today is a new day." Have you ever stopped to think about what that means to you? Each new day provides each of us with so many opportunities to live a fuller and healthier life. In what ways are you holding yourself back?


Author: Hifzur Rehman

Believe me, today is the most wonderful day of your life! You live in today; drink, dine, walk, talk, work and play today. Living today is not enough, make it a wonderful day for you.


To gain freedom, you need a safety net
Author: Cathy Goodwin, Ph.D.

When I talk to people about moving to career freedom and becoming a free spirit, I sometimes get the question: "Does this mean I should give up my job and move to Montana?" Or people ask: "Should I quit my job to start a business?"


To Discover Your Life Purpose, Look Within
Author: Michelle L. Casto, M.Ed. Whole Life Coach, Speaker, and Author

John Locke was observant when he said, “The thoughts that come often unsought, as it were, drop into the mind, are commonly the most valuable we have.” Why? Because those thoughts are the ones with the best information—the information that is meant just for us. We will be happier in our life if we can develop the skill of looking within.


Author: Julie Plenty

When you hear the words "abundance" and "prosperity", what immediately comes to mind?Is it money, fulfilling relationships, a lovely house to live in, peace of mind, a career/vocation that you enjoy which truly expresses your gifts?


`Tis the Season to Give -- 7 Different Ways!!
Author: Danish Ahmed

The first thing we may think of when we think of giving, is money (or gifts and presents which cost money). However, some of us may feel financially constrained . . . The second thing we may think of when we think of giving, is our time. With fast-paced lifestyles and busy schedules, perhaps that's a tall order, too. But wait! There are so many different ways to give. Don't think we need only time and money to make a difference. Here are five additional ways in which we can all give this holiday season:


Tips for the Reluctant Marketer
Author: Dee Cohen, LCSW

Do you cringe at the thought of trying to promote your business ? Does it feel like "selling yourself" or egotism? Many individuals are not comfortable with marketing dimension of running a business.


Tips for the Reluctant Marketer
Author: Dee Cohen, LCSW

Do you cringe at the thought of trying to promote your business ? Does it feel like "selling yourself" or egotism? Many individuals are not comfortable with marketing dimension of running a business.


Tips for dating online
Author: Ron Louis & David Copeland

Let's go over some of the basics of getting women on-line. First, sending out 23 emails and getting no response shouldn't be a big deal to you. On-line, no response is the norm, so you have to be able to move quickly through large numbers of women. The secret is quickly, quickly, quickly--using the same email, or one that requires very minimal changes, for each woman.


Tips for Choosing a Web Developer
Author: Diane Spence

You've put it off long enough! It's time for action! You are finally going to put your business on the Internet! Congratulations, you now have joined the ranks of thousands who have absolutely no idea what to do next! Who do you call? What will it cost? How do you find a company to develop your site for you? Who do you trust? Where do you start?


Time to Upgrade Your Friends?
Author: Myrtis Smith

There is a saying that goes something like this: The person you are today is a direct by-product of the books you read and the people you hang out with. If you are not where you want to be in life, it might be time to upgrade your friends. Take this simple quiz to see"


"Time Surfing"
Author: Jeffery B. Reese

Live in the moment. Stay in the present. How many times have we all heard that advice? But the truth is, most human beings are either having thoughts about something that just happened or something that is about to happen in their life. Those thoughts might be from a few seconds to a few minutes, hours, days, or even longer in either direction - past or future. Very few people are capable of actually living and thinking in the constant and consistent movement of "time". I call that very rare state of being, "Time Surfing".


Author: Hifzur Rehman

Time is wealth;


Three Steps Critical to New Year's Resolutions That Work
Author: Jerry Lopper

This is the time of year when many of us will make New Year’s resolutions-some out of habit, others out of the sincere hope to improve some aspect of life. Research and experience tell us that most resolutions fail. Why is that? There are many reasons-some quite obvious, such as not really wanting to make the change-but one reason that accounts for many resolution failures isn’t reported in the general literature. When you try to make a change to a life situation while violating the spiritual law of attraction you’re bound to fail. You won’t find the law of attraction in any scientific text (yet), but it is critical to any change you wish to make in life.


Three guiding principles of courage (and it’s development)
Author: Tracy Brinkmann

I have come under the personal belief that everyone is a leader to someone. Whether that someone be an employee (or thousands of employees), your spouse, a child or at the simplest level, oneself – you are a leader. As a leader you have the responsibility to develop a level of courage first within your self, then to instill that level of courage in those that look to you for your leadership. It is key to note here that you must first achieve a level of courage within yourself before you even attempt to instill it in those around you. Why? Well the answer is simple… how on earth can you pass on that which you do not have? You will never be able to encourage others beyond the very level of courage that you carry and demonstrate on a regular basis. Your level of courage is the only limiting bar. Raise that bar and you raise your ability to encourage others.


Three great news letters you can receive
Author: Altered States

Three great news letters you can receive


Thoughts Run Our Lives
Author: Dorothy O'Donnell-Uhlman, D. D.

The major function of our subconscious mind is to take orders! What kind of thoughts are we sifting through our subconscious on a daily basis? When we worry about having enough money, love, work, we're we're not giving orders...we're focusing on "lack" which will surely produce more of the same. Learn to drill "I am becoming a millionnaire" a few hundred times a day...find a "trigger time" and place. One of mine is in the shower; another during a walk. "My life is filled with love"..a few hundred times a day....although other thoughts are insidious, we can be firm and steady with the thoughts which will produce what we desire, not the opposite. When I first experimented with self-talk it was just experiment. Shortly afterwards, we were gifted with a three week stay in Europe, then I started entering sweepstakes from a sweepstakes newsletter. In 1994 I


Author: Terry L. Sumerlin

Generally, when it comes to long distance travel, air is preferred to ground because it gets a person there and back quicker and with less wasted time. However, since my travel took me to Malvern, Arkansas and Lancaster, Texas for two weeks of speaking, I decided to drive. It provided the familiarity of my own car rather than someone’s rental, and gave me the leisure time to enjoy the landscape and the roadside stops. It was a nice 1100 mile trip.


Think Positive: Using Affirmations to Create Health, Wealth and Beauty
Author: Laura Turner

You’ve heard the buzzwords: Attitude is everything! Change your perspective! Have a positive outlook! But, can these words really change our future? And if so, how?


Increasing Awareness
Author: Mary Evans

The ability to shift consciousness has numerous benefits and can be taught. Our learning is integrated when we can shift our own consciousness. We achieve a level of self mastery ?recovery of our own attention. These are the tools taught on the avatar course. Some students integrate the tools quickly, some will take years to fully integrate, as a result of life lessons we must first experience.


Things to Do Before Your Granddaughter Comes to Visit
Author: Susan Dunn, MA Clinical Psychology, The EQ Coach

1. Get caught up on all details requiring thoughtful attention so you can devote your attention to her and to the moment.


Things I would like to be, just for a moment
Author: David A. Cronin

I would like to be the blanket a newborn baby is wrapped in, as she falls asleep next to her loving mother and father.


There's More To Life Than Gathering Nuts
Author: Suzanne Willis Zoglio, Ph.D.

Flopsy was a high-achieving squirrel. He left the family nest when it was time, survived a few run-ins with retrievers, and dodged more than one Hawk in his day. He also learned to gather his food supply first thing in the day…before any play…and build a good stash in case the oncoming winter were to turn severe.


There's A Goldmine In Those Pages
Author: Josh Hinds

A surefire way to succeed is to model what other successful people have done, and then take it a step further or adopt certain techniques and build on them when possible. There's an old saying that I think is right on. It say's "Success leaves clues".


There is More to Motivation Than Meets the Coffee
Author: Dali Singh

The stress of unemployment can really take a toll on ones confidence and state of mind. For some individuals, it could lead to depression, for others – a mere lack of motivation and feeling of hopelessness. Employment is one of the main structures that helps individuals in our society to feel positive, develop financial independence, as well as establish hope for the future.


There Are Times When We Aren't Open to Reason
Author: Susan Dunn, MA Clinical Psychology, The EQ Coach

The reptilian brain takes over sometimes; it's there to keep us alive, and it's instinctual messages are strong. The limbic brain can also "flood" us with emotions. Have you used the phrase, "talk til you're blue in the face"? These are some of the times when our neocortex (thinking brain) shuts down and we "can't be reasoned with." Unless we know some EQ, that is.


Theme Pages within Your Site is Great for Retaining Your Customers
Author: John W David

Remember: Mothers Day and Fathers Day are coming up. Prepare for them. Create a sense of excitement around your site. Make some extra cash.


The Worst Advice for New Entrepreneurs
Author: Cathy Goodwin, Ph.D.

When I started my business, the guidance was awful. I call one advisor "the coach from hell." There was lots of misguided psychobabble mixed with self-serving suggestions of expensive resource.





The Vacuum Law of Prosperity
Author: Randy Gage

The universe cannot put good into your hand, until you let go of what you are holding in it.


The Urge to Transformation
Author: Dan Millman

We are changing--we have got to change. We can no more help changing than leaves can help going yellow and coming loose in autumn.


The Unusual Power of Emotions
Author: Dr Jill Ammon-Wexler

(c) 2004 All Rights Reserved.


The Ultimate Success Secrets
Author: Song Chengxiang

What do you want in your life? Do you want a big house, a nice car, a healthy body, a peaceful mind, a million dollar note, a happy marriage? Whatever you want, you can have it. Whatever you want, you deserve it, provided you follow my simple 6 steps formula.


The Ultimate Secrets of Truly Effective Affirmation Techniques
Author: Song Chengxiang

Affirmation technique has been used by many successful people for centuries. It has helped many ordinary people achieved extraordinary results in their lives. It has turned many failures into successes. It has made many miracles in the history of human revolution. However, majority of the people who have used affirmation find it is not working. Why is this case? What are the elements that people have missed out when they use the affirmation techniques? I constantly ask myself these questions, and seek for the answers. The result is no one book gives the compete answers. Some tips given in this book work for this specific situation, and not for other situation. Another books give other tips work for other situation, but not for this. I have tested and filtered out the ineffective ones, and left only what I call the ultimate secrets for effective technique.


The Ultimate Formula for Success
Author: Dr. Stephen Kraus, Success Scientist

Why is true success so rare?


"The Truth About Weight Loss." The 6 Biggest Myth's About Dieting!
Author: Kurt Lee Hurley

"The Truth About Weight Loss." The 6 Biggest Myth's About Dieting!


The Truth About Pure Collagen
Author: Michael Triggs

Let's start with what happens to your body as you age. In your teen's and early 20's there is an abundance of growth hormone and this promotes the growth of muscles tendons and ligaments, and collagen is used as the building protein for this growth.


The Truth About Money
Author: Michael Brown

It has been said that "money makes the world go around." Is this really true? Lets examine this saying a little bit further.


The Truth About Lying
Author: John Boe

There are some people who can’t tell a lie, many who can’t tell the truth, and unfortunately, most people can’t tell the difference. Can you tell when someone is pulling the wool over your eyes? As children, we were raised to tell the truth and taught that honesty is always the best policy. We were told stories about George Washington and Honest Abe Lincoln to reinforce the virtue of truthfulness. However, as we grew older, we realized that the truth sometimes hurts and that few relationships could survive the harsh reality of brutal honesty. To keep from hurting others, we learned the usefulness of telling “white lies.” On the other hand, self-serving lies can be damaging and are frequently used for personal gain or to avoid punishment.


THE TRUTH ABOUT HUMAN GROWTH HORMONE The Real Story Behind Growth Hormone: Can It Safely Reverse Aging?
Author: Ruth James

Have you been hearing a lot about the Human Growth Hormone (hGH) lately? It’s been hard to avoid hearing about its ability to reverse the aging process and restore the aging body. Study after study has detailed the rejuvenating effects of hGH on almost every system of the body.


The Truth about Colossus: Are You Just A Magnetic Image?
Author: Jeanine Steele

The Truth about Colossus: Are You Just A Magnetic Image?


The Truth About Affiliate Programs
Author: Elena Fawkner

Affiliate programs are a brilliant idea. For the owner of the product, they're a way of recruiting a veritable army of salespeople to promote your product without having to pay them a dime unless and until they generate a sale. For the affiliate, they're a great way of earning extra cash from an existing, high-traffic website with virtually zero additional effort.


The Tribrain and Trauma Therapy
Author: Jef Gazley, M.S.

When someone experiences a trauma they go into immediate shock. This is very similar to hypnosis. Under hypnosis a person is more suggestible and tends to remember everything that occurred while in that state, even if it is on a subconscious level. Because of this a person, when abused, will remember vividly everything about what it was to feel like a victim and they will also remember everything about what it is like to be an abuser.


The Top 10 Tips for Maintaining Healthy Boundaries in Communcation
Author: Dr. Clare Albright, Psychologist and Professional Coach

1. Monitor the "communication culture" of your home and your work.


The Top 10 Things You Will Be Glad You Did Today!
Author: Larry W. Robinson

An investment in yourself is one of the greatest investments you can ever make. Invest time today to replenish yourself. Try one or several of the following:


The Top 10 Steps to Becoming Irresistibly Attractive
Author: Thomas J. Leonard

The term Irresistibly Attractive refers to the idea of great people, ideas, opportunities, things and more, come TO you vs you chasing them or being promotive, seductive or acquisitive in nature.


The Top 10 Benefits to Knowing & Living Your Purpose
Author: W. Bradford Swift ©2001, Life On Purpose Institute, Inc.

As the founder and director of an organization with a name like Life On Purpose Institute, I guess it's not surprising to hear me say that I feel that one of the most important matters that anyone can do for themselves and the world is to become clear what their true purpose in life is and to then live true to it. So, I'd like to point out some of the many benefits to knowing and living your life purpose.


The Toddler's Guide To Perseverance
Author: Maria E. Andreu, Life Coach

My two year old daughter asks me for ice cream about one hundred times a day. You think I'm exaggerating for effect, but I am really not. She starts when she first gets up in the morning, requesting it as her breakfast. (I say no). She asks mid-morning, several times. She asks for it as an appetizer to her lunch, asks for it when my mother is caring for her (I'm blissfully not privy to that, as I am in the world of grown-ups, coaching!), asks at snack, dinner, and about 70 other times during the day. Sometimes she employs tactics of terror, kicking and screaming until our very nerves tremble. Sometimes she flashes the sweetest smile.


The Three P's of Success!
Author: Terri Seymour

Starting and building an Internet business is not an easy task. There is the never-ending learning about promotion, marketing, website design and building, technical problems, HTML, cgi, java; the list goes on and on. There are a few things you should think about when you are planning your online business. These three things are some of the most basic yet most important aspects that could make your business a success!


The THREE powerful factors that could be stopping you, as a Holistic Practitioner, from earning what you are worth, and what to do about them.
Author: Amanda Goldston

The THREE powerful factors that could be stopping you, as a Holistic Practitioner, from earning what you are worth, and what to do about them.


The Ten Steps to Financial Success
Author: Craig Lock

The ordinary (and perhaps even lazy) person's sure and steady way to wealth and happiness.


The Sweet Stream of Life
Author: Vanessa Ebner

Never does nature say one thing and wisdom another.


Author: Charles Albano

Textbooks on strategic planning describe actions taken in the marketplace by competing companies to gain competitive advantage. Major types of strategies are catalogued and given various names by different authors. Often these strategies and tactics are so bold and innovative that they "change the rules of the game." Leaders are increasingly being advised to seek that objective in planning and executing their strategies. The pace of change today is dizzying with new technological breakthroughs occurring at shorter intervals and global competition putting the heat on. Mergers and acquisitions change the competitive landscape unexpectedly, and strategic alliances develop even among companies that were, or still are, competitors.


The Story of The Pea
Author: Phil Walmsley

The Pea


The Slam Club - Want To Change Your Life? Change Your Friends
Author: Michelle Beaudry

The Slam Club is informal, existing any time two or more Slammers convene and compulsively denounce other people, places or things. Malcontents pervade our society, routinely sabotaging the good feelings normal people exchange. I call these killers of good feelings Slammers and their social groups the Slam Club. Incredibly, Slammers believe that opinions, when collective, are facts. They garner these collective opinions by socializing, with other Slammers. Voila, Slam Club.


The Sky's The Limit
Author: Cynthia A. Kozak, LPC

Helen Keller said that life is either a daring adventure or it is nothing. For your life to have meaning, you must take risks. They allow you to grow and move forward with your life. Life without risk isn’t living at all—it’s just staying in the same place doing the same thing.


The SIX Common Myths in Personal Development
Author: Danish Ahmed

Mythology can be intriguing to study. The stories that are portrayed in myths may be fictional, but there is usually some truth that has allowed the story to be passed down from generation to generation. That's what "myths" are -- they are not completely true or completely false. Here we will discuss the true and false elements of common myths in personal development.


The Seven Steps to Winning Every Consumer Argument
Author: Michael Finney

1. Respect yourself


The Self Appreciation Enhancer
Author: Peter Murphy

Do you like receiving compliments? So do I! And when someone does pay you a compliment do you enjoy that wonderful glow that only comes with feeling appreciated and valued by another person?


The secret to happiness? It;'s your One Thing.
Author: Laura Lallone

What's the Secret to Life? It's your One Thing.


The Secret of Perfect Relationships
Author: Guy Finley

The less we learn to long for -- or depend upon --


The Secret Of Affirmations
Author: Linda-Ann Stewart

I knew the power of affirmations. For years I'd used them sporadically, and for the main part, silently. At this point, however, I needed to make some drastic changes. So I began saying affirmations out loud. I declared them in the shower, in the car, while dressing, on walks, after meditation. Within a couple of months, I had several "miracles" that helped me get my life back on track. I was looking to set up a private practice of hypnotherapy, but couldn't find a reasonably priced office. In the space of four days, I was offered two offices, and was given the furniture for both.


The Secret of Abundance
Author: Don Ginn

Would you like to know the secret to creating a more abundant life within a matter of days or weeks? If you apply the dynamic principle within this article, and keep applying it day after day, you can gradually gain complete control over enriching the quality of your life, at any given moment.


The Search For Meaning
Author: Asoka Selvarajah, Ph.D

The greatest challenge we face in our lives is the Search for Meaning. What is life really about? What are we really here to do?


The Rubber Band Man
Author: The Rubber Band Man

The Rubber Band Man


The Reason Nothing Happens ... is because nothing is happening!
Author: Edward B. Toupin

I hear many clients declare how boring and stagnant their lives have become. As they disclose their concerns, the answer usually bubbles near the surface, but never quite makes it to the top. However, after a few minutes, I usually ask, "What are you doing to re-energize your life?" The most common answer is, "I dunno what to do!" Ah, the answer to the problem in itself!


The Reason Change Is So Difficult.
Author: Rob. Jager

The Reason Change is so Difficult.


The Question is the Answer
Author: Adela M Rubio

Your world is surrounded by questions. Questions which beg answers. How often do you tune into the questions that permeate your being – the questions that tug at your heart and beckon your soul? History is full of men and women who have entered the hallowed halls of greatness because they have asked the questions that rumbled through their senses and found an answer in their everyday being. They have discovered what we all deeply know - that the Universe conspires with us!


The Psychological Profile of Al Qaida
Author: Stephen Morgan

The Psychological Profile of Terrorist Cults


The Problem With New Year’s Resolutions
Author: Cyndi Smasal

You have permission to publish this article electronically or in


Author: Michael Angier

They say that nature abhors a vacuum. And so it is with our lives. Everyone is busy--everyone. Ask any retired people you know and they'll tell you they don't know where the time goes. Their life is full. And they're RETIRED.


The Price of Bliss
Author: Gurustu

Bliss is freeing, but it is never free. There is a lot we have to pay, and even more we have to give up, if we're ever truly going to achieve our bliss..


The Power of You - Part 2
Author: Bob Doyle

(, we discussed how essential it is that we as individuals live our Purpose if we are going to be as fulfilled and professionally effective as possible. But if we aren't clear on what our purpose is - what we're really about - how can we discover that?


The Power of the Present Moment
Author: Joseph Mathews

The Power of the Present Moment


The Power Of Personal Environments
Author: Helaine Iris

I’ve got to admit, I’m a big fan of comfort. I like it when things in my world are stable and reliable. For example, my home is my sanctuary. I live here, and I work here. I like it to reflect peace, order and beauty, so when a messy remodeling project was underway - like the recent replacement of a water-damaged bathroom ceiling - it affected me. I was stressed and cranky. My husband might not have been quite so generous and called me downright crazed.


The Power of Personal Accountability
Author: Sophie Chiche & Mark Samuel

The Path of Accountability:


The Power of Perhaps
Author: Anita Foley

Do you find that every time you think about making a change in your life you sabotage yourself by thinking it is unlikely that you'll be able to do it? Do all the negative, self-limiting thoughts come to the forefront and stop you in your tracks? You must learn to change these self-imposed limitations that are preventing you from reaching your potential. Then you can transform your life and achieve your dreams.


The Power of Notes
Author: Roger Carr

Notes are very powerful. They express your thanks, encouragement, sympathy, apology, congratulations, feelings, and requests to others.


The Power of Listening
Author: David Gray



The Power of Clarity.
Author: Kevin Lankford

It's happened to everyone. You take your camera out for a "Kodak" moment, pose everyone like you want and then "click" you've captured the perfect photo opportunity. Or did you? Suddenly someone shouts, "You had the lens cap on dummy!" Obviously, you were unable to focus that picture and unfortunately it will never be developed.


The Power of Belief and Expectation
Author: John Boe

While you may not always get what you want, you will always get what you expect! Belief is the most powerful state of mind because your belief system defines and shapes who you are and determines your potential. I believe Henry Ford was correct when he said, “Whether you think you can or think you can’t – you are right.” Your belief system doesn’t differentiate or judge, it simply accepts as truth what you feed it. Interestingly enough, the power of belief and expectation works just as effectively on your feelings of self-doubt and limitation as it does on your thoughts of success and achievement. Think thoughts of defeat or failure and you are bound to be discouraged. In his classic book, The Strangest Secret, Earl Nightingale revealed that the strangest secret in life is that you become what you think about. If you want to know what you believe, look at what you are experiencing in your life. As within, so without. Your thoughts are creative and express themselves through your emotions, which in turn, drive


Author: Roberta Allen

This book offers a unique approach that allows you to see yourself from angles and perspectives you would not otherwise see. All you need to do is be open-minded, curious, and willing to respond instantly and imaginatively to exercises that invite you to explore your memories and beliefs, your desires, and secrets and fears, and how you relate to others.


Author: Robert Elias Najemy

It is important to begin to realize that our personality is just like our body. It is not our true self, but rather a vehicle, or "mental body", through which our true self, the soul, is expressing itself. We tend to be more detached from our physical bodies than from our «emotional body» or «personality body».


The Partners Within
Author: Robert C. Felix

The Partners Within


The Partners Within
Author: Robert C. Felix

The Partners Within


The Parable of the Frog: A Story of Change
Author: Wendyl K. Leslie

"Do not consider painful what is good for you."


The Observation Cycle - You Get More of What You Are Observing
Author: Michael Losier

Many people often ask, "Why do I keep getting more of this (as they refer to something unwanted)?" The answer is always the same - you get what you vibrate! In other words, whatever you give your attention, energy and focus to, you'll get more of it.


The NEW Unabridged Claude Diamond Success Dictionary
Author: Claude Diamond

Let's face it folks, we all want basically the same things in life health, happiness, enough money to buy a Slurpy(TM) and a New Lincoln Town car every year. The world, however, is getting to be a complicated place to get to all this success. So I am writing an unabridged Claude Diamond Success Dictionary(C) to clarify & simplify things!


The Need for Silence in a Noisy World
Author: Mike Moore

It is quite evident that we are living in one terribly noisy world and it seems to be getting worse every day. Everywhere we go we are accosted by loud, unwanted sound. When we enter elevators, malls and restaurants we are engulfed by musak. I recently had lunch at a popular restaurant and found the background music so loud that it interfered with normal conversation and the enjoyment of my lunch. When I asked the waitress if she could turn the music off, or at least down, she said, " I don't think we can." Surely we as a people are still in charge of volume controls.


Author: Jenka

To assume the proud mantle of our culture or heritage is to perpetuate a lie. Each of our lives is lived in the camp of the enemy, so to speak. If you were an Arab who hated Jews in your last life, you are probably a Jew in your current one. Which heritage are you supposed to take pride in?


The Motivating Power of Vision
Author: John Pellowe

One aspect of the vision statement that is often overlooked, however, is its power to motivate your employees. I see far too many employees who are just doing their job. They may be performing well, but it is still just a job. The spark is missing. Most people share a yearning to be part of something bigger than themselves. Something they can be excited about, feel good about, that will challenge them to do something important and give performance that is "above and beyond."


The Mini-max Instructions For Life
Author: Fikret Eredzhebov AHMEDOV

"The Mini-max Instructions For Life" is comprised by just 11 (minimum number), yet extremely effective (maximum effect), easy to understand, short and practical instructions. They are meant to help people meet life's challenges. It is a holistic approach aimed at raising the quality of your life. Helpes meet in a balanced way various needs- phisiological, emotional, spiritual and so on. If you observe these rules your life is bound to change for the better , in sence that you will have a firmer control over your life, will enjoy peace of mind, will be more successful, etc.


Author: Fikret Er. AHMEDOV

I n t r o d u c t i o n


The Mask I Wear
Author: Jan Tincher

The more I wear the mask, the more I am it. I may start out unsure of myself, but the more I wear the mask of surety, the more I am sure.


The magic of transformation
Author: Vered (Tanmayo) Neta

When I was a kid, my mother took me to a beautiful Walt Disney's movie: 'The Awakening Desert'. One of the scenes showed a huge cactus suddenly transformed into a flowering phenomena. I never forgot how, within seconds, all the buds emerged and turned into colorful, open flowers. What I did not know, at that time, was that the scene was photographed in slow motion and was shown in fast motion. For me it still symbolizes how quickly something that represents rigidity and pain can be transformed into beauty. For years I've tried to catch the moment when a flower opens and it's petals start to bloom, only to miss the exact moment again and again. It was suddenly there.


Author: Jenka

Here is how our physical world works. When we wish for something, that energy goes out into the world and every suitable person around us is given the opportunity to make it happen. The one who follows his intuition and provides our wish, goes through a kind of metamorphosis, because of this very act, which enables him to also get his heart’s desire. This type of activity happens all the time without our conscious awareness of the process.


The Lure of Easy Money
Author: Elena Fawkner

© 2002 Elena Fawkner


The lighter side of New Year's resolutions
Author: Vered (Tanmayo) Neta

Here it comes again, that time of year when we plan our resolutions for the coming year, looking forward to a fresh start. Here is our chance to start again, to do it right this time, to have another shot at success... at glory...


The Light Switch, I Know It's Here Somewhere
Author: Vanessa Ebner

When you find yourself wondering around aimlessly throughout the day that is a good sign that somewhere along the way you have lost the zest for the moment. Is this ok? Well, sure it is but does it feel good? No, I would have to admit it doesn't at all! Is it possible to hang on to your get up and go amongst all the sludge we trudge through everyday? Think you can and you can!


The Law of Attraction
Author: Michael Losier

Have you noticed that when you need something, if often just falls-into-place or comes to you from an out-of-the-blue phone call? Perhaps you have met the perfect client or life partner – just by being at the right place at the right time? All of these experiences are evidence of the Law of Attraction in your life.


The Key to Creation
Author: Marelin Thornton

Question: I would like clarification on this thought: "Your present is not a result of your past."


The Jungle and the Lion
Author: Theo Warrior

After the downfall of the Soviet Union, the world has become a unilateral zone with an unbalanced proportion of power and authority. The United States, which then emerged as the only super power in the world, introduced as well as imposed a new World Order in the world. This World Order had nothing but a very basic rule of utmost significance.


The Isolation Monster and How to Slay It
Author: Elena Fawkner

© 2002 Elena Fawkner


The Invisible Slope
Author: Anand K. Ghurye

Dear All ,


The Introvert's Holiday Survival Plan
Author: Susan Dunn, Professional Coach

If you're an introvert (about 10% of the population), the holidays can be a stressful time. Here are some things to keep in mind to make it more enjoyable for yourself.


The Inside - Out Approach
Author: Nicholas J. Gabriel

No lasting change will occur in our lives unless and until we first change ourselves from the inside - out. Nothing about our job, our friends, our marriage, our finances or any other aspect our lives will change. Nothing in our physical, mental, spiritual, social or emotional life will change unless and until we change ourselves first. Most of us can identify circumstances in our lives that we want to change. However, we remain unwilling to change ourselves from the inside-out. Lasting change can never occur unless and until we change ourselves. And all lasting change comes from the inside - out.


The Importance of Thanksgiving
Author: David Leonhardt

Thanksgiving is the most important holiday of the year.


Author: Terry L. Sumerlin

About twenty years ago, when our married daughters were in elementary school, they had a bicycle accident. Jo Ellen, our oldest, lost control of her bike and ran into her sister, Amanda, who was standing right in her path. Suddenly the front fender of the bike slid rather abruptly between Amanda’s fingers, and left a sizable gash that required several stitches.


The Heart of the Matter
Author: Sylvia Roff-Marsh

From the distant years of my childhood a memory springs, clear as any modern photo. Weary after a long country walk - I would have been about eight at the time - we reached an inn. Gratefully we collapsed upon a love seat that surrounded the trunk of an ancient English oak tree. Whilst awaiting my father's approach with bottles of home-brewed ginger beer from "The Traveller's Rest", to quench our thirst on this warm summer's day, something caught my attention. Someone had used a knife on the tree. And that bothered me even then!


The Head Team Mulls in Decision
Author: Selby Evans

Scene: the Head Office. The Vulcan and the Engineer sit at small desks. The Canter and the Shudoff sit properly erect in straight-backed chairs. Others lounge in comfortable chairs.


The Habits Of A Winner
Author: Stuart Goldsmith

You need to develop the habits of a winner. You want to enjoy


The Groundhog Day Technique
Author: Roger Haeske

The Groundhog Day Technique: © 2002, Roger Haeske


The Great Inquisition
Author: Rahel M. Smith

In order to build solid rapport and meaningful connections with others, it is essential that we express genuine interest in their past, present, and future. This act is also known as being inquisitive.Sincere interest in another is expressed by asking questions and actively listening. Matching and mirroring our counterparts' body language and communication style is another useful method. Individuals are naturally inclined to respond positively and reveal themselves to those they perceive as showing genuine interest. Acting on this truism, we have the potential to become more charismatic individuals capable of connecting with and influencing others regardless of their background, ethnicity, or religion.


The Great American Dream Challenge
Author: Marcia Wieder

Pull Quote: “the secret to living a “dream come true” life is to believe in your dream simply because it matters to you.”


The Gift Of A Hundred Dragonflies
Author: Helaine Iris

"You have powers you never dreamed of. You can do things you never thought you could do. There are no limitations in what you can do except the limitations of your own mind." Darwin P. Kingsley


The Fundamentals of Self Care
Author: Kimberly Fulcher

What contribution will you make to your world? Who will you touch while you have this gift of life? The answers to these questions are waiting to be discovered. They live within you, and your life begins to flow once you learn to tap into them.


The Free Lunch (And Other Myths)
Author: Elena Fawkner

I have a page at my website that contains a list of home business ideas (and links to detailed articles about some of them). On that page, I invite visitors who have an idea that isn't listed on that page to submit it to me for inclusion. Nine times out of ten, the "ideas" that are submitted are nothing more than ads for various online business opportunities and not true business "ideas" at all.


The Forgiveness Factor
Author: Dr. Georgina Cannon, Hypnotherapist

One of the things I’ve discovered as a Hypnotherapist who specializes in past life regression is that each one of us is here to learn a specific lesson so that our souls can evolve. Many, many people have been assigned the lesson of forgiveness.


The Folly of Problem Solving
Author: Tom Horn

Hello, my name is Tom. In this short article I want to convince you that a strategy for getting nice surprises is more realistic than a strategy leading to a predictable outcome.


The Fog of Transition
Author: Mary Ann Bailey

Much of my coaching is spent helping people in transition make decisions regarding the next phase of their lives. Some of them are looking for their next professional path. Some are trying to figure out relationship issues, and others are wondering if they really could achieve a long-held dream.


The first letter to my son
Author: Ridgely Goldsborough

Ridgely Goldsborough


The first letter to my daughter
Author: Ridgely Goldsborough

Dear Camille,


The Final Understanding on Alcohol
Author: Paul John Einarsson

What is the Collective and Historical Consequences of Humanities Voluntary Pollution of it's Central Nervous System?


The Final Understanding on Alcohol
Author: Paul John Einarsson

What is the Collective and Historical Consequences of Humanities Voluntary Pollution of it's Central Nervous System?


The Final Analysis
Author: Reggie Brown

It has been a long time since I’ve written an article, so excuse me as I shake off the rust. I have something to say today that should open a lot of eyes and make people think about Internet Marketing as a whole but affiliate programs in specific.


The Fastest Way To Manifest Your Desires
Author: song chengxiang

The Fastest Way To Manifest Your Desires


Do you have bad karma?
Author: Dr. Michael Norwood

All right, I admit it.


The "Fab Four" That Will Get You Into Trouble
Author: Lee Wise

THE "FAB FOUR"... THAT WILL GET YOU INTO TROUBLE (And... Another 4 That Will Help You Stay Out Of Trouble)


The Essence of In-Depth Psychology
Author: Peter Michaelson

The best psychology frees us from emotional and behavioral problems. It teaches us about a hidden, inner agenda that works against our best interests.


The Essence Of Fear
Author: Linda-Ann Stewart

Have you ever been afraid that something was going to happen, and when it did, said, "I knew it?" In the past, when I became fearful that my income wouldn't meet my bills, that's exactly what happened.


The Energy of Ignoring
Author: Karen Vizer

The Energy of Ignoring


The Energy of Feng Shui
Author: Eileen Rawson

As we enter the 21st Century we will become increasingly aware of our need to live and work within a harmonious and balanced environment. By raising the energy of a space we can bring about fundamental change in our lives, allowing us to move forward and experience a more positive, healthier and happier lifestyle. From the time a building is designed it develops an energy all its own. Anything that happens within that building will leave an energetic imprint upon it. Over time there is inevitably a build up of negative stress that will affect all who work or live within such a space. We are all familiar with the term 'sick building syndrome'. People in such buildings are constantly plagued with sickness from colds and flus, to the more serious illnesses such as cancer etc. Then there is 'Predecessor Law', whereby a business or relationship can seriously suffer as a result of moving into a space where the previous occupants experienced bad luck or financi! al difficulties. While Feng Shui has its place in crea


The Enchantment of Tribes to Belong To
Author: Dr.Barbara Becker Holstein

I am remembering and have a desire to share with you, a beautiful story told to me by a young lady. It was the end of the World War II and her dad was returning home. He came from a very close network of Italian families that lived near each other in New Jersey.


THE ENCHANTED SELF, A Positive Therapy
Author: Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

I used the case study approach, based on interviews with 18 women who were not in my practice, notes on some of my own clients, and reflections on my own life to document the capacities each of us has to experience. I call this process The Enchanted Self, A State of Well Being, Joy, and Happiness.


The Empty Frame Upon the Wall
Author: David A. Cronin

Barry sat and held the empty frame in his hands, having removed it from the wall. It was a plain wooden picture frame, designed to hold a 4 by 5 inch photograph. It looked like the many others that adorned the wall in the hallway of his grandfather’s home. While it looked the same as the other frames, he always knew there was something different, besides the fact that it never held a photograph, about this one. It was not until today that he found out, not only how different, but also how special, this particular frame was.


The Easiest Plan in the World for Getting Whatever You Want
Author: Andreas Ohrt



The DUMPED! Break-up Survival Guide
Author: Lisa Daily

Maybe you knew it was coming. Maybe you didn’t. You’ve been dumped.


The do's and don'ts on how to attract single sexy women with your looks.
Author: Don Diebel

I would like to focus this week on the do's and don'ts on how to attract sexy single women with your looks.


The DNA of Top Achievers
Author: Chris Widener

Of course by now we are all becoming aware of DNA. It is the source code that determines who we are. When we look at DNA we can see what a person will look like, what diseases they may come down with, etc. This has been a tremendous breakthrough for scientists and will continue to be so for some time, I think.


The Discovery Of Purpose
Author: Kimberly S. Phillips

What is purpose? Purpose is the reason why you are here on this earth. Your purpose is what helps you to move on in life, no matter what storms or problems come your way.


The Deeper Sides of LIfe
Author: Joel Metzger / ONN

Some people care about them, some don't. Which are you?


The Curse of Success Geniuses
Author: Jason Katzenback

Don't talk to me about how to succeed! I've read success advice and books and articles. They're all…"


The Curse of Industry Norms
Author: John Pellowe

Within your company right now, there are bound to be managers who are comparing the performance of their divisions or departments to industry norms. While they are meant to be helpful, norms are deadly if you intend to grow a highly profitable, thriving business. There are several reasons why this is so:


The Courage to Care
Author: Wendyl K. Leslie

I got to poking through some of the old things I'd saved and came across a wonderful little article from an issue of "Guideposts Magazine." It's by Arthur Gordon and is titled "The Rewards of Caring."**


The Copyright Infringement Blues
Author: Jan Noyes

Information is so easy to come by. We can photocopy articles and pictures from magazines and books, download clip art or CD music, play audio and video tapes, and perform artistic productions as support material for our workshops and not realize we may be committing a crime.


The Competent Divorce
Author: Dr. Joan D. Atwood

Based on a thorough review of the literature and the research on children of divorce, the following summary conclusions may be drawn and used as guidelines to assist counselors and their clients in The Competent Divorce.


The Coins In The Fountain
Author: Gary Vurnum

I am sitting in a shopping mall, waiting for my wife to finish her Christmas shopping. Next to me is a rather pathetic-looking fountain, which contains hundreds of coins, mostly thrown in by children of irate shoppers.


The Cliché of Balance
Author: Amyn Lalji

The world we are living in is changing at a fast pace. Never before in the history of mankind that change was so enormous and rapid. This roller coaster ride of change is affecting every aspect of our lives. From relationship to work, from the pursuit of happiness to the quest for spirituality. Some authors have called it a Future Shock, others have called it Mega Trends, but whatever the tag you give, it is there.


The Clay Pot Connection
Author: Ralph Carpio

I really love gardening. When we were kids, my father, rarely home as a ship’s captain, made a huge garden in our back yard. We grew lots of vegetables that I never ate, but it was the collaboration and time spent that I truly loved.


The Canvas of Your Life
Author: Dale Masker

If you ask an artist, “what is the most intimidating thing in your World?” Most will answer you, "A Blank Canvas". You would think it would be some statement about selling their art, or acceptance of their art, or fear of criticism, but it is the blank canvas that intimidates them the most. A blank canvas in your life can be the same way. It can be exciting or intimidating. It is all in how you view it.


The Canter and the Can
Author: Selby Evans

Scene: the Head Office. The Vulcan and the Engineer sit at small desks. The Canter and the Shudoff sit properly erect in straight-backed chairs. Others lounge in comfortable chairs.


The Call to Grow
Author: Anne Benoit, M.A., M.A.T., C.H.H.C.

At the beginning of one's journey on the path to expanded levels of living and self-awareness, there is often much pain. Grief, depression, frustration, self-pity, and anger--all are common and can act as potential motivators to make necessary changes. In addition, experiences of scarcity and powerlessness in our interactions with the self and others can propel even the shyest, most passive soul to seek growth and personal change.


The Blackout Distinction - Plan & Program
Author: Danish Ahmed

By now many of you have probably heard of the blackouts that spanned the north-eastern US States, Ontario (Canada) and now London, England. I was listening to the radio and heard an official talking about emergency situations and how these situations could and should be dealt with. He talked about a distinction between Plan and Program. He suggested that currently most governing bodies have an Emergency Plan, and do not have an Emergency Program. Although he quickly mentioned this distinction, I believe a closer look can help us understand the problem, and by comparison, apply it to our personal growth journey.


The Biofeedback Way To Starve Stress
Author: Mr. Golin

If you're like me, then you've probably flirted briefly with some sort of meditation or guided-imagery technique in an attempt to give stress the slip. Unfortunately, I always ran into the same problem. After wrapping myself up into a reasonable facsimile of the lotus position, I'd close my eyes and set sail for inner peace. About 10 minutes into my journey, I'd start wondering if I was doing it right. Am I relaxed now? I'd ask myself. That little voice of doubt always managed to be just loud enough to disrupt any attempt at achieving relaxation. The end result of all my endeavors was always the same: a sigh of defeat and a couple more instruction books relegated to the bottom of a closet. But a couple of months ago, hope came to me through the mail in a package from a company called Thought Technology. Inside was a hand-sized piece of machinery with the enigmatic label GSR 2. It was a biofeedback unit. I vaguely recalled biofeedback as a sort of 70's self-improvement fad that somewhere along the line was qui


The Bike
Author: Scott Fite

I bought the bike to get more exercise. In my mind, I imagined losing a few extra pounds, and feeling healthier. But, my experiences with the bike proved to be far more fascinating and multidimensional than I could ever imagine. I went to the bike shop and picked out a sleek looking, black, 10-speed racer; added a few additional accessories; loaded it in my car; and headed home.


The Big Fat Lie...About "Trying Harder"
Author: Jill Ammon-Wexler, PhD

You've been searching for self improvement or personal


The Benefits & Dangers Of Spiritual Community
Author: Asoka Selvarajah, Ph.D

Being involved with a spiritual group has many tremendous benefits over going it alone, but it can also have many pitfalls. On the one hand, you have the benefit of interacting with people of like mind to your own. However, on the other hand, you have the many frustrations and challenges that come with participating in a group of diverse individuals, each with a separate opinion of what constitutes a correct approach to the spiritual path.


The Art of Motivating Salespeople
Author: John Boe

When the tide comes in, all the boats in the harbor go up! The long-term benefit of an incentive program is to coax your sales force out of their production comfort zone. Once a salesperson stretches to a new level of personal production, their self-confidence and expectations skyrocket. Traditionally, sales managers have relied primarily on commission to motivate their sales force. Unfortunately, a compensation structure based solely on commission does not address separate motivational factors and therefore, commission alone will not motivate your sales force to peak performance. The challenge of designing an effective sales incentive contest is that it should not only appeal to your top producers, but it must also excite average to below average salespeople as well. A successful incentive program is a mixture of awards, recognition, and peer pressure. To encourage salespeople to reach their full potential, successful managers personalize incentives.


Author: Hifzur Rehman

What do you think about happiness? A philosophical approach to life; an intellectual activity or an academical pursuit. No, not at all, nothing of the sort.


The Art of Diverting Negitive Energy
Author: Melissa Zollo

We are living in a time when we need to look at and hopefully transform our mental and emotional habits. The "season of adversity" is the best time to start dropping a few wealth, health, protection, success and happiness seeds into our deeper mind and fertilizing them with powerful loving emotions. The realization that the changes we seek on the outside must first be made within our own consciousness is beginning to dawn on many.


The Art of Diverting Negitive Energy
Author: Melissa Zollo

We are living in a time when we need to look at and hopefully transform our mental and emotional habits. The "season of adversity" is the best time to start dropping a few wealth, health, protection, success and happiness seeds into our deeper mind and fertilizing them with powerful loving emotions. The realization that the changes we seek on the outside must first be made within our own consciousness is beginning to dawn on many.


Author: Danish Ahmed

Three Steps to The Art of Conversation


Author: Dr. George I. Petrotta

Many martial arts schools teach a subject which they call "self-defense." More often than not, these schools teach various methods of physically causing injury to an attacker to prevent him from causing you harm. While it is good that we have such schools around, it is unfortunate that many of these schools are not teaching self-defense at all. Some of them are teaching methods to win trophies in martial arts tournaments, some of them are teaching ancient outmoded ways of combat, some are teaching methods intended to be self-defense but are really methods of committing unlawful acts, and some of them are teaching elaborate methods to commit suicide during the process of attempting to protect oneself. The first rule to learning effective self-defense is to know the meaning of "self-defense."


The Arenas of Success
Author: Chris Widener

"The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly."


The Arenas of Success
Author: Chris Widener

"The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly."


The Answers You Seek Lie Within You
Author: Jeff Keller

Life would be much simpler if, when faced with a dilemma, we could easily consult with the ideal person or reference book and find the perfect solution. Unfortunately, it's seldom that easy.


The Angel Called "YOU"
Author: Trevor Emdon

Michelangelo looked down at the boy and smiled. "Why," he said kindly, "I'm going to let the angel out."


Author: Robert Rickover

“Stand up straight!?“Pull your shoulders back!?As children, we were told to have good posture. Yet we were seldom taught effective ways to accomplish this. Indeed, we were often not even told just what “good posture?is.


The 9 Insights of the Wealthy Soul - Excerpt (Page 64-69)
Author: Dr. Michael Norwood

It was a Saturday when I met Kostos -- the angel. And as these things go, I have only faint recollection of how I began talking to the ridiculous looking pot-bellied stranger, nevermind telling him my deepest troubles which I had never confided to anyone.


The 9 Insights of the Wealthy Soul - Excerpt (Page 64-69)
Author: Dr. Michael Norwood

It was a Saturday when I met Kostos -- the angel. And as these things go, I have only faint recollection of how I began talking to the ridiculous looking pot-bellied stranger, nevermind telling him my deepest troubles which I had never confided to anyone.


The 7 Most Fatale Words
Author: Michael Claridge

I have a few questions for you. I have to be honest though - I already know the answers. The simple fact is that so do advertisers. They wouldn't be as effective as they are if they didn't know the answers to the following questions. And actually the answers are "no brainers" -you really don't have to make much of a stretch to come up with the answers. As you will find the irony is that it is because you don't use your brain properly that these answers are what they are.


The 5 Words That Are Ruining Your Life
Author: Sopan Greene, M.A.

How would you like to stop feeling like your life isn't good enough? (I realize advertisers would go broke if this happened, but it's better for you!) Imagine feeling joyful, whole and complete when you look in the mirror at the end of the day.


The 5 Secrets to Getting Out of Debt Fast
Author: Rob Sallay

As they stare down at a teetering pile of bills, so many consumers wonder how they racked up such a large debt. The answer boils down to simple mathematics.


The 4 Questions Customers Are Thinking, But May Not Be Asking
Author: Bill Stinnett, Author of “Think Like Your Customer”

Your customers won’t come right out and ask you questions about honesty, character, and integrity. Nor will they ever consciously ask themselves. But the impression or perception they have of us will be formed in their mind by collecting answers to the following four questions. We must foster the right environment for trust.


The 3 Pillars of Personal Power: Passion, Clarity, and Self-Love
Author: Keith Varnum

What’s missing? I don’t get it! I chant and pray. I meditate, exercise and do yoga every day. I go to a godzillion workshops. Why don’t I feel better? Why don’t I have the love, money and health I want? Where is the direct connection with Spirit I crave?


The 2-Word Phrase That Conquers Adversity and Breaks Through Obstacles
Author: Rasheed Ali

"All the adversity I've had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me. . . . You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you. "


The 2 Ultimate Extra Steps to the 5 Steps to Creating Results in your Life
Author: Herve da Costa

Herve da Costa


The 10 Most Popular Myths About Running A Home-Based Business Online
Author: Elena Fawkner

Several weeks ago I finally took the plunge into the world of network marketing. I had been running an online business for almost three years by then but knew that I would have to make the leap to network marketing at some point since it was such an obvious fit with Internet marketing. And I haven't been disappointed.


The (Online) B-School Advantage
Author: Alexa Apallas

In a tight job market, job seekers need to find ways of making themselves attractive to employers. And in this “jobless economic recovery” where more and more jobs are being shipped overseas (many call center and IT jobs may be lost to India forever), an advanced degree offers some protection against being outsourced.


The #1 Money Secret I Learned From Interviewing Over 16 Millioniares
Author: Mike Litman

All over the net, people are asking you to pay them for ‘get rich? secrets, all the ‘systems?have different names…have you ever asked yourself this question…How many of them are really rich? Maybe a few, right?


Author: Terry L. Sumerlin

We gathered at our daughter, Amanda’s, and her husband, Russell’s, for Thanksgiving at Rockwall (near Dallas). Our daughter, Jo Ellen, and her husband, Curt, came in from the Tampa area; and our son, Jon, and his wife, Priscilla, were there from the Oklahoma City area. Also, Mom rode up with us from San Antonio and Sherry’s mom came over from Ft. Worth. It was a wonderful family reunion!


Ten Tips for Writing Your Perfect Wedding Vows
Author: Maureen Killoran, MA, DMin



Ten Steps to Self-Confidence
Author: Stacey Chillemi

Self-confidence-like being rich - is something we think everyone else is but us. Yet feeling insecure about ourselves is perhaps the most common problems of humanity. The majority of people in society think “You have to be born with it.” This is not true. You can learn how to be confident, just like learning how to cook or drive a car.


Ten Steps to Self-Confidence
Author: Stacey Chillemi

Self-confidence-like being rich - is something we think everyone else is but us. Yet feeling insecure about ourselves is perhaps the most common problems of humanity. The majority of people in society think “You have to be born with it.” This is not true. You can learn how to be confident, just like learning how to cook or drive a car.


Ten Steps To Release Your Creative Spirit
Author: Caroline Flexman & Alice Mallorie

Everybody has an inbuilt ‘blueprint’ for creativity.


Ten Steps to an Easy Life--Without Struggle
Author: Jerry Lopper

What does it mean to you to live an easy life? Do you


Ten Rights: For Owners of Service Businesses
Author: Maria Marsala

1. You have the right to price your business services right!


Ten Life and Love Enhancing Attitudes and Behaviors
Author: Wendy Hill, MFT

Since 1975 I have sat on my office couch talking with clients in person and on the telephone about their lives and relationships. Most of my clients are contributors to society, hold jobs, raise families, and generally want to do


Ten Compelling Visions To 'Want For' Yourself or Others
Author: Louise Morganti Kaelin

We all know what it's like to want for things, both tangible and intangible. It is often the first step in moving from where we are to where we want to be. Wanting 'for' someone else, however, is a powerful concept, both for you and the other person.


Ten Characteristics of a Great Manager
Author: Tom Hopkins

Being a good manager is like putting a jigsaw puzzle together. The first time you try to fit the pieces together, it takes a while to get everything to fit smoothly. The second time you attempt to make the pieces fit, you are a little more familiar with the pattern. Each time after that, it becomes more and more natural to easily match everything together and have it all turn out right.


Telling Yourself the Truth
Author: Randy Gage

You’re a liar.



The last couple hundred years has seen tremendous technological development and change. What awaits us in this new millenium is anybody's guess. Some technology rising to the surface is actually old technology, in refined form, that went basically unrecognized for many years. An example of this is the mind machine, or audio-visual entrainment (AVE) device. It was actually first developed back in the 1950's. Some research was done but it never really "took off" until recent years. Still, most people have never heard of it.


Talk the Talk
Author: Myrtis Smith

Do you know why toddlers throw temper tantrums? They are angry, they are frustrated, they want something, but they have a limited ability to verbally express themselves.


Author: Hifzur Rehman

Are you facing problems in your life and don’t know how to solve them?


Take Charge of Your Spirit
Author: Caroline Myss

Divine Guidance


Take Charge of Your Life Now
Author: Christopher Howard

We all have dreams and desires for our lives. Why is it that sometimes we get what we want and sometimes we don’t? Why do we start out in the direction of our goals only to find ourselves off course or falling short of what we know we are capable of? And more importantly, how can we consistently accomplish the goals we set along the path to living the life of our dreams?


Take Charge of Your Destiny with an Extraordinary Self-Care Day
Author: Jim Donovan

When was the last time you took a day just for yourself? If you're a small business owner or anyone else for that matter, your answer is probably never. Essentially an Extraordinary Self-care Day is taking one 24-hour period where you take "extraordinary" care of yourself. You do no work at all. I know, I can hear your protest. I protested too when I first heard this idea "But you don't understand, I have to check my voicemail, I have to return phone calls, I have to answer my emails and on and on." I protested in my very best entrepreneurial voice. The truth is any of us can take a day for ourselves without consequence. Believe it or not, the world will keep spinning. Calls will wait as will email.


Take Charge of Your Creativity
Author: Caroline Myss

Creative Expression


Take A Great Picture of Your Cat
Author: Cat Picture Gallery

If you're like me, you probably have a million pictures of your cat, but still love to take more. Below are some easy tips for making your next batch of pictures even better!


Surviving Work: A Family Affair
Author: Michaela David

For anyone who does not know the term "family-of-origin", it comprises our immediate family members - mother, father, siblings and perhaps grandparents. These are the people from whom you learned the safest way to react to life situations. For each person in this family, you created a set of behaviours which best suited their way of interacting with you. When you go off to your job, you take this learned behaviour with you and apply the creative adjustments that worked within your family, to your bosses and co-workers. Depending on what you learned in your family-of-origin this course of action can be a smooth road or slippery slope.


Surviving Betrayal Requires a Leap of Faith!
Author: Cynthia Wall, LCSW

I define a betrayal as any experience, even one that should be insignificant, that produces ongoing resentment, anger, fear and helplessness. Has someone you trusted deeply ever betrayed you? Have you betrayed someone you love? We may rage and punish ourselves and the other, or deny the pain, choosing to stay in the hurtful relationship. If we can't let go of the feelings we may need to hold a shield over the heart, fearing more hurt, thereby limiting emotional intimacy. This doesn't just affect the relationship, it destroys self-esteem as well. Or we may choose what looks like the easiest path-to leave--only to discover that we attract others with whom we repeat the pattern, wondering why we ever tried to trust again!


Survive at All Costs ... The Physical Realm's Prime Directive.
Author: Edward B. Toupin, Ph.D.

We all sometimes wonder why some people behave like "animals". We even wonder where our own rages and wild feelings of chaos originate. Although we might find them unusual as they can conflict with our values, indeed, animalistic behavior is as much a part of us as our skin. While the skin is there to protect our inner organs and vessels, the animalistic behavior is there to protect the existence of the physical being---an outer skin of sorts.


Surf the Wave of Abundance
Author: Keith Varnum

Surf the Wave of Abundance


Super Psychic Kids
Author: Keith Varnum

Amazing Powers of the New Children


Sunshine and smiles are everywhere… Where's yours?
Author: Glenda Gibbs

Sunshine and smiles are everywhere… Where's yours?


Successful Change for A Change
Author: Brenda Smith

Change is easy...Transitions are hard. Think of how many times you've tried to make a change and how many times you've been successful...So often, resistance turns us back to our old ways. This time, even though it might be a bit uncomfortable or unfamiliar, welcome resistance as feedback, telling you that you're changing the status quo--Here are the three steps to successful change:


Author: Josh Hinds

Success is so much more than fame and money - At times we all try to attach a monetary value to the definition of success. We look at those around us (or those in the news) and say, "he or she is successful." The problem is if we're basing success simply on the amount of money or fame that a person has attained, we're missing the big picture.


Author: Josh Hinds

Success is a journey - Often times I find that I have to continuously remind myself of my past achievements in order to keep myself from becoming discouraged (yes even I get discouraged at times :-). Sometimes it feels as though life is moving at 100 miles per hour.


Success in Recovery
Author: Frank Meyers

A little over six years ago I used to spend my days trying to feed a 0+ per day cocaine and alcohol habit. Then on June 1st, 1994 I left my old life of alcohol and addiction behind and anyone can do the same.Here is the process I used.


Success For The Internet Home Business Begins With Motivation
Author: Richard Mazza

Some of the perks of conducting a business via the Internet are independence, autonomy and financial freedom. Generally speaking, these are the advantages that most entrepreneurial spirits desire which become the impetus for beginning one's own business. Although there are several qualities that are absolute necessities for assuring your online success, the most important of all is MOTIVATION! In order to realize your overall goals and objectives you need to have a great deal of motivation.


Author: Mark Thompson

I attended a seminar this past weekend and found myself disappointed and accelerated with excitement all at the same time.


SUCCESS — What Is Your Success Profile?
Author: James Clayton Napier

What is your success profile? The following questions are designed to assist you in getting you to know yourself a whole lot better. Only then will we'll talk about success — and how to make it happen!


Study Graphology and learn to analyze anyone's personality from handwriting
Author: Kathy Gulley

Kathy Gulley


Stress Can Make You Feel a Little Bit Crazy!
Author: Linda C. Senn

During any period of crisis or extreme stress, it’s common to experience frightening feelings of disorientation. Anxiety can be so generalized, you can't even put your finger on the exact cause. It feels like your brain is going to fly apart, and you might feel lost and confused most if not all of the time. Mental concentration is only a vague memory. Last year you could read a book and enjoy it. Now you read the same opening paragraph seventeen times, and still have no idea what it said.


Author: Kevin B. Burk

Kevin B. Burk


Author: Mark Thompson

How many times have you felt like giving up? How many times


Stop the Panic! The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook
Author: Niki Taylor

In other themestream articles, I've written about my anxiety disorder. The disorder can consist of many things. Mine consists of generalized anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and phobias. The book I'm going to review just doesn't talk about what anxiety is but simple ways to combat the anxiety.


Stop Struggling and Start Soaring
Author: Caterina Rando, MA, MCC

There is so much to do every day- pick up the dry cleaning, put gas in your car, get to the gym and still get your work done. Often it can seem that life is full of struggle. We struggle to find time to meet deadlines, get to bed at a decent hour, have time with our partner or children and to find some time for ourselves.


Starting again
Author: Wayne L. Misner

I had a male friend who would have breakfast with me on Sunday mornings every once in a while. On one of these occasions, we were eating breakfast and he seemed preoccupied and in his own little world. I asked him if there was anything wrong, and he started to explain that his dog had died last week. The dog was seventeen years old, and he had trained him from a puppy. The dog could dance, sit-up, beg, roll over, “say his prayers,” and many other tricks. My friend hurt so much that as he was talking about his dog, he had tears in his eyes. He swore he would never have another dog, because losing him was so painful that he never wanted to go though this again. However, over the next six months my friend became very depressed. When he came home from work to his empty apartment, he felt very alone and missed his dog more.


Start focusing on what you really want
Author: Darryn Aldridge

Start focusing on what you really want now.


St. Francis of Assisi and ME
Author: Lisa Hepner

The tragedy of September 11th and the current crisis in the Middle East have caused many of us to search for peace. How do we create world peace?


Spirituality: What Place in Wellness?
Author: Ben Willemsen

I once asked a group of people what the word spirituality meant to them. They gave definitions such as “getting in touch with my higher self,?“something to do with God,?“being considerate of my neighbour,? “an altered state of mind when I experience myself as being apart from the physical world,? “the feeling that something greater than me is in control,?“connecting with my inner truth,?and, “something I feel when I’m outdoors in nature.?


Spirituality: What Place in Wellness?
Author: Bernard Willemsen

(This article was first published in "The Source" Health and Wellness Journal, December 1999.)


Spiritual Nutrition
Author: Suz Andreasen

In the age of fad diets, we all think a lot about shedding those ten pounds for summer. But underneath the waist size and the reflection in the mirror is an emotional component to how we view ourselves. Many people find that shedding those ten pounds makes them feel better and yet, they still carry a negative view of their own image. If you are unhappy with your body image, can you get rid of the pounds by getting rid of your mindset? Will you lose the weight and keep it off by changing your Spirit of Self?


Spiritual Laws to Attracting Prosperity
Author: Linda Pliagas

Antonia Martinez needed money quickly. She had only a few days to come up with back rent or risk eviction. Martinez decided to put her holistic studies to the test. "I had been training back then with a spiritual teacher. We had been working on a technique for focusing and harnessing power to help bring the object of thought into manifestation."


Spiritual and Physical Protection.
Author: Craig Nicholson

The safeguard from evil that God has in place is that when anyone chooses evil, they embody a lower vibration. Thus they automatically descend away from the area of the high vibration of God, and so cannot overcome him. Neat, huh? So how do we safeguard ourselves from danger and from evil? It helps to have a practical balance between physical and spiritual action. God helps those who help themselves. So it's important to tighten your seat belt when you drive on the highway and to stay away from high crime areas in the city, especially late at night. This should not be done with fear but with love for being practical. Also, the more we raise our spiritual vibration, the more those of low vibration will want to take advantage of us.


SPIRITUAL ABUSE...What is it and How Can One Overcome its Destructive Effects?
Author: Sue Wilson, B.S.Ed.

Dr. Charles Whitfield, in Healing the Child Within, defines one aspect of spiritual abuse as teaching children to believe in a wrathful, punishing deity and scaring them into perpetual allegiance to a particular religious organization (page 37). Any denomination of Christianity could be accused of this to some degree, but the fundamental, radical ones (those which teach the whole Bible is the inspired word of God and must be taken literally for the most part) do the greatest damage by far. Let’s look at the problem more closely.


Spellchecker options in Microsoft Word
Author: Barb Walker

Options in Spell Checker


Speed, Accuracy and Deadliness
Author: Vincent Chu

The essence of martial arts is combat and the essence of combat consists of speed, accuracy and deadliness.


Sowing and Reaping
Author: Dr. Wm G. Seavey

Every day is an opportunity for you and I to sow something into people’s lives. It can be good or it can be bad. Have you ever thought about what you sow (invest) you also reap (return)? Reaping is the return on seeds sown. Did you know there are good seeds and there are bad seeds and you can sow either one? And the seeds I am talking about here, good or bad, will always produce a crop. You have but to sow them. And depending of which seeds you sow you will reap a like harvest. A careless slip of the tongue, and injury is its product. A comment with purpose of heart, and thankfulness is its product.


soulful career coach
Author: John Aversano

Nature pours forth her abundance and grace constantly.


Soothing the Worrywart
Author: Dr. Beverly Potter

Soothing the Worrywart


Something for the Fearful Flyer
Author: Thom Rutledge, Author of Embracing Fear

What do you say to the person who is afraid of flying and whose livelihood depends on traveling great distances? The truth is most of us are afraid of flying to one degree or another, ranging from mild discomfort to intense dread. Let us assume that you have a fear of flying that falls somewhere between discomfort and dread. If you are like most people, your position on this continuum will likely vary from circumstance to circumstance. Turbulent weather is a common variable that moves us toward the dread end of the scale. Plane crashes in the news are another. And of course, the recent terrorist attacks have nudged us all in that direction. Even with the odds overwhelmingly in our favor, it is pretty difficult these days to board an airplane without thinking about the possibility of hijacking.


Socrates, Politics and Axe Murder: A Look At Gay Marriage
Author: Maya Talisman Frost

This week, I attended a reading by Christopher Phillips. He is the author of Socrates Café: A Fresh Taste of Philosophy, and has been described as the "Johnny Appleseed of philosophy" because of his penchant for starting meaningful dialogues with groups around the world.


Author: 05_10_23_1009



So You're Going to Make a Speech - Step by Step Help
Author: Patricia Fripp, CSP, CPAE

Congratulations! You've been chosen (or drafted) to deliver a speech. Don't panic -- Help is here!


So What's Your Excuse?
Author: Maria Marsala

I'm not sure what the history of "excuses" is, except to know that a majority of the time excuses equal some sort of self-dishonesty.


Author: Pinkee Venus-de las Alas

Just like the movie “The Truman Show,” I see the world like a big movie set and every person is an actor. You produce, direct, and write your own movie. During the “filming” process, you act out certain emotions because you know that people will be watching. Your verbal and emotional responses to some questions thrown to you are like scripts that you’ve mastered over and over. “Are you okay?”. Smile. Make eye contact. Say, “Of course, I am.” “Do you mind if I borrow this?” Make eye contact. Nod head. Smile then say “Sure, no problem.” “Are you happy?”, Show a ‘toothpaste’ smile then reply, “Of course! Why shouldn’t I be? I have a good job, a car and a nice house. God has given me a lot of blessings. I couldn’t ask for more.” Laugh. Then add, “ I’m happy…really!” Flip hair. Laugh louder.


Smile Power
Author: Mike Moore

There is power in a smile. The simple act of moving the corners of the mouth upward has the ability to touch the hard hearted and lighten heavy burdens.


Smart Talk
Author: Lou Tice

How do you get from where you are now -- from here, this present moment -- to there, where you want to go? What is the process? I see five steps.


Find the Probability of Success for Any Online Homebased Business Opportunity
Author: Jack Price



Find the Probability of Success for Any Online Homebased Business Opportunity
Author: Jack Price



Six Steps to Managing Emotional Eating
Author: Carol Solomon, Ph.D.

I once heard Oprah Winfrey comment that losing weight was the most significant achievement of her career. I was profoundly saddened by her comment, considering her enormous achievements and contributions in other areas.


Six Steps to Awaken from the Negative Spell of the Past
Author: Eve Delunas, Ph.D.

Are you a captive of your past? Or have you released the past and liberated yourself from its hold on you? When you refuse to allow your history to imprison you, you choose a path of self-determination. Letting go of the past is your personal “declaration of independence” from anything in your earlier years that could limit your creative potential or prevent you from living your best life.


Simple Strategies to Making Financial Gain
Author: B. F. Boggan

Now is a great time to make it a habit to manage your resources instead of your resources managing you. What is meant by that when we are stating that "Your money manages you"? Here is a well known example:


Signals of Abundance in Your Own Life
Author: Cathy Goodwin, Ph.D.

We are about to celebrate US Thanksgiving -- a holiday that celebrates and appreciates abundance -- which means something different to every person. You probably don't bring in a harvest from the fields, but we all reap a harvest every year, based on what we did in earlier years.


Sight Without Glasses exerpt
Author: Paulette Bougie

Sight Without Glasses – Program to eliminate eyeglasses in 8 Weeks by Paulette Bougie, Vision Care Therapist


Sheep Do Not Start Out Lost
Author: Anthony Mullins

Have you ever thought about how sheep get lost? Even with a shepherd, they still get lost. How does this happen? The one thing I know for sure is that they did not start out lost.


Share Your Best Life Story With The World
Author: Jim Edwards



Sexuality and Spirituality - Strange Bedfellows Or Natural Partners?
Author: Anthony Flesch

Sex. Possibly the most loaded word in any language, and with good reason. Sex reaches deep down into who we are at our core, and tells truths about us that are undeniable. Freud tapped into this over a century ago, and his insights still reverberate across the decades, and did a lot to break apart the rigid taboos against talking about sex that are a legacy from the Victorian culture.


Seven Tips for Taking Charge of Your Financial Destiny
Author: Christopher Howard

When you change your mind about something, you change your experience of it. If there is any room for growth in your finances right now or you have a desire to grow your business, then it is time to “grow your mind” by expanding your thinking. By creating a mindset for wealth, you begin a revolution in your experience of life.


Seven daft things not to do to your website
Author: Gareth Davies

1. Splash pages


Setting Boundaries
Author: Rinatta Paries

Are you getting all that you want out of your relationships? Or, are you instead getting less-than-great treatment from people in your life? If your life is filled with more of what you don't want and not enough of what you do want, it's time to set your boundaries.


Selling Yourself - A Core Life Skill
Author: Dr. Asoka Selvarajah

One of the most important skills you can ever develop is the ability to sell. You are required to sell yourself all the time. You do it when you apply for a job or a pay rise. You have to sell yourself to your potential love partner. When you go to the bank to apply for a loan, you are selling yourself there. To get other people to agree with you, you have to sell your ideas. Even if you want to do something creative and arty, you ultimately have to sell people on liking it. It's not much fun admiring your masterpiece all by yourself.


Sell Information For Fun And Profit!
Author: BB Lee

You've probably seen the ads all over the Internet and in various print magazines offering you insider details on how to market information products and get rich quick! Most of these ads request a hefty fee up front, anywhere from .99 to well over 0.00 for their detailed information.


Self-Improvement As It Applies To You
Author: Robert Taylor

How does self-improvement apply to each of us? There is no one system or technique which applies equally across the board. There are numerous books, articles, teachers, techniques and schools of thought to guide us in our quest for self- improvement.


Self-Help and Universal Truth Get An Edge
Author: R.P.Moore

In 1995 I experienced what I suppose is the darkest hour any of can face which is total loss of the will to live and certain death following a long, drawn-out illness. I'd had enough of the stuggle which appeared to be endless either direction I looked. Having studied and practiced meditation for years, it was not all that mysterious to move out and beyond that heavy burden which was my body. I let go completely. I left and welcomed whatever was ahead.


Author: ASWAD

Self-help and self-determintion has been a hot topic amoung African-Americans since the end of Slavery.


Self-help advice. The Five Steps to Overcoming Fear and Self-Doubt
Author: Wyatt Webb

Will we ever be totally unafraid? Probably not. Fears and doubts will always arise. As we go through the various stages and events in life, making one transition after another, we're constantly called upon to face new things that we've never confronted before. Being prepared with a process to follow when life tosses you a tough lesson can make the going a bit easier. Here's a handy list that you can copy and post for easy reference:


Self-Healing Basics
Author: Christin Snyder

Through this article I would like to explore some very basic methods that can be used to relieve tension, stress, and depression, as well as sharpen intuition, clear the mind, & increase energy. These methods can be used by anyone to help restore a general sense of well-being.


Self-Fulfillment, Knowledge, and Freedom from "Why Freedom"
Author: Jason Junge

Chapter 1.2. of “Why Freedom:” Self-Fulfillment, Knowledge, and Freedom


Self, Soul & Parables
Author: Maurice Turmel PhD

Parables and mythical stories have been with us throughout time. From the earliest of cave drawings to modern writing and film parables, as guides to human experience, have been a source of inspiration throughout history. They are the teachers that guide us through challenges confronting us at different stages in our lives. Parables provide us with images and symbols that crystallize human experience into digestible pieces. As we are symbol seeking creatures, parables serve to illustrate each lesson we are about to embark on. They inform, they guide and they teach.


Author: Roy Burton



Seek and Beware of "Divine Emptiness"
Author: Thom Rutledge, Author of Embracing Fear

Megan walks into my office after several months of hard work in her individual and group therapy. Her brow is furrowed. She looks confused. No, she actually seems to be in pain. If I have learned nothing else in my years as a psychotherapist, I have learned not to jump to conclusions by “reading” facial expressions and body language. I use that visual information to formulate questions, but I remember to ask the questions.


Search Engine Marketing: Are You Accidentally Hiding From Potential Customers?
Author: Richard Cunningham

You may be hiding if the search engines can’t ‘see’ all of your site’s relevant content.


Scary Stuff
Author: Gene Simmons

Life can be downright scary - sometimes more than others. Probably all of us are wandering through life afraid of something – maybe a situation, an event or other people. Because we’re individuals with differing backgrounds and experiences, our fears vary from person to person. Some people have no problem parachuting from an airplane while others of us think that’s a really dumb idea and our insides get all stirred up even thinking about it. Some of us rather enjoy standing in front of a group of people teaching or just BS’ing while others toss our cookies immediately at the idea.


Say What You Mean What You Say
Author: Jim M. Allen

Washington Post columnist Bob Levey shared a list of some of his favorite funny headlines. His list includes some incredibly funny, laugh-out-loud lines. Among them were:


Say Bye-Bye to Burnout: Special Tips for Moms
Author: Susie Michelle Cortright, author, More Energy Now!

I'm about to tell you a fundamental secret to preventing and treating mommy burnout.


Say Adios to the Fear of Rejection!
Author: Peter Murphy

Do you ever get an uncomfortable feeling in your stomach


Sales Professionalism
Author: Tom Hopkins

The challenge with too many salespeople is that they decide at first to ‘try?selling for a while. They don’t commit 100% to it as a career because they are afraid of being wholly responsible for the level of income they achieve. I must tell you, though, that the highest paid professional salespeople I know have burned their bridges to other sources of income and made that total commitment to selling as a career. They must succeed! They are not willing to look back! They look only to the future and the exciting opportunities each day in sales brings them.


Sales presentations that "hit home"
Author: Bill Stinnett, Author of “Think Like Your Customer”

Have you ever spent all night – or what seemed like all night – putting the finishing touches on that perfect presentation? You arrive the next day, deliver your message with conviction and flair, and leave for home feeling great, only to discover later that they decided not to buy. It bugs you a little, doesn’t it? Chances are, they started thinking about your product, then they thought about the costs, the risks, the time it would take to implement, and they forgot why they were interested in your product or service in the first place.


Sales Myth or Reality: You Be the Judge
Author: Patricia Weber

Let’s challenge a few myths. You know what myths are. Lately we are seeing the changeover of “Hi, I’m with the IRS and I’m here to help you,?from myth to reality. Okay so it won’t take over night. Another business myth is that confident statement spoken by a customer, “My check is in the mail.?And have you noticed the prevailing clothes shopping myth, “One size fits all??Likewise there are myths about selling to dispel. Here are some popular ones to dismiss to improve our revenues, our profits and our customer relationships.


Author: Monica A. Frank, Ph.D.

One day when I was seven–years–old my father allowed me to choose our Sunday family activity. He said we could either take a drive across the Mississippi River or ride on the last streetcar in St. Louis. At that time of my life I had never seen an ocean or even a great lake and I was awed by the vastness of the Mississippi River. It never occurred to me that the river would always be there and the streetcars might not. I chose the river. Of course, driving across the river took all of fifteen seconds. Immediately after we crossed the bridge I regretted my decision. My regret at the time was that the streetcar excursion would have been lengthier. My regret later was that I never again had the opportunity to ride a streetcar in St. Louis.


Running Your Own Race
Author: Elena Fawkner

There was an article on the front page of the Los Angeles Times a while back that caught my eye. The headline was "Small Dot- Coms Thrive While Industry Giants Melt Down". Here are the opening paragraphs ...


Run Your Own Business: Six Fears to Overcome
Author: Barbra White, MBA, Personal Coach

Do you dream of running your own business? The idea of calling all the shots has prompted millions of people to go out on their own, determined to make a living in a more meaningful, profitable, and satisfying way while also allowing them to pursue a more balanced and enjoyable life.


Rules Of the Game
Author: Burt Dubin

We’re talkin’ about the game of being an expert at your specialty. These rules are unforgiving. Break them and a remorseless force simply sweeps you off the board, clicks you off the screen—and you’re not even history. You’re nuthin’, baby.


Rites of Passage
Author: Elena Fawkner

"I'm not sure what exactly my point in writing this is going to be other than to voice my frustration to someone who has been there, and would understand.


Richard Reid and Jose Padilla - the enemy within
Author: Stephen Morgan

While all eyes were fixed on men of Middle Eastern origin, the two closest threats to a follow-up terrorist attack by Al Qaida since September 11th came instead from from British and American citizens. Most certainly they will not be last to launch suicide and terrorist attacks against Western countries in the name of Bin Laden. This begs the question of what motivates and lies behind the psychology of these two individuals and the capacity for Al Qaida to recruit directly from natives within the countries it wishes to attack. Reid’s attempt to blow an airliner and Padilla’s plans to detonate a nuclear dirty bomb will be repeated by other of their ilk.


Reversal of Fortune ... Acting on our inner ideas!
Author: Edward B. Toupin

I used to consider that all of the talk and opinions of life, love, and happiness were nothing more than words spewed forth by those who were running away from their own lives. But, as in all things, we wake up one day and realize that the information we've ingested actually holds some weight within our own lives.


Returning To College Is A Family Affair
Author: Theresa V. Wilson

The level and quality of family input and support are often ignored when planning a return to college. Even with money and learning confidence, family backing and emotional support are primary ingredients to success. This article provides points to consider before embarking on any college bound venture. Don’t let your initial feelings of self doubt persuade you to change your mind before you begin. These points are meant to encourage you to be creative, think beyond the box, eliminate “tunnel vision,” and to master the possibilities as a self starter ready to attain your college diploma and be successful in your career.


Author: Terry L. Sumerlin

Customers at J.B’s Barber Shop hope they’ll get a good haircut. No question about it. You can tell by the way they talk. It’s not a wish. It’s definitely hope.


Author: Rebecca Beard

Will you consider with me the possibility of creating a new world out of scientific knowledge and accumulated faith? Have we not come to a place where it is necessary to rename and remake our world? Has mankind any longer a choice? Isn't it likely that unless we rebuild our world that it may be changed for us in a most disastrous way? Then the rebuilding will have to be done later and with rubble. Perhaps we would do well to face some of these questions and think on these things. Students of the New Testament tell us that this remaking and renaming of our world is part of the teachings of Jesus Christ. There are tremendous issues at stake, and it is our belief that the Master would arouse us from our inertia, and lift us from our indifference, calling anew with the words He used of old those words of power and positive, dynamic force. We have not yet begun to live the things that He taught. We have not yet begun to scratch the surface of the things that He told us were true. We have not begun to believe the p


Author: Rebecca Beard

Will you consider with me the possibility of creating a new world out of scientific knowledge and accumulated faith? Have we not come to a place where it is necessary to rename and remake our world? Has mankind any longer a choice? Isn't it likely that unless we rebuild our world that it may be changed for us in a most disastrous way? Then the rebuilding will have to be done later and with rubble. Perhaps we would do well to face some of these questions and think on these things. Students of the New Testament tell us that this remaking and renaming of our world is part of the teachings of Jesus Christ. There are tremendous issues at stake, and it is our belief that the Master would arouse us from our inertia, and lift us from our indifference, calling anew with the words He used of old those words of power and positive, dynamic force. We have not yet begun to live the things that He taught. We have not yet begun to scratch the surface of the things that He told us were true. We have not begun to believe the p



Will you consider with me the possibility of creating a new world out of scientific knowledge and accumulated faith? Have we not come to a place where it is necessary to rename and remake our world? Has mankind any longer a choice? Isn't it likely that unless we rebuild our world that it may be changed for us in a most disastrous way? Then the rebuilding will have to be done later and with rubble. Perhaps we would do well to face some of these questions and think on these things. Students of the New Testament tell us that this remaking and renaming of our world is part of the teachings of Jesus Christ. There are tremendous issues at stake, and it is our belief that the Master would arouse us from our inertia, and lift us from our indifference, calling anew with the words He used of old those words of power and positive, dynamic force. We have not yet begun to live the things that He taught. We have not yet begun to scratch the surface of the things that He told us were true. We have not begun to believe the p



Will you consider with me the possibility of creating a new world out of scientific knowledge and accumulated faith? Have we not come to a place where it is necessary to rename and remake our world? Has mankind any longer a choice? Isn't it likely that unless we rebuild our world that it may be changed for us in a most disastrous way? Then the rebuilding will have to be done later and with rubble. Perhaps we would do well to face some of these questions and think on these things. Students of the New Testament tell us that this remaking and renaming of our world is part of the teachings of Jesus Christ. There are tremendous issues at stake, and it is our belief that the Master would arouse us from our inertia, and lift us from our indifference, calling anew with the words He used of old those words of power and positive, dynamic force. We have not yet begun to live the things that He taught. We have not yet begun to scratch the surface of the things that He told us were true. We have not begun to believe the p


Remembering Numbers
Author: Paul Szauter

Most people have trouble remembering numbers. This is easy to understand, because we all remember things that we care about, and most of us don't care very much about numbers. The key to remembering numbers is to translate them into something that we do care about using mnemonics.


Remembering and Rebirth
Author: Mark Earlix

Everything that we go through in our lives is meaningful. Everything we have experienced is important, though not everything is necessarily there to do homage to or dwell upon nor to try to work it out again and again...


Relationships True Love and the Transcendence of Duality
Author: Eckhart Tolle

An Interview with Eckhart Tolle By Kim Eng


Reject Rejection
Author: Glen Hopkins

How often do you feel rejected? Think about it. The person you asked on a date said “No”, a prospect said “No” to buying the product you sell, and you’re boss didn’t like your ‘great’ idea. The list goes on and on doesn’t it? We all hear the word “No” several times a day, and we have since we were little children. Yet still, to this day, each time you are rejected, a tiny piece of your self-esteem is stripped away from an increasingly suffering self-image. Why is that?


Re-inventing yourself
Author: Lorne Peasland

So, the typical worker will go through 10 jobs, and often a couple of careers, in the course of a lifetime? Re-inventing yourself is tough, when you're a middle-age worker. That's probably why a whole new industry has cropped up, in order to serve (or save) that segment of our society.


Reframing Your Personal History and Letting Go of Your Fear to Grow
Author: Philippe Matthews of

What does it mean to reframe your personal history? Reframing means looking at the same situation differently, so that it no longer has a negative affect on you. In order to reach a goal you’ve never had, you have to become someone you’ve never been. This means letting go of old beliefs, fears, hang-ups, and even relationships that don’t fit in your future, and must be eradicated in your present.


Referrals- Don't Settle
Author: Todd Natenberg

Referrals: An effective way to earn business in which


Rebellion; the rut that can last a lifetime
Author: Nikole Brinkley

By the time I was introduced to drugs, cigarettes and alcohol I was already angry, depressed and bored. I was thirteen. My brother and I fought all the time and my parents fought all the time. I was also miserable at school because of a lack of interest in academics and conflicts with my friends. I decided to run and hide from my problems which started a very bad habit. Originally introduced to rebellious behavior by my older brother and cousin, since I was not busy with enough activities and interests, I was more easily influenced to go along with what they were doing.


Reawakening Your Compassionate Self
Author: Francoise Rapp

"To love is the greatest thing in life; and it is very important to talk about love, to feel it, to nourish it, to treasure it, otherwise it is soon dissipated...But the moment you have in your heart this extraordinary thing called love and feel the depth, the delight, the ecstasy of it, you will discover that for you the world is transformed."


Reading and Inspiration: It All Started With Just One Book
Author: Ken Dzugan

When it comes to personal growth, self-development and inspiration, the first thing that I think of is reading. Reading books, magazines, newspapers or anything else -- on topics ranging anywhere from spiritual enrichment to computer software to health and fitness -- can help individuals learn, grow and succeed. How do I know this? Well, in addition to research on reading and its impact on learning patterns, I developed my own inspiration thanks to one book: How to Read a Book, by Mortimer Adler, an out-of-print book first published in 1940.


Rapport = Successful Communication
Author: Jan Noyes

One of the most important ingredients of successful communication is rapport. Whether your communication is with one person or several hundred, to be effective and get the outcome you want, harmonious relationship is essential.


Raise Your Standards
Author: Clyde Dennis

You can get there from here, but first you gotta? Raise your standards.


Quit Smoking: Why People Do Bad Things (Even When They Know They Shouldn't)
Author: Jill Binder

Do you do Bad Things? Even though you know you shouldn't?


Quest for Quiet
Author: Louise Morganti Kaelin

We live in a very exciting time. New advances in technology and science are exploding around us. Ideas that were pipedreams two years ago are reality today, and about to be replaced by newer, better, more cost-efficient innovations.


Put Pizzazz Into Your Own Personal Presentation
Author: Marjorie Brody, CSP, CMC

The age-old maxim is true: You never get a second chance to make a good first impression. Impressions are powerful things - they shape how others see you and interact with you. To add pizzazz to your personal presentation, remember 10 points:


Author: Rhoberta Shaler, PhD

Do you have energy leaks? You know an energy leak by your losses--loss of time, loss of a feeling of control, loss of organization. An energy leak is what occurs when you are driving along and suddenly remember something that you should have done by now, or something you have forgotten. An energy leak happens when you have not taken care of a relationship is sue and now you are avoiding that person. Energy leaks fall into the category of 'Unfinished Business'.


Psychosomatic Energetic
Author: Banis M.D./N.D.

Psychosomatic disturbances are very frequent causes of therapeutic blockade´s in the general practice. We are often blocked already at the diagnosis of such disturbances and let ourselves be deceived by the delusion of somatization. As naturopath´s we are moreover willing to incriminate such disturbances to Amalgam-intoxication, dysbiosis, focus, milk and wheat-incompatibility, endobiont´s e.g.. In our effort to overcome these "enemies" we see no longer the underlying emotional conflicts of our patients.The uncovering of deep emotional conflicts also is time consuming and the therapy often becomes unsatisfying. With a new developed test system psychosomatic conflicts can be uncovered in a short time and more precisely than with any other method we know. Compared with kinesiology the results are more stable and reproducible. Also I have developed energetic remedies (emotional remedies = called „Emvita? for the therapy of psychosomatic disturbances which after th! e previous experiences in daily practice are ab


Psycho-Semantics, The Unseen Force That Manipulates You LIfe
Author: Dr. Oscar

When Oscar Bruce discovered the genius of The Superceding Semantic System as a powerful formula for transforming one's life, he began working to structure a 'self-implementing' method that any person could use. He gave the system a specific identification: Psycho-Semantics.


Psycho-Semantics, The Unseen Force That Manipulates You LIfe
Author: Dr. Oscar

When Oscar Bruce discovered the genius of The Superceding Semantic System as a powerful formula for transforming one's life, he began working to structure a 'self-implementing' method that any person could use. He gave the system a specific identification: Psycho-Semantics.


Protecting Our Beliefs
Author: Lucy Lopez

A client of mine reflected: I noticed something about myself the other day. I get angry when I feel threatened, and I often take my anger out on some innocent person who has merely expressed an opinion to which I am obviously reacting!


Protect Yourself from Identity Theft
Author: Scott Hawksworth

Millions of Americans use credit cards, take out money from savings and checking accounts, write checks, and open new bank accounts everyday. By completing these everyday tasks, many Americans put themselves at risk for identity theft. However, there are many steps that one can take to protect oneself from being an identity theft victim. In addition, knowing how an identity thief gets his or her information will allow a person to be safer.


Author: Judith Orloff MD

The quality of our relationships affects our health. Our relationships are governed by a give and take of energy. Some coworkers and colleagues make us more electric or at ease. Yet others suck the life right out of us. As a physician and energy specialist I want to verify that energy vampires roam the workplace sapping our exuberance. With patients and in my workshops I’ve seen their fang marks and the carnage they’ve strewn. But most of us don’t know how to identify and cope with vampires, so we mope around as unwitting casualties, enduring a preventable fatigue.


Project Life
Author: Katie Grames

In order to reach a goal of any complexity, it is useful to have a system to get there.


Proactive Patterns: How To Benefit From The Pattern of Three
Author: Randy Gilbert

Proactive people recognize that there are patterns in life


Practical Ways to Avoid Burnout and Put Fun Back Into Your Life!
Author: Michael L. Stahl

Amazingly, the National Institute of Mental Health in the United States reports that more than 20 million Americans suffer from chronic nervousness, panic attacks and phobias. With the fast pace of modern day society, people seem to have less time and more frustrations – even with all the technology that is supposed to make our lives easier!


Practical Releasing
Author: Hale Dwoskin



Power Words
Author: Ralph Carpio

One of the most amazing areas of self-creation comes in the form of words. The things we think and say to ourselves and the things we think and say to others carries a creative surge of power. This is an area of creation that is often underemphasized. It is truly incredible how we can become so unaware of the words that come out of our mouths. When we don’t make the effort to scrutinize them carefully, this area of our power can easily slip our grasp. Our words, our utterances are powerful creative energy, plain and simple. They are the energy that can either allow or deny our dreams.


Possibility Thinking, The Luck Factor, Serendipity, and Good Fortune —Too Much For a Person to Expect in One Lifetime? Part 2—
Author: James Clayton Napier

Opportunity, says a famous writer, is like oxygen. It is so plentiful that we fairly breathe it. – Quoted by Robert Collier, Riches Within Your Reach


Possibility Thinking, The Luck Factor, Serendipity, and Good Fortune —Too Much For a Person to Expect in One Lifetime? Part 2—
Author: James Clayton Napier

Opportunity, says a famous writer, is like oxygen. It is so plentiful that we fairly breathe it. – Quoted by Robert Collier, Riches Within Your Reach


Positive Mental Attitude (PMA)
Author: Thomas L. Richards

“For myself I am an optimist - it does not seem to be much use being anything else.” (Sir Winston Churchill)


Author: Judith Orloff, M.D.



Author: Judith Orloff, M.D.



Planning for Success
Author: Gary Simpson

The purpose of having an analytical brain is to use it to think and make a plan before we act.


Plan your Holiday Self-Care
Author: Linda Dessau, the Self-Care Coach

The holiday season is almost upon us. Have you thought ahead about how you're going to handle the tempting treats, dinner parties, extra goodies everywhere you look, pot luck dinners and late nights?


Pioneer A.A.'s Most Ignored, Forgotten, yet Critically Important Resource Part One
Author: Dick B.

Let's meet the woman Bill Wilson and others frequently called the "Mother of A.A." (See Dick B., Anne Smith's Journal 1933-1939: A.A.'s Principles of Success, 3rd ed, pp. ix, 10, 54, 137, 139; Sue Smith Windows and Robert R. Smith, Children of the Healer, pp. 29, 43, 152; Women Pioneers in Twelve Step Recovery, Hazelden, 1999, p. 2).


Author: Dr. Mark Crapo

TODAY's PARENTS are faced with several obstacles that seriously challenge our children's health and development. We try to provide our children with a healthy diet, good morals and educational experiences, yet popular culture bombards them with negative influences, such as:


Pervasive Developmental Disorder and Reactive Conduct Problems
Author: Deane G. Baldwin, MD

Pervasive Developmental Disorder (P.D.D.) is a complex developmental disorder that includes children with symptoms associated with poor to severely impaired social skills, repetitive and often compulsive, ritualistic behavior (stereotypies) and to varying degrees of severity, a communication disorder. The hallmark disorder in this group is Autistic Disorder. Other conditions included with Autistic Disorder are Asperger's Disorder, Pervasive Developmental Disorder, not otherwise specified, Rett's Syndrome and Childhood Disintegrative Disorder.


Personality Disorders
Author: Linda Lebelle

A personality disorder is identified by a pervasive pattern of experience and behavior that is abnormal with respect to any of the following two: thinking, mood, personal relations, and the control of impulses.


Personal Success
Author: Cyndi Thomas ND

Success is not determined by what we are, but rather by what we are compared to what we could be. It is not measured by what we have done, but by what we have done compared to what we could have done.


People Questions: Responding Positively To The Influence Of Others
Author: Lee Wise

Author: Lee Wise


Penta’tude – the five ‘tudes of your success
Author: Tracy Brinkmann

In 1941 Major General Hugh ‘Pat’ Casey designed the Pentagon in only three days. Construction began thirty days later and sixteen months after that on January 15, 1943 this now world famous office building was completed. The Pentagon is the headquarters for the United States Department of Defense and the nerve center for command and control dedicated to protecting the US national interests. You have your own Pentagon of sorts within yourself. This Pentagon, or Penta’tude as I have come to call it, has direct impact on your protection, growth and success and is made up of these five ‘tudes: Multitude, Magnitude, Latitude, Attitude and Gratitude.


Pecked to Death By Ducks
Author: Maureen Killoran

Ever been in a situation where it seems like minor criticisms are all you hear? Sure, there are things you could improve, you know that . . . but a constant peck, peck, peck of negative feedback sure doesn't motivate you to change! One of my mentors called this gradual chipping away at one's self esteem, "being pecked to death by ducks."


Patience: A Better Way?
Author: Maureen Killoran

Maureen Killoran


Passport to Passion
Author: Kimberly Fulcher

Your passions are the passport to the life of your dreams.


Passion at Work
Author: Satyadarshini Sharma

Martin Luther King Jr.,, once said "If a man is called to be a street-sweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, 'Here lived a great street-sweeper who did his job well.'"


Parenting Doesn't Have To Hurt
Author: Tammy Cox, LMSW

Several years ago Ann Landers asked her readers if they had it to do all over again, would they still become parents. An overwhelmingly large number said no, they would not. They all had their individual tales of woe to justify their stands, but it was evident that they all felt trapped in no-win situations with their children. Why is it that with even the very best of intentions many of us feel like such failures as parents, at least some of the time?


Paradoxical Commandments
Author: Dr. Kent M. Keith

People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered. Love them anyway.


Panic Attacks Don't Have to Drive You Crazy
Author: Bryan M. Knight, MSW, PhD.

A client wrote:


Pain - a tool for growth
Author: Vered (Tanmayo) Neta

A few months ago I had a miscarriage.


P is for Priorities
Author: Gail McMeekin

Your choices determine the quality of your life experience. The act of making choices implies the chance or the power to select one option over another. Positive Choices are life choices elected to support your body, mind, and spirit. Negative life choices, such as doing unsatisfying work or staying in a destructive relationship, undermine your joy of living. They drain you of your precious life energy and potential. Yet, in the wake of stress and life adversities, we often forget that we do have the power to re-create our lives by Adding and Subtracting Positive and negative life choices. In fact, learning and then implementing this basic yet challenging technique empowers you to claim the life you truly desire.


Overcoming Stage Fright
Author: William Arruda

Public speaking is a great way to express your personal Brand to your target audience. Yet, people rank fear of public speaking above the fear of death. So, if stage fright has been keeping you from using public speaking to express your Brand, use these ten tips to be more comfortable in front of a crowd.


Overcoming Objections: P.R.E.P.P.S. your way to closing deals
Author: Todd Natenberg

Objections: Buying signals in which emotions are expressed.


Overcoming Negative Beliefs
Author: Dr. Steve Taubman

In India, the method for training an elephant is the following: When the elephant is very young, its leg is tied to a small post with a thin piece of rope. At that age the elephant hasn’t the power to break the rope or dislodge the post. It tries for a while and then gives up. As the elephant grows, there’s no reason to increase the girth of the rope or the post. The elephant of course reaches such size and strength that it could, if it wanted, easily break free from the restraint. But having tried and failed earlier, it stops trying, convinced that it’s entrapped ...Doesn’t that sound like us?


Self-Conciousness Through Singing
Author: Sherwood Fleming

Art Nefsky, internationally acclaimed performance coach, vocal instructor and performance anxiety specialist has been said to be to the Conservatory of Music what Patch Adams is to the medical world.


Overcome Objections and Close the Sale
Author: John Boe

Unfortunately, the first two orders many new salespeople receive are “get out and stay out!” It is human nature for your prospect to procrastinate when asked to make a decision involving money. Studies indicate that a prospect will say no on average five times before they actually buy. As a professional salesperson, it is important to remember that an objection is not a rejection of you personally. Simply put, an objection is nothing more than a request for additional information. As a general rule, prospects are hesitant to commit to purchasing a product or service until they have convinced themselves they need it and that they are getting it at a fair price. Top producing salespeople not only expect objections during the sales process, they anticipate them. Believe it or not, objections are a good sign and you should actually look forward to them. If your prospect weren’t somewhat interested in your product or service, they wouldn’t be asking questions. Typically, your prospect’s objections fall into four m



I found this information in two separate sites the day i tried it...and within 24 hours i was feeling 30-40% improved in my i kept doing the "exercise" for the next two or three days i found that i stopped a bad habit i had all my life..that i was not even concious of....i was tearing myself down constantly, emotionally, with my "automatic" thinking...exhausting my energy and strength to deal with my i got better at doing this exercise my feelings grew much stronger and i had a higher sense of wellbeing as a natural result.......


Out of the Closet!
Author: Joseph Ghabi

Out of the closet?


Our Children's Needs
Author: Robert Elias Najemy

A human being is pretty much formed and programmed in his or her concepts about himself or herself and the surrounding world by the age of eight. Most of the work, which is done today by psychologists and psychiatrists, is to solve the problems and fill the gaps left by the experiences of those earlier years. Wouldn¢t it be better to pay more attention to how we bring up our children so that they can be stronger, more able, happier, more in harmony with themselves and their environment? The future of the world depends on our children. The quality of our children and their ability to create a better world depends on us, but not in the way most may think. Let us consider here how we can help our children and ourselves to find harmony, health and happiness.


Our Children's Needs
Author: Robert Elias Najemy

A human being is pretty much formed and programmed in his or her concepts about himself or herself and the surrounding world by the age of eight. Most of the work, which is done today by psychologists and psychiatrists, is to solve the problems and fill the gaps left by the experiences of those earlier years. Wouldn¢t it be better to pay more attention to how we bring up our children so that they can be stronger, more able, happier, more in harmony with themselves and their environment? The future of the world depends on our children. The quality of our children and their ability to create a better world depends on us, but not in the way most may think. Let us consider here how we can help our children and ourselves to find harmony, health and happiness.


Author: Gail R. Mitchell

The week seems to have been quite long for many of us. I am hoping that many of you that have written to me are feeling better. Some one said it was an astrological aspect that hit us all. Whatever the reasons might be, it is important to be aware of the fact that we have choices.


Open Up The Flow To A Fulfilled Life
Author: Helaine Iris

Open Up The Flow To A Fulfilled Life


Open Sexual Communication
Author: Dr. Joan D. Atwood

Jim and Mary are a typical middle-class Americna couple. They've been married for ten years, and both work at careers they enjoy. Two or three times a year they go on vacation; either a romantic cruise to the Caribean or a ski excursion to Switzerland.


Only One Truth
Author: Maria Ferrara

Depression consequence of the brain washing.


On Developing Resiliency
Author: Asoka Selvarajah

Life is tough.


On Creating Excellence No Matter What
Author: Asoka Selvarajah, Ph.D

If you hate your job, your relationship, or some other part of your life, you are not exactly a rarity. Many people are caught up in their own personal crisis. In such a situation, it becomes all too easy to moan, grumble, and seek to undermine others. Essentially, you do as little as possible to advance your own cause, or that of anyone else for that matter. After all, why bother if you are not going to be appreciated anyway?


Old-Time Physical CUlture
Author: Raymond Brennan

Humour me for a moment and suppose you have just hit your thirty-fifth birthday. You’re not getting any younger, but who is? You struggle out of bed while trying to remember a time when getting up in the morning wasn’t such a struggle, or you may struggle to remember anything at all at that time of morning. You may stretch a bit , because you feel stiff, or you may not because you just feel too groggy. Your mouth feels like the inside of an old shoe. When you try to walk, your joints crack or else you have a slight twinge here and there, which was never there before. Old and recently acquired injuries seem to feel sore for much longer and recovery time is a lot longer also than it used to be. Shuffling to the bathroom, you look at the tired eyes, loose skin and stained teeth in the mirror. You ask yourself, “ How come I feel like this? I train three times a week, I run and I lift weights. What is the matter with me?”


Old-Time Physical CUlture
Author: Raymond Brennan

Humour me for a moment and suppose you have just hit your thirty-fifth birthday. You’re not getting any younger, but who is? You struggle out of bed while trying to remember a time when getting up in the morning wasn’t such a struggle, or you may struggle to remember anything at all at that time of morning. You may stretch a bit , because you feel stiff, or you may not because you just feel too groggy. Your mouth feels like the inside of an old shoe. When you try to walk, your joints crack or else you have a slight twinge here and there, which was never there before. Old and recently acquired injuries seem to feel sore for much longer and recovery time is a lot longer also than it used to be. Shuffling to the bathroom, you look at the tired eyes, loose skin and stained teeth in the mirror. You ask yourself, “ How come I feel like this? I train three times a week, I run and I lift weights. What is the matter with me?”


Offline Promotion Matters Too
Author: Elena Fawkner

© 2002 Elena Fawkner


Offline Promotion Matters Too
Author: Elena Fawkner

© 2002 Elena Fawkner


Author: Yashwant N Patel

I wonder how many people would choose high self esteem as one of the most important aspects of themselves. In our work with thousands of individuals in a variety of settings I recognise that low self esteem has reached epidemic level in all human society. I would go to the extent to declare that many of less than human behaviour that we witness everywhere can be attributed to outwardly powerful people attempting to hide their low self esteem behind cover of anything that is available.


Now is the Time For Change
Author: Michelle L. Casto, M.Ed.

Planet Earth is ripe for change. Everywhere you look, change is occurring: for the individual, families, corporations, communities, states, countries, and ultimately the world.


Not-so-random acts of kindness for the 21st Century
Author: Cathy Goodwin, Ph.D.

Remember those bumper stickers, "Random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beautify?" People would do things like pay tolls for the car behind them. Well, that was nice, but in the new millennium here's what's really kind.


Not Being With Your Loved One When They Depart This Plane...
Author: Gail R. Mitchell

Many members are currently caring for a loved one who is moving through their end-of-life stages. I have pondered whether or not to post this under caregiving articles or as a journal exercise for a while. This evening a dear member asked me to include it as a journal exercise so that hopefully they could prepare for the possibility of not being present when their loved one took their last breaths.


No Fear
Author: Thom Rutledge

If you could travel back in time . . . let's say you are given the opportunity to relive your adult life, beginning at age 18 . . . you can only make one change . . . what would it be?


NLP: Help for Fibromyalgia ( a personal story )
Author: Lise-Anne LaBelle, Reg. Nurse and certified NLP & Quantum TLC? Practitioner

In the early part of 1996 I began to experience severe chest pains; stopping of breath, painful pressure in the center of my chest. Being only 31 years old at the time, I was petrified that this might be a cardiac problem. These chest pains lead me to my family physician's office and emergency department numerous times. After ruling out many, many other possible medical causes, I was given the confirmed diagnosis of FMS.


New Year's Resolutions that Work
Author: Richard Bedrosian, Ph.D.

The beginning of a new year is an attractive time for people to consider making major changes in their lives. It is also a time when they can set themselves up for failure and disappointment. Making changes can be particularly difficult for people suffering from depression, eating disorders, and other problems, but with time, energy, patience, and hard work, you can succeed.


NeW Things :)
Author: Samuel A. Russell

As you sit there reading the words that are on your screen, you have thoughts and feelings in response to what it is that you are reading. And as you continue reading this you might be surprised to find that your curiousity begins to grow as you continue reading this again and again. You’ve came to this website for a reason and the reason is that you are looking for something; something that is to be revealed to you soon, understanding something new, in a clever and strange way, that may, delight & surprise you. Continue to read and keep in mind that you’re reading this for a reason, and that reason is you’re looking…looking for something. Well, I’ve got good news for you, I’ve got something! Something that may exceed your expectations while becoming excited about what’s coming up next because it may just the thing that you need. More fun, happiness and enjoyment is waiting for you further down this page, I promise. This works in strange ways that may surprise and delight you still. The more you read these wo


Author: Kimberly A. Griffiths



New Chakra Healing
Author: Michael Nudel and Eva Nudel, Ph.D.

People use five senses to perceive the material world around them. However, the material world consists of more subtle occurrences than can be perceived by the five senses, and if people become attuned to the higher dimensional worlds, they can more easily comply with the Laws of the Universe. As small parts people must submit the Laws of Universe. In other words, by developing people's ability to sense energetic fields, they will perceive the world around them with a more complete perspective that includes a newly developed bio-energetic ability. Developing bio-energetic abilities is a fascinating and evolving process. Once you begin developing your energy and healing abilities, it is not possible to stop, turn away, or forget the experience.


Never Too Late To Learn--BACK UP!
Author: Mary Holzrichter

It happened to me...


Author: Mike Moore

When I first began to speak for a living I found it difficult to remember the names of the people who hired me or those I met during refreshment break or during the chit chat session at the end of my presentation. I knew I had to do something to improve my memory. How could I continue to speak on relationships and communication and not recall the names of the people I was relating to and communicating with?


Author: Dan Baldyga

You and I. M. Strong, the adjuster from Granite Mountain Insurance, are sitting at your kitchen table in an attempt to settle your motor vehicle accident claim.


Negative or Positive Choices
Author: Gail R. Mitchell

As caregivers we sometimes encounter feelings of negativity, such as resentment, hate, anger or even fear. We might even experience mixed feelings bouncing back and forth from a negative to a positive.


Natural Eye Vision
Author: Michael Cohen

A dynamic technique to enhance your natural eye vision and gain visual clarity. Learn POWERFUL Bioenergy Natural EYE Vision Correction techniques…just 10 minutes per day!


Narratives and Neural Winds
Author: Sharon G. Mijares, Ph.D.

Sharon G. Mijares, Ph.D.


My What's Out of Balance?
Author: Mary C. Kraemer, R.N.,, LMT

Carolyn Myss, Ph.D. states in her book, Anatomy of the Spirit, "Energy medicine is a holistic philosophy that teaches, 'I am responsible for the creation of my health. I therefore participated, at some level, in the creation of this illness. I can participate in healing this illness by healing myself, which means simultaneously healing my emotional, psychological, physical and spiritual being.'"


My What's Out of Balance?
Author: Mary C. Kraemer, R.N.,, LMT

Carolyn Myss, Ph.D. states in her book, Anatomy of the Spirit, "Energy medicine is a holistic philosophy that teaches, 'I am responsible for the creation of my health. I therefore participated, at some level, in the creation of this illness. I can participate in healing this illness by healing myself, which means simultaneously healing my emotional, psychological, physical and spiritual being.'"


My Significant Self
Author: Tina Salloum

“Hey, good-lookin’” or my personal favorite—“easy on the eyes.” No matter how often I heard such flattering remarks, I never felt “attractive.” To me, my admirers were exercising poor judgment or just had bad taste.


My Chocolate Chip Cookie Diet: or, How to Lose Weight Without Deprivation
Author: Monica A. Frank, Ph.D.

First, let me tell you a little of my story. I am a behavioral therapist and I have lost a hundred pounds using the methods that I will describe. And I did it while being able to eat my husband's fabulous chocolate chip cookies (he's the one who labeled this a chocolate chip cookie diet). The principles that I will be describing I am sure you have heard before. Also, what I am presenting isn't the only way to lose weight. In fact, what I am advocating is to take the methods that have been effective for other people and to adapt them to yourself. The more you understand your psychological make-up and how your body responds, then you will be able to be successful in any goals you set for yourself. The following are some ideas and techniques to consider in your plan.


Music, A key to happy creative life
Author: veepandi

Unless we are alive to the threat of mental conditioning, we cannot lead a happy creative life.


Multidimensional Search Engine Optimization: Will the Real Innernet User Enter and Sign in Please?
Author: James Clayton Napier

In the pre-Internet days of my childhood, I pulled my red wagon each morning to the Alger, Ohio, post office to fill it with that day's bounty from all over the world (it wasn't “junk mail” to me!). I wanted to connect with the larger world I knew existed beyond my small farming community (population 1,000) in Northwest Ohio.


Multidimensional Search Engine Optimization: Will the Real Innernet User Enter and Sign in Please?
Author: James Clayton Napier

In the pre-Internet days of my childhood, I pulled my red wagon each morning to the Alger, Ohio, post office to fill it with that day's bounty from all over the world (it wasn't “junk mail” to me!). I wanted to connect with the larger world I knew existed beyond my small farming community (population 1,000) in Northwest Ohio.


moving on
Author: dr charmaine saunders

Letting go is one of the most difficult things for human beings to do. When our feelings are hurt, when we feel betrayed or let-down, the mind can really latch onto the idea of failure and begin to play a recurring negative tune which eventually drowns out hope, joy and confidence.


Motivation: It's an "EQ" Thing, not an "IQ" Thing
Author: Susan Dunn, The EQ Coach

"Motivation is not a thinking word," say John P. Kotter and Dan S. Cohen, in their book, "The Heart of Change." ( )


Motivation & Music
Author: Schahara Suzanne Winter

Spoken tapes and lectures, books, and articles are the best motivational tools on the commercial market for self-improvement and productivity. Unfortunately, they are the ONLY tools that attempt to increase productivity, improve attitude, and offer increased vitality.


Monkey Removal
Author: Michael Claridge

How many monkeys are you carrying? Come now, I am sure you are carrying at least one or two – maybe more. Are they heavy? Do they bother you or have you become good friends? Some monkeys can be pretty heavy. I have carried a few myself a time or two. Not too fun if you ask me.


Money Saving Travel Tips
Author: Ali Moazami

Have you seen the T.V. commercial where they show that one passenger paid only a few hundred for his plane ticket while the person sitting next to him paid over a thousand?


Mistakes we should all avoid
Author: Lorne Peasland

Where do you start a list like that? We all make mistakes. It's part of being human. I couldn't count mine.


Mission Possible
Author: Gail Pursell Elliott , "The Dignity and Respect Lady"

c2003 Gail Pursell Elliott


Mind-Gram: It's All About Attitude
Author: Jim Schneider

Last spring I was walking in a park. A short distance ahead of me was a mom and her three-year- old daughter. The little girl was holding on to a string that was attached to a helium balloon. All of a sudden, a sharp gust of wind took the balloon from the little girl.


Mindfulness and Panic: Ask Your Anxiety
Author: Maya Talisman Frost



Mindfulness and Independence: Observing Fireworks
Author: Maya Talisman Frost

“It’s a free country,” they say. “Celebrate our independence,” I hear.


Midlife Career Change: It's about identity
Author: Cathy Goodwin, Ph.D.

I hear from many people who feel trapped in a career after fifteen or twenty happy, productive years. It's been a good ride, they say, but now it's time to jump off the train. They want to fulfill a creative dream, recover from burnout or just try something new. The old challenge is now a "been there, done that."


Messages from Dad
Author: Kay Cole

The story that I am about to tell is one that both inspired me, and frightened me, but in the end, made me stronger, and gave me a new sense of purpose. To this day, I know God was with me in this amazing way, and I know that I will never be the same again. I was suffering from depression since my parent's deaths. I had much bitterness inside me. It all changed when I met a man named Ray L. nearly 7 years after my dad's death.


Author: Terry L. Sumerlin

Question: “If you could live forever, would you and why?”


Menopause Manners For Men
Author: Valerie Otto

Menopause is not what it used to be. Women are approaching this time of life differently - the new outlook is energized as most women are healthy and become free of many past identities and responsibilities. A natural option like Oona is one I know many women will find valuable in dealing with the bothersome symptoms at this time and I’m hoping to see more women incorporate another valuable and natural ally crucial in making this next stage truly exciting -- our men! But we can’t do it alone. So based on our completely unscientific research, here are tips I hope our better half will find useful.


Meeting that special someone:
Author: Dr. Dennis W. Neder

You’ve met many people in your life. How many of them have been your ideal mate? Probably very few. You may have dated someone very attractive, only to find that they don’t seem so wonderful after you get to know them. If you’re going to find Mr. or Ms. Right, you’re probably going to have to go through a number of people ?possibly a large number!


Meditations In My Favourite Places In Southern Africa
Author: Gail Evans

From the Prologue of : Meditations In My Favourite Places In Southern Africa. by Gail Evans.


Meditation: Can sitting with your eyes closed improve your quality of life?
Author: Jim Malloy

What comes to mind when you think of meditation? People sitting on remote mountain tops in exotic lands? Lines of monks sitting on monastery floors in deep concentration? Ages ago, meditation may have been practiced only by a select few reclusive types. But today, millions of people from all walks of life are enjoying the many benefits of meditation. No longer shrouded in mysticism, meditation has emerged as a practical and valuable tool for relieving the stress of modern living, and improving our overall quality of life. How can practicing meditation improve your quality of life?


Meditation as a Special Tool in Bio-Energy Healing
Author: Michael Nudel and Eva Nudel, Ph.D.

There is a special tool which may promote the development and mastery of a special mind state and bio-energetic ability to feel and assess human energy - meditation.


Meditation and A Course in Miracles
Author: Dan Joseph

Many of us go through our days surrounded by a whirlwind of thoughts. If we sit down to seek a sense of peace or inner guidance, we may find ourselves buffeted by one idea after another. Sometimes there are anxious emotions that accompany the swirl of thoughts.


Meaningful Coincidences How You can Tap into the Magic of Synchronicity
Author: Jill Wellington

While I was a television news reporter for eighteen years, running down stories about everything from government scandals to house fires, I had coincidences so remarkable, my co-workers dubbed it Wellington Luck. I had it almost every day, and totally relied on it.


Maybe it's Good
Author: Adam Khan

I'd done a lot of walking in the last two days and my feet hurt. Of course, I didn't like it. It's obviously a sign I'm getting old. It's a bad thing. "But maybe it's good," I said to myself, "in fact, maybe it's perfect. Maybe it's strengthening the bones in my feet and when I'm old I'll be able to walk a lot longer."


Mastering the Art of Communication
Author: Peter Rosselli - CoFounder of Cor Communications

Few people would argue with the fact that skillful communication is one of the most critical success factors in both business and personal life. However, it is much more than just a means to an end. Communication is one of the most beautiful and rich art forms that a human being can aspire to master.


Marketing or Manifesting?
Author: Cathy Goodwin, PhD

A friend was working with a marketing coach, chosen for his hard-nosed, no-nonsense approach. Disappointed with the results, she suggested there might be a more fundamental problem, such as positioning or lack of a sizeable target market for her product. The coach responded, "You are being negative! That's the problem -- not the market. Visualize -- don't analyze."


Manifestation or Infestation ... Stop feeding the stray dogs!
Author: Edward B. Toupin

I always tell my clients that you must eliminate your fears, doubts, and negative thoughts to manifest a positive world. But, many of them fail to do so because, it just doesn't make sense. There's nothing tangible to grab hold of and believe in, as we have been taught as a necessity throughout our lives.


Manifest away
Author: Ridgely Goldsborough

The sun crept over the horizon and lodged itself above the coastline, bathing the beach in a comfortable, morning glow. Solitary clouds dotted the backdrop, lazy lollygaggers moseying across the sky, unhurried, white-haired philosophers gazing down at the busy-ness below.



We often see on our televisions graphic images of terrible car crashes, mostly where somebody had been speeding and come to grief. Later tests usually showed that the crash occurred because someone, in order to save time, had taken a terrible risk, and lost the gamble. But what if the crash hadn’t happened, and the driver had got away with the chance he had taken? What if he hadn’t been killed? What would he have done with those few seconds saved had he lived? The probability is that those precious, golden seconds would have been wasted anyway, squandered on some triviality. Yet the driver had forfeited his life and brought grief and suffering to many others just for that.


Making Miracles - The Chewy Surprise Inside
Author: Rita Louise

In the Bible, there are many recorded instances of miracles occurring. In the Old Testament, Moses is said to have brought plagues of frogs and locusts upon the Egyptians, parted the Red Sea, and rained "manna" from the sky. Likewise, in the New Testament, Jesus said is to have turned water into wine, healed the sick and infirm, and brought Lazarus back from the dead. These stories may seem incredible, exceptional, and stupendous to us. Unfortunately, they may also appear unachievable for regular people like you and me.


Making It Happen!
Author: Bill McGrane

ABSTRACT: Have you ever wondered who you really are? Take a moment and reflect on yourself as a person. Be brutally honest. Consider who you are and how you live. Are you where you want to be? Who controls your personal power? Is decision making easy? What is your level of stress? How do you relate to others? Do you like the way people respond to you? Is your job or career satisfying and fulfilling? Are you prepared for the "what ifs" in life? What are your top three frustrations? Can you recognize reoccurring destructive behavior? How would you like your life to be?


Making decisions
Author: Fatimah Musa

You lost your job. Your partner left you. Your car was re-possessed. You find your life barren like the desert.


Making a difference in the workplace
Author: Vered (Tanmayo) Neta

Have you been lately into a local supermarket?


Making a difference - it is up to you!
Author: Nisandeh Neta

"I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." Those powerful words are part of a speech given by Martin Luther King in August 1963.


Make Worry "Optional"
Author: Mary Kay Buttery

I know most of you already know that worry is useless. Worry takes us out of the present moment, where all our power is to create. Worry (what-ifs) is all about the future, where we have no power what so ever (makes sense, because when we worry we feel powerless)!


Make Sure You Get Your Mail
Author: John G. Wack

Increasingly, ISPs are using filtering systems to try and


Make sure Affiliate Programs pay you for every Sale
Author: John Lynch

When joining an affiliate program there are many decisions you have to make. Unfortunately, few people query what kind of tracking software the program uses. To overlook this can prove costly, and means you may never be credited with 5% - 10% of your affiliate sales.


Make Profits On Online Shopping
Author: Ricky Ahuja

Time was when shopping was a painful experience, a chore to be lived with. Cash Back schemes have now brought the fun back into shopping. One can now shop online and purchase all that you need without even leaving home. What’s more, these online purchases also pay you back a certain amount on your purchases. Online purchase stores are now offering its customers up to 40% Cash Back on every purchase made. For shoppers, who do not like to venture out for their shopping and make all their purchases from online stores, these Cash Back rebate programmes actually pay them back for just the pains you are taking to go online.


Make Ongoing Education a Priority
Author: Josh Hinds

My friend, very few of the decisions in our lives are as important as choosing to live a life filled with ongoing education. It doesn't even have to come in the form of formal education, for many folks it's achieved by reading books, listening to tapes or attending seminars. Yet others choose to tap the vast resources available online.


Make My Day
Author: Jan Tincher

When you approach a business to ask about something that you’ve asked about before, do you say “I spoke with that elderly lady over there.”?


Make money with self-improvement seminars!
Author: Stef Walter

Ever since the beginning of time, ambitious people of the world have attributed some” indescribable" secret to the success of those people with wealth. These people have spent, and will continue to spend, millions of dollars to cultivate these "secrets" within themselves.


Make Fear of Failure Your Work In Progress
Author: Kimberly A. Chorosiewski

Fear of failure has played an important role in the lives of many children, athletes, parents and businessmen around the globe. Fear of failure has inspired some of the greatest feats on this planet. This fear has also crippled many from pursuing their dreams. People see failure as a weakness.


Make a One Decision Not Just a New Years Resolution
Author: Judith Wright (founder - The Wright Institute for Lifelong Learning)

Every year the majority of us make a promise to ourselves that we will change some habit we find unseemly – we make a New Year’s resolution. And for a time, even if it is just a fleeting moment, we actually believe that we will keep that promise. We will stop eating a pint of Ben & Jerry’s every time we have a bad day, we will only wear our workout pants when we’re actually going to the gym, we will water the plants, eat nutritious meals, and be at work on time. And this year, we’ll actually do it…Yeah, right.


Magnetic Fields as a Form of Energy Medicine
Author: William Pawluk, MD, MSc

Just imagine, reaching into the body and healing an imbalance without touching anything. This is what medical magnetic fields do. This is the essence of energy medicine. These magnetic “waves” are the future medicine. Magnetic field devices becoming available to the public deliver fields to the body that are “like a breeze in the trees”. The branches and leaves are moving but nothing is seen to be doing it. This “air” moves through the body like it wasn’t even there. This is the magic potential of medical magnetic fields.


Magical Holiday Emergency Kit
Author: Stephanie Yeh

MAGICAL Holiday Emergency Kit


Loving the work that you do
Author: Nisandeh Neta

Tired of your job? What was it like when you first fell in love?


Loving Every Phenomenal Part of You
Author: Deborah L. Shipley

Have you ever wished yourself away? I am not referring to leaving your precious life on this Earth; but rather, just wished you weren’t a certain way or did not have some particular qualities and mannerisms that were so apparent to you. I know I have.


Love: The Killer App
Author: Kathy Paauw

"Love is the act of intelligently and sensibly sharing your knowledge, networks, and compassion with your business partners."

Love is in the air
Author: Giuditta Tornetta, CD, CLE, CCH

from her book “Joy In Birthing: Daily Inspiration for a Natural and Painless Childbirth”


Looking into Yourself: the power of Introspection
Author: Hal Warfield

Have you ever wondered what part you might have played in a quarrel? In a communication breakdown? In a misunderstanding? Don't feel bad or be surprised if you answered "no".


Looking At Time With A Capital T
Author: Maya Talisman Frost

I keep a fossil on my desk at all times. Whenever I feel rushed or find myself creating a sense of urgency, I pick up the fossil and caress its polished surface. It’s over 200 million years old. Suddenly, returning that phone call or meeting that self-imposed deadline doesn’t seem nearly as critical. My ancient arthropod reminds me that, in the scheme of things, this moment is indescribably insignificant. I find that remarkably comforting.


Long Distance Relationships 101
Author: Debbie Anderson

Why do long distance relationships seem more passionate than


Living With Your Negatives
Author: Dr. Asoka Selvarajah

If you have been studying personal growth materials for any length of time, you have probably heard it said over and over again that the name of the game is positive thinking. In other words, you must work to reduce and ultimately eliminate negative thinking and emotions from your life.


Living With Spina Bifida
Author: Robert M. Hensel

I grew up with a birth defect known as spina bifida, a disability that affects my sense of balance, causing me to walk with a limp. Not only does it affect the function of the legs, but it also has an impact on the kidneys, causing them to deteriorate.


Living Purposefully: Making thoughts and actions count
Author: Gwendolyn M. Duhon, Ph.D.

What does it mean to live purposefully? Simply put, it means that we live each day as though it may be our last chance to make difference in the lives of others or in our own lives. It means that we decide to make our living meaningful and focus our energies on accomplishing our goals. Living purposefully requires that we think before we act- consider the consequences of our actions in relationship to how it affects our lives and the lives of others. Before we utter careless words, ingest unhealthy food, or act in ways contrary to common sense we must consider:


Living Life on Life's Terms
Author: Denise R. Cooney

Hello! My name is Denise Cooney for those of you who do not know me, I am blessed with the gifts that include being a medical intuitive and reader. I write books, teach classes but more importantly I live life.


Author: Lawrence R. Spencer

in their best-selling book, Fit For Life, reveal some very interesting facts about the effects of diet on health and longevity. They report that the Los Angeles Times and Weekly World News printed articles about a man living in China named Wu Yunqing. Mr. Yunqing was 142 years old in 1980. The article includes a photo of him riding his bicycle! When he was interviewed about his diet, he answered, “I eat corn, rice, sweet potatoes, and other fruits and vegetables.? Remember the study done by Dr. Alexander Leaf, who published the findings of his research about the oldest people in the world in the January, 1973 edition of National Geographic magazine? He reported that the three most consistently disease-free and long-lived people on Earth are the Abkahazians of Russia, the Vilacabambans of Ecuador, and the Hunzukuts of Pakistan. None of these peoples suffer from Western diseases: no obesity, no cancer, no heart disease! On average, these people live to be over 100 years old. The men are physically active and st


Living Clear
Author: Stan Carter

Living Clear: Clarity for Life in an Era of Obscurity


Live your Purpose
Author: Lynn Cohen

Is anyone wondering how the events of September 11th happened? Are you feeling sad, angry or frustated? Are you wondering what you can do to help this world? The problems seem immense. It is overwhelming when we think of the whole problem. Are we using the best solutions? Are we listening to those that need to be heard? Are we looking for the root of the problem?


Author: Hifzur Rehman

Are you living your life, the way you want to live?


Live Like A Caveman
Author: Maria E. Andreu

In our search for wellness and health, we increasingly look for science and technology to bring us the balance we crave. We are all susceptible to wanting the latest miracle pill, the new sleek workout machine, the latest "Improved Eating Plan." But in truth, health and wellness are about sinplicity and the basics. So my advice is, if you're looking for diet or exercise tips, go back, (way back!), and live like a caveman.


Little Things
Author: Donald Schnell

What a week this is going to be, right?


Listening to the Soul
Author: Kim Eickhoff

Listening to the soul is the fourth and final component of what I call, Working it Out, Within. Listening to the soul is mainly about spirituality. I believe that we each have a spiritual side. It is that component that drives us to find meaning for our lives and to live as fully as we possibly can. For some, it has to do with believing in a higher power or God. For others, spirituality is about how they view their connection to the environment, nature, other people, and the world as a whole. I do encourage others to find a way to celebrate their spirit, because I believe that this is the piece that ultimately gives our lives true meaning. However, I do not believe in telling others how to do this for themselves. This is a decision that we each must make on our own, and it is very individualized as well as very personal.


Listen To Your Heart
Author: Josh Hinds

Listen to your heart - While our heart pumps the blood that keeps us alive it also accomplishes many other tasks. One in particular being the job of giving us passion for things! When we can follow our hearts passion we in turn make it easier on ourselves with regards to achieving things.


Like it or not, in this life…The Name of the Game is Change
Author: Paul McNeese

Most of us fear change, because - as we've all experienced - most change seems to be imposed upon us, originating outside of ourselves.


Lighting Your Path! How To Create the Life You Want
Author: Joanne Victoria

Below is an excerpt from Joanne Victoria’s book, Lighting Your Path! How To Create the Life You Want. To purchase this book, contact Joanne at: 415-491-1344.


Life Satisfaction Quiz
Author: Thelma Mariano

Thelma Mariano



"But what minutes! Count them by sensation, and not by calendars, and each moment is a day."--Benjamin Disraeli


Life Lessons from your Dog
Author: Kate Nicoll, MSW

Idealized Love and Redemption


Life Is Easy, Isn't It?
Author: Jerry Lopper

"Life is easy" seems easily understood intellectually. Take what comes along with thanks and gratitude; the circumstances and choices we make are perfect for us. All this feels right when said in a contemplative atmosphere. But after a few doses of life's reality, we have a difficult time bringing "life is easy" to daily application. Loved ones with health problems, layoffs and down-sizing, widespread terrorism, and random killings, all cause us to choke a bit on the phrase.


Life in Living Color
Author: Jeff Hanna

If you’re like most people seldom does life kick on all cylinders all the time. You might just chalk it up “that’s the way life goes.” But what if there was a planned, intentional, systematic approach to a more balanced life? What if this plan was easy to understand and incorporate into your life? The Spectrum Life System (SLS) is designed to be just that. As you unfold the ideas behind SLS, you will begin to believe that a more balanced, colorful and exciting life is possible.


Life Fundas 1 - Alter your Attitudes
Author: Anurag Chopra


Life as a Human/Medium/Psychic Being
Author: Joseph Ghabi

Life as a Human/Medium/Psychic Being


LIFE [A Simple Philosophy]
Author: STAR LEE

What is “life” all about? Why are we here, what should we do here? Why aren’t we all happy about life? What is there to understand about living here on earth?


Levels of Life... Creeping up the Ladder of Excellence
Author: Edward B. Toupin

Have you ever wondered why someone felt so distant or seemed so different than anyone else in a crowd? Have you ever wondered why you always seemed to struggle with some mundane task in your life while others seem to soar? If you answered yes to either of those questions, then you need to sit back and evaluate your current situation and determine the best way to begin moving up through the various levels of life. Life is a series of levels, or steps, that lead to many different paths. Each step allows us the security and knowledge necessary to take on the next big step to bring us fulfillment on our path toward our vision.


Letting Go and Moving Forward
Author: Karim Hajee

Let's face it Many of us choose to hang on to things that at some point have hurt us, angered us, made us feel sad, or depressed us. If we choose to hang on to them, we will never move forward and we could even create physical or medical damage to our bodies. To prevent this from happening we need to let go but no one really tells you how to let go and move forward. Sure it's easy to say: "Just let go, move forward, forget about it, just let go." But that really doesn’t work. I’m about to show you how to let go and start moving forward.


Letting Go – In my own words!
Author: Ashleigh Stewart

What do we mean in healing when we talk about ‘letting go’? Everywhere we turn to get some help in healing, all we hear is people preaching to us “you must let it go!” This probably sounds like a very nice idea to the person who seeks guidance and I do agree with whomever it is that is preaching this statement, but to the person who is the one in need of healing, just what on earth does it really mean?


Letting Go – In my own words!
Author: Ashleigh Stewart

What do we mean in healing when we talk about ‘letting go’? Everywhere we turn to get some help in healing, all we hear is people preaching to us “you must let it go!” This probably sounds like a very nice idea to the person who seeks guidance and I do agree with whomever it is that is preaching this statement, but to the person who is the one in need of healing, just what on earth does it really mean?





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