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Our Motivational Database currently contains more than 8,000 articles from experts all across the United States, and several countries around the world. You will truly find here quite an incredible treasure of information that can literally change your life. Please consider the idea of committing to starting eboarach day by reading a new article that will life you up, inspire you and recharge your batteries!




You Can Have A Super Memory, Too!
Author: Micheal Sim

Many of us have complained frequently about our seemingly poor memory. If you're a student, I'm sure you've encountered instances where you had missed out on that 'A' grade just because you failed to recall Newton's Law of Gravitation or some other crucial information. If you're a business executive, you surely would have been through situations in which you just could not remember the name of this CEO or President of another company - and hence lost out on that lucrative contract. Or if you're a housewife, it's likely that there are times when you forgot what was on your shopping list. Was it chocolate milk or strawberry milk which your son wanted?


You Are The Greatest Computer Ever Created!
Author: Ron White

Have you ever walked into a room and couldn't remember what you went there for? Have you ever grasped the hand of a potential client and then when the hand shake broke, the name seemed to disappear from your memory? Or have you ever left a prospect and as you drove away remembered a key point that you should have shared with them?


Using Your Senses for Fast Learning
Author: Chance Massaro and Steve Wallis

The learning experts call them modalities. You probably call them senses. They are the five common senses with which we experience our world. The ways in which the senses are related to our short and long term memories constitute our natural learning modalities. This article will clarify how modalities are the pathways for learning; then it will help you identify your preferred modalities and finally it will give you concrete ways to learn faster by using your modalities consciously.


Remembering intended actions and future events
Author: Dr Fiona McPherson

There is no such thing as a poor memory.


Reading and the four doors to memory
Author: Selby Evans

Do you ever complain that you don’t remember enough of what you read? Here’s what to do about it. Think of your memory as having four doors. You brain automatically stores experiences by using one or more of these doors. If you decide to remember something, you can decide which of these doors you will use. Preferable more than one.


Memory Concepts - Keeping Minds Fit
Author: Janet Walsh

Memory Concepts Launches Web-based Service Designed to Help Reduce the Risk of Memory Loss


Author: David Rivera

A Quick Word Helps to Remember


How to Remember Anything
Author: Rob Watson

Copyright 2004 Rob Watson


How To Memorize Anything. Part 1) Napoleon’s Secret Method For Memorizing Names
Author: Sten Andersen

What was the name of that beautiful girl? Her soft lips spoke the name only hours ago; today, you are totally clueless.


How to improve your memory in 5 easy steps
Author: Ron B.

Discover the 5 easy to follow steps how to quickly improve your memory and learn more in less time. Stop forgetting things that you need to remember. Become a fast learner, remember details and be more effective. Simply follow these 5 easy steps and watch your memory improve.


Forgot to take out the trash, again? Remember, the Meditation Way
Author: Ali Sharifi

Humans are a forgetful bunch. We forget everything from calling our loved ones to picking up that crucial item on our way home from work. If I were to make an educated guess, I’d have to say that the we are becoming more forgetful as a society with each passing year. I attribute this to the general increase in our pace of life. There seems to be so much more to worry about these days. At any particular moment, we typically have a jumble of to do items floating around in our heads. And, as we squeeze more tasks into this convoluted mess, a few are bound to slip out. Have you experienced the frustration of having one task that you’ve been telling yourself to do over and over again, and it seems that every time you’re a situation where you could accomplish the task, you completely forget about it. You only remember that you forgot to do it after the fact, maybe when you’re on your way to work. There are several reasons for this that go beyond simple forgetfulness, but we’re just going to tackle how to remember t


Can’t Memorize Anything? Why Your Memory Stinks
Author: Sten Andersen

If you're like everybody I know and their grandma, you feel that your memory stinks. You can't even memorize your grocery list - and when you're finally done shopping, you've got no idea where you parked the car. If you're lucky, you don't mix up the names of your two youngest ones, who you've left and forgotten in the back seat.






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