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Our Motivational Database currently contains more than 8,000 articles from experts all across the United States, and several countries around the world. You will truly find here quite an incredible treasure of information that can literally change your life. Please consider the idea of committing to starting eboarach day by reading a new article that will life you up, inspire you and recharge your batteries!




You Want the Life? You Have to Eat the Food.
Author: Ellis Hein

What does it take to have a body that is healthy all your life? Some people seem to sail through their lifetime with nothing ever going wrong. Is it luck?


Yogic eating
Author: Christophe Mouze

Any dog or horse trainer knows that what you feed to an animal influences their behaviour. Although we tend to forget this when it comes to ourselves, what we eat has huge influence over our thoughts, and ultimately our emotional and spiritual well being. The yogis of old times knew this, and many classical yogic texts, such as the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, contain advice on yogic diet. However, proper diet is a controversial subject. A subject extensively researched by modern science, there are as many 'proper' diets as there are scientific studies. It is more than a bit confusing for someone to devise their own individual diet amidst so much, often contradictory advice. The advice given below is based on the classical yogic texts and on the author's experience. It also gives pointers for further research and experimentation.


Why You Should Consider Adding Spice To Your Life!
Author: Suzanne Tabor and her son Dr. Aaron Tabor,

The Thanksgiving holidays are almost upon us – and what a wonderful time of year it is! A season to give thanks, break bread (and enjoy pumpkin pie!) with loved ones, and celebrate in grand tradition. Unfortunately, for too many Americans, Thanksgiving also signals the beginning of their annual winter holiday weight gain. Ready to make this the year that only the turkey gets stuffed? Then consider adding some spice to your life!


Why was the FDA trying to hide the facts about Ephedra from YOU?
Author: Matthew Kramer

In April 2004 the FDA removed ephedra from the market claiming that it was responsible for dozens of deaths. The legal battle between the FDA and health officials began when the health officials became unhappy with the FDA’s decision to ban ephedra. The FDA had not taken proper action in declaring the ban on Ephedra based products. There reasoning for the ban was that there were too many problems occurring, some of which led to deaths. Ephedra was considered to be a drug that was too risky. The FDA claims that the negatives outweighed the positive aspects of the drug.


Whole Foods versus "Shakes" and "Supplements"
Author: Jonathan Perez

Surely you see them in just about every other page in every-single bodybuilding / fitness magazine. Everyone at the gym uses them. Go to any grocery store and they have them there too. Yes, even you, {!firstname}, have probably used them and / or are using them right now.........


What I have learnt about introducing solids
Author: Liz Chalmers

Here is what I've learnt works for me:


What Everywoman Needs!
Author: Kim Beardsmore

As a woman, your body is very complex. Throughout every phase of your life you will require extra care and nutritional support. Today's scientific advances support a number of natural choices for women, like soy. Still, the fact remains that calcium, folic acid and iron continue to be the most important nutrients that can impact a woman's total health. All women should take a daily multiple vitamins with these essential nutrients.


What Everybody Ought to Know About Food Additives
Author: Christine H. Farlow, D.C.

Every day we are bombarded with information about food products that are healthy, all natural, have no artificial ingredients, no preservatives, low fat, no fat, no cholesterol, sugar free, vitamin fortified and provide 100% of your daily vitamin requirements. Are these foods as healthy as the advertising tries to make us believe they are?


What Do You Know About Fat, Skinny?
Author: Larry R. Cappetto

I earnestly desire to gain weight as much as many of you reading this article would like to lose it. I believe what I am going to share with you here is both simple and yet, profound!


Weight Loss - It's in Your Head
Author: Helene Haber

When you truly consider the weight-loss process, the battle waged is mostly in your mind. “Should I eat the corn muffin with butter or would it be better for me to have margarine or better yet, have jelly? What am I doing eating this muffin anyway? It’s so caloric and filled with saturated fat. I’m such a pig. I have absolutely zero willpower.” It’s no wonder you’ll eat that muffin with the butter and slather jelly on top to quiet that negative self-talk.


Ways to Maximize Vitamin Absorption
Author: Nitin Jain

1. Do not refrigerate vegetables and fruits (raw and uncut) for more than two days.


Vitamin Supplements in a Liquid World
Author: David Leonhardt

Every day, it seems like we are living in an increasingly liquid world. I'm not preaching against the evils of alcohol or for a new era of prohibition that will save us from sin and politicians. After all, water is also a liquid, and it rarely inflicts us with either sin or politicians.


Vitamin Supplements – Are they Beneficial or Just Hype?
Author: John Tiniakos

Vitamin supplements have been increasing in popularity and availability over the past 30 years. In North America it has become a multi – billion dollar industry. Vitamin supplements have been hailed as powerful antioxidants that fight against a wide variety of health conditions such as cancer and heart disease. They are also credited with causing reverse affects in the aging process, and enhancing athletic ability.


Vitamin C -- The Most Famous of Vitamins!
Author: David Leonhardt

We call Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, "the most famous of vitamins" because it really is the best known. It is the first one schoolchildren learn. It is the most cited cure for the common cold. Most people can rhyme off at least a few foods that contain vitamin C. And vitamin C is the single most searched nutrient on the Internet.


Vitamin A – The Glow-in-the-dark Vitamin
Author: David Leonhardt

The ancient Egyptians had a cure for "night blindness". They fed the patient lots and lots of liver. Perhaps they thought they were appeasing the Gods of sight. In 1930, the first fat-soluble vitamin was discovered - vitamin A - which, it turns out, does indeed appease the Gods of sight.


Vegetarian Does Not Have To Be All or Nothing
Author: Melanie Mendelson

Many people contemplate becoming a vegetarian at one point or another. Some consider a meatless diet because they feel sorry for the animals. Others think a vegetarian way of eating will improve their health.


Use Essential Oils and Herbs in a Sitz Bath for Hemorrhoid Relief
Author: Rudy Silva

Sitz bath using juniper and lavender oils


Turn Back The Hands Of Time
Author: Dave Burleson



There Is More To Nutrition Than The Ingredients Box
Author: Connie Roemer

Most people pay little attention to the nutritional content of their food until they are on, or about to begin a diet.


The Truth about health
Author: Joachim Mueller-Heringer

Let me ask you something!


The Thin Commandments
Author: Carolyn Costin MFCC

One of the things that is so difficult to understand is the dedication to thinness beyond a reasonable doubt. I know it is hard to comprehend how someone could relentlessly pursue something that is killing her/him and ruining the family, etc. Who or what is telling her to do these things? Where did she come up with some of these behaviors? After working with several patients and thinking back on my own experience I began to see that one of the things that goes on inside is the formulation and adherence to self-imposed rules. I have formulated these rules into what I call the Thin Commandments. I use these to expose my patient's rules to themselves (many of them are unaware that they have certain rules). We go over the "Thin Commandments" and try to extract any other rules they might be living by. Below are the ten most common eating disorder "commandments" I came up with out of countless interviews with patients. In treatment these cognitive distortions are confronted and the ! meaning behind them uncovered i


Author: Steve Goodier



The Role of Supplements for Fat Loss and Healthy Living
Author: Pamela Blackburn, Certified Personal Trainer

As you are aware, there are countless supplements available. We all see new commercials almost daily with more promises to deliver every benefit under the sun with a simple pop of a pill.


The perfect weight loss solution!
Author: Lynda Lock

The main contributing factors to failure on a weight loss program are hunger and energy loss. The majority of foods today, even “good foods” such as fruit and vegetables, are nutritionally deficient due to over processing, chemical spraying, early harvesting and, in the case of meats, use of antibiotics. As a result of these factors, the average person would need to consume around 4000 calories worth of food to meet their daily nutritional requirements. For women the recommended daily intake is around 1500 and for men around 2500 so it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure out what we’d all look like if we ate 4000 calories per day!


The Key To Optimal Health
Author: Dr. Rita Louise, ND

During the past 20 years, we have heard a lot about controlling disease through diet, exercise and food supplements, but not much is being said as to how to prevent disease before it occurs. We are all are born with both inherent strengths and weaknesses as part of our genetic inheritance. All of the tissues in our bodies, whether of bone, muscle, gland or organ, have a unique balance of chemical elements that are designed to work in harmony with one another. It is now believed, that all chronic diseases are accompanied by nutritional deficiencies and imbalances in the essential chemical elements that make up the body.


The How-To on Homemade Ice Cream
Author: Beth Scott

Have you ever wondered if there was a healthful alternative to the sugar and preservative filled ice cream you buy in the supermarkets? If you have or if you would truly like to try homemade ice cream then this is for you. I have a recipe for vanilla ice cream, that will knock your socks off when you taste it.


The Health Benefits of Omega 3's
Author: Aaron Wilmot

According to renowned research scientist Dr. Barry Sears, Medical Research is focusing more and more on the health benefits of high dose fish oil, which has long been considered by doctors around the world to be one of the most effective remedies for improving physical performance, treating depression and arthritis, and improving concentration and memory. Fish oil is also widely considered to be effective in preventing heart disease because of it's rich omega-3 component. In addition, new research suggests that high doses of fish oil may also be effective in combating Parkinson's disease, Attention deficit disorder, and other Neurological problems. Dr. Sears bluntly states that "pharmaceutical grade fish oil is as close to a medical miracle as we will see in the 21st century".


The Health Benefits of Chocolate
Author: Susie Cortright

With the New Year come and gone, many of us are making good on a resolution to eat healthier. So what’s a chocolate lover to do?


Author: Monique N. Gilbert

Numerous reports indicate that, because soy is high in isoflavones, it can prevent illness and promote good health. Isoflavones are a class of phytochemicals, which are compounds found only in plants (phyto means plant). They are also a type of phytoestrogen, or plant hormone, that resembles human estrogen in chemical structure yet are weaker. By mimicking human estrogen at certain sites in the body, isoflavones provide many health benefits that help you to avoid disease. Isoflavones are found in soybeans, chick peas and other legumes. However, soybeans are unique because they have the highest concentration of these powerful compounds. Soy contains many individual isoflavones, but the most beneficial are genistein and daidzein.


The Body's Own Production of Nitric Oxide Can Help Prevent Heart Attack & Stroke
Author: Roger Jirves

Nitric Oxide, a gas that occurs naturally in the body, may do more than any prescription drug to prevent heart attack and stroke.


The Big FAT Lie!
Author: Ridgely Goldsborough

You pick up a packaged product and begin to read the label.


The Amazing Amla Berry
Author: Rama Kant Mishra

Of all the rasayanas -- ayurvedic formulations revered for their positive influence on the overall physiology -- Amalaki is considered one of the most potent and nourishing. The Charaka Samhita says, "Amalaki is the best among rejuvenative herbs."


Sugar's Sweetness
Author: Charles Eisenstein

Sugar offers a hollow sweetness that one can easily detect through careful, attentive eating. If you slowly chew and taste an oversweetened food, you'll probably find it phony and dishonest. Indeed, refined sugar cheats the body, promising a bonanza of nutrition that is not there.


Spices - Wonder-Foods for Flavor and Health
Author: Vasu Nargundkar

The "spice-box" is an intrinsic part of an Indian kitchen. Other cultures around the world have their favorite spices and herbs as well. The exotic colors and heady aromas of spices can elevate an ordinary dish into a sublime feast for the sense of sight, smell and taste. What's more, most spices also come with therapeutic properties, so every meal that includes spices can become an experience in enhancing health and well-being.


Soy Whole Foods - A Better Choice
Author: Laura Davimes

Since about 1992, the soy industry has been growing at an astounding rate. U.S. retail sales of soy foods alone were $.852 billion in 1992 and are projected at .714 billion for 2002. Soy crops occupied an amazing 75 million acres of farmland (out of 250 planted) in 2001.


Solving The 7 Most Common Whole Wheat Bread Baking Mistakes
Author: Beth Scott

Let’s face it EVERY cook makes mistakes (yes, even us professional bakers make boo boo’s).


Smarter Eating
Author: Joe Maresca

Smarter Eating


Author: Monique N. Gilbert

Soy, and most soy-based products, are nutritional powerhouses. Soybeans are the only plant food that has all of the essential amino acids our body requires, making it a complete protein. Soy foods do not have any cholesterol, and most are high in fiber. Soy also has many vitamins, minerals, and phytochemical compounds (like isoflavones) that work together to create numerous health benefits. Research shows that a daily intake of at least 25 grams of soy protein and 30-50 milligrams of isoflavones can improve and safeguard your health. This is the equivalent of 1-2 servings of soy foods a day. Here is a list of soy's properties and how they can positively affect you.


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Saving Tips for Grocery Shopping
Author: Kimberly A. Griffiths

Let’s face it grocery shopping can take a bite out of your paycheck. While this isn’t an expense that you can eliminate, there are ways to make it more affordable. Below is an article from Kimberly A Griffiths, the author of “One Paycheck At A Time” to help you in your quest to save money.


Safe Soy: The Truth About The Dangers of Soy
Author: Dr. Janet Starr Hull

Safe Soy


Researching Glyconutritionals (a.k.a. Glyconutrients)?
Author: George Satovich

The Greek word "Glyco" means, "Sugar". Most people think of sugar as being bad for you. However, there are actually TWO kinds of sugars. One is the refined or "extracellular" sugars which have been long associated with human disease. The other sugars are "intracellular" which can be found in fruits and vegetables and provide the body with nutrition it needs. These sugars, also known as complex carbohydrates, have been studied for years. However, only recently have we begun discovering their purpose in the body.


Psychitric Update: St. John’s Wort as an Antidepressant
Author: Scott E. Ewing, MD, McLean Hospital

During the past year, the use of extracts of Hypericum perforatum (St. John’s wort) for the treatment of clinical depression has attracted considerable attention in the popular press. Increasingly, physicians are being asked by their patients about this herbal medication: What is it? Does it really work? Is it safe? The inaugural issue of the McLean Hospital Psychiatric Update is devoted to answering these questions. Future issues will address other topics of concern to busy clinicians. We welcome suggestions from our readers for future topics.


Protect against Parkinson’s disease: Get Your Vitamin E
Author: Maureen Williams, ND

Moderate amounts of vitamin E in the diet can protect against Parkinson’s disease, according to a study in the Lancet Neurology (2005;4:362–5).


Author: Diane Varley

Without your good Health, nothing else matters. . .


One Step Ahead
Author: Brigitte Synesael

Well, it's that time of year again where we get ready to send our children off to school. I just saw my oldest manchild off to his 3rd year in college. At age 22 he's really a man, but he'll always be my child. So I lovingly refer to him as my "manchild". One thing Bible College has taught him, is to be tolerant of his mom's silly expressions. His move is a week early because he volunteered to be "Den Mother" for the dorm. So he has to be there in advance for preparation meetings and to help the first year students settle in.


One Man's Meat is Another Man's Poison
Author: Tim Larson, Ph. D.

One of the most important factors for enjoying good health is the food you eat. Food not only nourishes your body and replenishes your tissues, but proper nutrition helps you stay balanced and healthy. Improper nutrition can cause imbalance in your system and eventually lead to disease. But the foods that are best for one person are not necessarily best for the next person. Some foods that help balance one person may actually work to imbalance another person, depending on their individual constitution.


Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Your Health
Author: Cheryl Winter, M.S., R.D., R.N.



Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Your Health
Author: Cheryl Winter, M.S., R.D., R.N.



Of Obesity and Marketing
Author: Jeff McElnea

Marketers and the general public are asking who’s to blame for America's obesity problem -- consumers or marketers? Is there a government role and if so, what should it be? What should marketers be doing to support healthy causes? And, which brands are leading the way?


Nutrition Tips to Improve Fat Loss
Author: Rick DeToma

© By Rick DeToma


New Immune System Product
Author: Dr. Barry Green, Ph.D.

After 50 yrs. of research and 3000 scientific studies, the medical and scientific community has come up with a revolutionary product for the immune system. This product, called Transfer Factor, is the molecular amino peptide molecules from colastrum that holds the "brains" of the immune system.


Author: Phil Campbell, M.S., M.S.A., FACHE, AGE 50

Antioxidants . . . what comes to mind first? The orange vegetables - carrots and sweet potatoes, supplements like selenium, and vitamins C, D, E, right?


Author: Phil Campbell, M.S., M.S.A., FACHE, AGE 50

Antioxidants . . . what comes to mind first? The bright orange vegetables - carrots and sweet potatoes, or do you think about supplements like selenium, and vitamins C, D, E?


Networking to Market a Product
Author: Laura Cordova

In my journey through life to create the things that I aspire to do and be, a business opportunity found me through a friend, and it was one of the greatest ideas I had ever seen become a reality. It is a Network Marketing company that that was joyous and rewarding rather than the traditional way of doing things. I was actually intrigued by the product which is having a profound affect on people all over the world. By putting my business thinking cap on, I saw very clearly that because people “want?what the company has to offer, then the money is just icing on the cake for those who wish to become business builders.


Nature Always Right, Cooks Never
Author: Tonya Zavasta

Excerpted from the book "Your Right to Be Beautiful: How to Halt the Train of Aging and Meet the Most Beautiful You" by Tonya Zavasta. The book is available at:


Natural Eyecare and Nutrition
Author: Dr. Marc Grossman

Mind/Body medicine is based on the fact that our health and well-being depends on all the individual parts to work together effectively. The integrative approach evaluates the person’s lifestyle, habits, diet, exercise routine, stress management along with the family history in determining the healing approach. It attempts to bring in the patient as an active partner in the healing process. Specific habits have been identified in studies to be very damaging to our eye health, including smoking, excessive alcohol, coffee, excess sugar and refined foods, and hydrogenated oils (like margarines).


My Miracle Benefits of Wheatgrass
Author: Clyde W. Layton

Two years ago I survived a ruptured appendix. I was walking around with fever, abdominal pain on and off for over a month undiagnosed. Finally after I returned to the hospital, for the third time, with a high fever and many CT and other diagnostic tests I was finally diagnosed with a ruptured appendix and scheduled for surgery. Doctors gave me a 10% chance of survival rate since I had significant damage and infection and they needed the get the infection down before operating. Also the doctor wanted to have two doctors present during the operations due to the extreme damage that the rupture caused. The doctors had to remove about 18 inches of my large intestine and treated me with large doses of antibiotics.


Mineral Cell Salts -- The Biochemic Theory of Natural Health, How to get well and Keep Fit with Mineral Cell Salts
Author: Carole Hubbard

Mineral Cell Salt deficiencies is the cause of all disease according to The Biochemic Handbook, written by JB Chapman, MD & Edward L. Perry, MD. This extract from The Biochemic Handbook explains the principles behind the theory.


Macular Degeneration: There is Hope
Author: Dr. Marc Grossman

Today, macular degeneration is the leading cause of irreversible blindness and by the year 2020, an estimated 7.5 million Americans will suffer significant vision loss due to macular degeneration. Although there is no effective treatment yet, natural remedies can go a long way in preventing the disease from progressing to the point of vision loss.


LoW Carb Intelligence Vs Low Carb Stupidity - Making the Most of Your Low Carb Lifestyle
Author: Dianne Villano

By: Dianne Villano, CPFI


Low Carb Diets: Recipe for Success or Formula for Failure?
Author: Travis Smith

Life in the Fast Food lane is taking its toll on Americans. Yes, it's official two in three adult Americans are overweight or obese. TWO IN THREE! We need to do something about it and fast. In fact, left unabated, "obesity may soon cause as much preventable disease and death as cigarette smoking," says Surgeon General David Satcher. We're talking about nearly 400,000 about cramping your lifestyle.


Low Carb Diets: Recipe for Success or Formula for Failure?
Author: Travis Smith

Life in the Fast Food lane is taking its toll on Americans. Yes, it's official two in three adult Americans are overweight or obese. TWO IN THREE! We need to do something about it and fast. In fact, left unabated, "obesity may soon cause as much preventable disease and death as cigarette smoking," says Surgeon General David Satcher. We're talking about nearly 400,000 about cramping your lifestyle.


Losing Weight Without Being Hungry
Author: Melanie Mendelson

Many people associate weight loss with being hungry all the time. They're afraid to start a weight loss plan because they want to avoid the frustrations of hunger.


Lactose Intolerant?
Author: David Exon

Do you know anyway who can’t consume milk or milk-based products? The condition is not uncommon and these people are classified as lactose intolerant.


Kanhaiya Amla Powder
Author: G.J Bajaj



IWI Nutrient Report -- DHEA
Author: David Murphy, PhD, ND, CHT

What is DHEA?


It's All About Nutrition!
Author: Lindsey Porter Dip. Hom.

The body is sturdy but needs balance and gentle care to function well. A sound foundation of care is provided when having a well balanced diet, plenty of fresh water and sleep, frequent gentle physical and mental exercise and a moderate lifestyle with an effective stress management program. To help attain this, it is now common to have nutritional supplements to cover any deficiencies in the diet, to support failing body systems or lessen disease. Unfortunately, most nutrient formulas are if little value. Why?


It Takes More than Meals to Feed Your Body
Author: Bob Doyle

Do you take a multivitamin?


Is Your Dog Malnourished?
Author: Aaron Wilmot

Americans are more concerned about health than ever before, so we should also have an equal amount of concern for our pets ... particularly with regard to the ingredients in their food. We would want the ingredients in our pets' food to be acceptable for human consumption.


Integrated Vision Care and Nutrition
Author: Dr. Marc Grossman

Mind/Body medicine is based on the fact that our health and well-being depends on all the individual parts to work together effectively. So it should come as no surprise that healthy eyesight is also dependent upon our total well-being, which is affected by our genetic makeup, the food we eat, our work environment and exposure to airborne toxins, as well as our general belief systems about ourselves and the world we live in. Each of us is unique and literally takes the world in through our senses, primarily through our vision. Many believe the way we take in the world is, to some degree, a reflection of who we are and which symptoms we might manifest. The integrative approach evaluates the person's lifestyle, habits, diet, exercise routine, and stress management, along with the family history, in determining a therapeutic approach. It attempts to bring in the patient as an active partner in the program to improve or maintain eye health. Specific habits have been identified in ! studies to be very damaging to


Inner Wisdom Eating
Author: Thomas Herold

What happened to our inner wisdom? Lately, it seems that our inner wisdom as it relates to eating, has been changed to following rules, looking at labels, belief in marketing gimmicks and in following diets.


bioactive whey protein and natural methods to improve Immune function
Author: Steven Petrosino, Ph.D., FACPN

bioactive whey protein?(which is also called HMS90?in Canada) is a nutritional supplement manufactured by Immunotec Research LTD of Canada. bioactive whey protein is a highly concentrated, highly bio-available milk serum isolate which is rich in un-denatured whey proteins (90% protein by weight), and is lactose-free and fat-free. It is clinically proven to increase immune function, and is currently being studied in the treatment of AIDS, chronic fatigue syndrome, hepatitis, cancer, and numerous auto-immune diseases. bioactive whey protein is not a prescription drug, but a natural and safe nutritional supplement produced from lactose-free whey. It has the same risks and side-effect profile as mothers' breast milk. The product is a patented (8 Method of Use Patents, including 5 U.S. Patents) dietary supplement that is loaded with glutathione precursors that help increase glutathione production within healthy cells. Interestingly, the product paradoxically decreases glutathione levels within cancerous cells, wea


IBS and Leaky Gut Syndrome
Author: Mary Reynolds

Food particles, chemicals and bacteria that travel through your intestine are travelling “outside” your body even though they are inside you. We say these substances are “outside”, because the wall of a healthy intestine acts as a filter to repel the waste substances and only absorb nutrients into the body.


IBS and Leaky Gut Syndrome
Author: Mary Reynolds

Food particles, chemicals and bacteria that travel through your intestine are travelling “outside” your body even though they are inside you. We say these substances are “outside”, because the wall of a healthy intestine acts as a filter to repel the waste substances and only absorb nutrients into the body.


Author: Priscilla Slagle M.D

Now let's get it staight. I am no paragon of virtue when it comes to sugar. I used to live on Hostess Pies, Snickers, Mars Bars, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Chocolate Bridge Mix, See's Candies, & Coca Cola. I would bake 5 dozen chocolate chip cookies, eat half the batter while they were cooking, & then finish off the cookies in a few days. Then while "dieting", I slinked down to the vending machines in my medical school dormitory basement to get my nightly fix. No wonder I was depressed. So I speak from my own experience & that of working with patients for 38 years when I say SUGAR IS NOT SO SWEET!


Author: Priscilla Slagle M.D

Now let's get it staight. I am no paragon of virtue when it comes to sugar. I used to live on Hostess Pies, Snickers, Mars Bars, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Chocolate Bridge Mix, See's Candies, & Coca Cola. I would bake 5 dozen chocolate chip cookies, eat half the batter while they were cooking, & then finish off the cookies in a few days. Then while "dieting", I slinked down to the vending machines in my medical school dormitory basement to get my nightly fix. No wonder I was depressed. So I speak from my own experience & that of working with patients for 38 years when I say SUGAR IS NOT SO SWEET!








How To Slash Your Grocery Bills In HALF!
Author: Andrew Wroblewski

The "experts" tell me day in and day out that we are in a "recession" and that the economy is "sluggish" and that people are trying to save as much money as possible these days. But, you'd never know it by the money I see people wasting at their their local grocery store and supermarkets!


How To Get Slim With Healthy Eating Habits
Author: Ruth Hinson

SlymRyte Slimming Consultant ©2003


How To Choose A Good Quality Vitamin Supplement For You And Your Family Without Getting Ripped Off
Author: Andy Long

How To Choose A Good Quality Vitamin Supplement For You And Your Family Without Getting Ripped Off


Hemorrhoids and Enlarged Rectal Veins
Author: Rudy Silva

Hemorrhoids, in the rectum, occur when the veins are not returning enough blood back to the heart. When this happens, the vein walls do not receive enough oxygen and release a substance into the blood that causes them swell and become inflamed. This swelling weakens them and their more likely to break when they are rubbed, like during a bowel movement.


Helpful Hints For Family and Friends
Author: Divya Kakaiya, PhD

Learn to listen. This means hearing what the person means. Try staying attuned to nonverbal messages from their behaviors and check it out with them. For example, "I notice you are slamming doors and stomping around. Are you angry about something?" By listening, you are letting the person know you care about them and what they have to say. Listening means you care about their ideas, opinions and feelings. Listening does not mean fixing or giving solutions. Listening means accurately perceiving what the person is saying.


Healthy Habits for a Hectic Life
Author: Mary Guarino, Ph.D.

There just don’t seem to be enough hours in the day to do everything you need to do. And it can feel like an added stressor when you try to integrate healthy habits into your already hectic schedule. But if you make time for nutrition and fitness, you'll find yourself with extra reserves of energy that will lower your stress and help you get through life's challenges.


Health myths versus science-based facts
Author: Thomas Anderson

(c) 2001


Health myths versus science-based facts
Author: Thomas Anderson

(c) 2001


Health and Nutrition
Author: Colin thomson

The Health and Nutrition Industry has come about as peoples awareness of the damage they have done to their bodies over the years becomes more apparent, both physically and through scientific evidence. Whats more they want to do something about-now!!


Has Everybody Heard? Nutrition Makes a Difference!
Author: Brigitte Synesael

Well, I suggest that it's time we all do SOMETHING to make a positive change in our eating habits. Just a beginning. Even something as simple as adding one piece of fruit to your diet every day. Did you know that studies have found a lower risk of cancer among those who eat more fruits and vegetables?


Green Tea and Making Babies
Author: Vaughn Balchunas

While green tea has been studied for its numerous health benefits, there’s at least one area of interest that needs more attention.


Got Calcium?
Author: Nicole Niemiec

Brittle bones, caused by osteoporosis, is something all of us need to be aware of and avoid as we grow older. Osteoporosis is a disabling disease that takes decades to develop. Without proper diet and exercise, osteoporosis causes bones to gradually become fragile and weak.


Author: Mannatech



Author: Mannatech



Ghee for good health
Author: Shubhra Krishan



From Cell to Super Cell - with Glutathione
Author: Priya Shah

Imagine you're a cell.


Frankie The French Fry Hatches a Plan
Author: Ridgely Goldsborough

Frankie The French Fry hatches a plan.


Food Sources That Boost Glutathione Naturally
Author: Priya Shah

Copyright © 2004 Priya Shah


Fish Can Affect My Health?
Author: Brigitte Synesael

There's an increasing amount of focus these days on omega 3 and omega 6 oils. In fact omega 3 and omega 6 oils are instrumental in benefiting a number of health issues including rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, heart disease, immune system weakness, mental disorders, attention deficit, and skin problems. Over 2,000 scientific studies have confirmed numerous health problems associated with Omega-3 deficiencies. Because our bodies cannot produce polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega 3 and omega 6) we must consciously add these to our diets.


Fiber Supplements to Beat Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Author: Sophie Lee

Fiber supplements can be tremendously beneficial for IBS sufferers. Although supplements such as Metamucil and Citrucel are generally marketed as laxatives, and are very useful for constipation sufferers, they can also be used to combat diarrhea because they add bulk to the diet and can make waste food more solid.


Favorite Desserts For A Diabetic Husband
Author: Abigail Baker

It's easier than you think to create delicious desserts for your diabetic husband. When I had to get right down to it the ideas came flying at me out of my kitchen cupboard!


Excerpt: Fix-It and Forget-It Diabetic Cookbook
Author: Phyllis Pellman Good with American Diabetes Association

A Few Thoughts about Eating and Cooking When You Have Diabetes


Ephedra-based diet pills and doping
Author: Dana Scripca

Dana Scripca


Enzymes. What you need to know.
Author: Janice Handleman

Janice Handleman


Emu Oil Gel Caps As A Dietary Supplement for Diabetics
Author: Myra Charleston

Patricia Clark was diagnosed as having diabetes mellitus as an adult, by accident. Patricia’s daughter, Rachell, age 16, was having trouble reading, so Patricia made an appointment for an eye exam. The optometrist examined her, said her eyes were the worst he had ever seen for a girl her age. He instructed Patricia to have her checked for diabetes.


Eating Right, the Ayurvedic Way - Tips for Good Digestion
Author: Rama Kant Mishra

Many people in today's fast-paced world suffer from everyday digestion problems such as gas, bloating, stomach pain, constipation, heartburn, and fatigue after eating. Maharishi Ayurveda provides simple solutions to these common complaints by considering not only what we eat but how we consume our meals. For example, how many times have you seen someone munching on a sandwich while driving through traffic? How many times have we caught a bite to eat at our workstation because we could not take the time to have a proper lunch?


Easy summer salads, lighter foods for a brighter summer
Author: M Brading

Easy summer salads are the way to go, now that the winter blues are fading into the distance and salad days are here. The best salads are light, bright and easy to prepare. After all who wants to spend hours slaving away in the kitchen when friends are round for lunch, the garden is in bloom and the wine is chilled and ready to pour. But before you start to cook you save a lot of energy by buying the right ingredients for a simple salad. That way you don’t need the heavy bottled sauces and dressings to make a great flavor. After all who wants to take a beautiful crisp summer salad and soak it in a mixture of fat, sugar, salt and chemicals? If you start off with great food and don’t do too much to it you don’t need all these strong tastes as you still have great food.


Do Your Shopping The Easiest Way...On The Internet
Author: Galen A. Smith Sr.

When I started Upsouth Ventures a little over a year ago, my first business venture was selling Catholic Books & Gifts through catalogs. But it wasn’t long before that particular company folded. Then, I started marketing for a Canadian company regarding their allergy products. It wasn’t long after that, that I picked up yet another company’s products and later I bought some other unique products wholesale from another company. I then proceeded to marketed them along with some other company's products at a local flea market during some cold winter weekends. Needless to say, I would say that two out of the three days that I went out there where successful days. The last day I went out there, it was a dud for sure.


Do You Have Degenerative Arthritis?
Author: Rudy Silva

With 10 million or more people with arthritis, the majority of them will have degenerative arthritis. This arthritis is called Osteoarthritis. Degenerative arthritis occurs when joints are overworked, rub against each other, experience excess friction, and slowly degenerate.


Do you enjoy the sweetness of life?
Author: Dawna Leigh Foreman, Chef and Foodie

Do you enjoy the sweetness of Life?


Divine Food for Divine Beauty
Author: Tonya Zavasta

Excerpted from the book “Your Right to Be Beautiful: How to Halt the Train of Aging and Meet the Most Beautiful You” by Tonya Zavasta. The book is available at


Determine Your Mind/Body Type to Know What Foods are Best for You
Author: Tim Larson, Ph.D.

Something very special happens at our conception. At that time, we are endowed with a blueprint of the way we are meant to be. This "blueprint" depends on many factors, chief among them are the characteristics and traits of our parents, and also their state of balance at our conception.


Cow's Milk And Milk Alternatives -- Is Mare's Milk Too Exotic? Part 1
Author: Núria Roig

Milk is a word that brings about impassioned arguments. Some defend cow's milk like tigers; others demote it and do not give it a chance. You would think people are discussing a dangerous illegal drug.


Cow's Milk And Milk Alternatives -- Is Mare's Milk Too Exotic? Part 1
Author: Núria Roig

Milk is a word that brings about impassioned arguments. Some defend cow's milk like tigers; others demote it and do not give it a chance. You would think people are discussing a dangerous illegal drug.


Cooking with the Mung Bean the Ayurvedic Way
Author: Shreelata Suresh

If your concept of including mung in your diet means topping off a salad with a few bean sprouts, think again. Mung beans, and their split, hulled version, mung dhal, can be used to create main dishes, salads, soups, spreads, savories, beverages and desserts. Mung beans combine well with a host of grains and flours, vegetables and greens, tart fruit, other sprouts, spices and herbs, and even rice, soy or nut milks.


Conquer Those Carbohydrate Cravings
Author: Jeff Lugeanbeal

Are you a hopeless carbohydrate addict?


Cholesterol and Your Body's Health
Author: Rita Lambros-Segur, M.H

Just what is this matter we call cholesterol, anyway? Webster's College Dictionary, 1995 edition, states: "a sterol, abundant in animal fats, brain and nerve tissue, meat and eggs, that functions in the body as a membrane constituent and as a precursor of steroid hormones and bile acids: high levels in the blood are associated with arteriosclerosis and gallstones."


Chocolate Healing
Author: Douglas Peterson

The NEW medicine food in town that helps fight heart disease, lung cancer, prostate cancer, asthma, and type 2 diabetes. High-powered healing never tasted so good!


Author: Larry R. Cappetto

There seems to be a lot of misconception today regarding carbohydrates. Although our bodies need carbohydrates to survive, many of us are consuming the wrong types of carbs.


Calcium Sources, Inhibitors, and Requirements
Author: Dr. Tom Lee

Food Calcium in Milligrams


Author: Marcia



Business opportunity created by anti aging and longivity
Author: Ellen Costigan, Independent Reliv Distributor

Reliv International,, is a food science company providing soy based nutritional supplements, functional foods (Reliv International is an industrial affiliate of the Functional Foods for Health Institute at the Universiyt of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois), sports nutrition and the latest product, released in May of 2000, ReversAge. 100 Million people need it and only Reliv has it. America's baby boomers are getting older. Every day, another 10,000 turn 50. And as they age, the quest for youth is reaching a fevered pitch. Dan Rather, in a report on 15 June 2000 stated 40% of the American population is consuming something to improve their health, well-being and longevity level. Reliv has the products they need. Aging occurs at many levels. Hormonal decline contributes to every aspect of aging, including loss of muscle, fragile bones, thinning skin, diminished vision and increased heart attacks and strokes. Free radical onslaught attac! ks our cells both internally and externally. As we age


Author: Marcia



Book Excerpt: Fresh Choices: More Than 100 Easy Recipes for Pure Food When You Can't Buy 100% Organic
Author: David Joachim and Rochelle Davis

Smart Picks among Conventionally Grown Fruit


Book Excerpt: Fresh Choices: More Than 100 Easy Recipes for Pure Food When You Can't Buy 100% Organic
Author: David Joachim and Rochelle Davis

Smart Picks among Conventionally Grown Fruit


Boning Up on Calcium
Author: Mary Kaye Sawyer-Morse, Ph.D.,R.D

Boning Up on Calcium


Black Bean Enchiladas
Author: Tanya Paulsen

Category: dinner


Are You Just Right?
Author: Mary Schuler

The new millennium that is now officially under way will be a period of both enormous opportunity and immense challenge for humanity. Technological advances in medicine, computers, agriculture and a dozen other fields hold tremendous potential to improve our lives and broaden our horizons. At the same time, global issues such as hunger, poverty and environmental concerns are sobering reminders that we must continue to seek out innovative solutions to these age-old problems. Nowhere do these opportunities and challenges converge more clearly than in one of the most thrilling fields of the 21st century: biotechnology.


Barriers To Losing Weight
Author: Keith Levick, Ph. D.

For the first time in American history, there are more overweight than thin people. This "growing" trend unfortunately applies to children as well as adults. With the availability of weight programs, medicine and other technology, it's easy to believe the obesity puzzle should be solved. The country, however, is no better off than in 1958 when Dr. Albert Stunkard, renowned obesity researcher, concluded, "Most obese persons will not stay in treatment. Of those who stay in treatment, most will not lose weight; and, (of) those who do lose weight, most will regain it."


Arthritis Relief and Your Diet
Author: Priya Shah

Copyright 2004 Priya Shah


Are you Sabotaging your Training Efforts by Neglecting Basic Nutrition?
Author: Barry Boswell

If you regularly train using cardiovascular workouts and a weight resistance routine while taking nutritional supplements but are not paying attention to basic nutrition than you are essentially throwing away a good portion of the benefits you are gaining from your workouts.


Are Weight Loss Supplements Worth It?
Author: Valerie de Armas

Are Weight Loss Supplements Worth It?


Are Nutritional Supplements Necessary?
Author: Dr. Alfred Libby

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Amla Powder
Author: G.J Bajaj



Ambrotose Complex
Author: T. Gossman

Mannatech's patent-pending glyconutrients complex, Ambrotose, is perhaps the greatest wellness discover in the last 50 years. By understanding it, you are in a better position to help others realize that they too would have this phenomenal nutrient Ambrotose complex working on their behalf as well.


All about Hue – Eating with Color for Optimal Health
Author: Lucinda Cotter

Blue, purple, green, white, yellow, orange, red.


Acid-Alkaline Balance
Author: David Murphy, PhD, ND, CHT



4 Problems you can cure with food -
Author: Alicia Caldelas

Here are 4 problems that you can cure with food (but, not by eating it).


3 Steps To Looking & Feeling Best -
Author: Dena Moscola, CSMC

Diets and nutritional information are almost everywhere yet studies show that obesity continues to rise dramatically.


Author: Monique N. Gilbert

When most people hear soy, they usually think of tofu and soymilk. Soon tempeh (pronounced tem-PAY) will be one of the first soy products to come to mind. It is fast becoming the most popular soy food on the market because it is highly nutritious, easy to digest, and deliciously simple to prepare. In the past five years tempeh has grown so much in popularity that it is now available in the refrigerated section of many supermarkets. Ten years ago it could only be found at health food stores and Asian food markets. While tempeh may be considered new for many, it actually has a long and extensive history dating back more than 2,000 years. Originally developed in Indonesia, it is a traditional fermented soybean product made from cracked, cooked soybeans inoculated with beneficial bacteria to give it a chewy and meaty consistency. It comes in several varieties, either 100 percent soybeans or soybeans combined with one or more grains like rice, millet, or barley.


Author: Nadia Amanda Alterio

Many women today are victims of very serious unhealthy eating behaviors. Ironically, many of them know their behavior is consequential, but would rather jeopardize their health to 'look good' than to try and follow a healthy eating regimen. In a nutshell, this type of ritualistic behavior is really all about weight loss or weight maintenance. Most women will try every and anything that seems like a short cut to achieve success. These ladies are the ones who don't simply make a point of educating themselves about the safest and healthiest way to reach their goals. These are fortunately the easiest people to work with because you know they take their health seriously and will commit to the program. They only need the path laid before them. However, because many women want results through the quickest means possible, they will neglect their health for short-term success and end up taking steps backward while trying to move forward.


10 Steps To Detoxification
Author: Dr. Janet Starr Hull, PhD., CN

Technology. We live in a grand time of technological development. Computers, the Internet, cell phones, digital cameras and DVDs. But the human body has not 'kept up' with technology. Human beings certainly shouldn't eat technology! But that is happening today as a result of the onslaught of chemicals in our foods and environments, and with the impending threat of chemical warfare.


10 Easy Tips to Improve Your Ezine
Author: Terri Seymour

Copyright 2002 Terri Seymour


10 Easy Back-to-School Tips to Help Children (and Parents!) Eat Smarter This Fall
Author: Dr. Edward Abramson

Childhood obesity is at an all-time high in America, while the overall nutritional value of school lunches continues to plummet. With only weeks left before children and teenagers go back to school, how can parents help to control their children's weight and diet? How can a family dinner be a learning environment to teach proper nutrition?


10 Easy Back-to-School Tips to Help Children (and Parents!) Eat Smarter This Fall
Author: Dr. Edward Abramson

Childhood obesity is at an all-time high in America, while the overall nutritional value of school lunches continues to plummet. With only weeks left before children and teenagers go back to school, how can parents help to control their children's weight and diet? How can a family dinner be a learning environment to teach proper nutrition?






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