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Our Motivational Database currently contains more than 8,000 articles from experts all across the United States, and several countries around the world. You will truly find here quite an incredible treasure of information that can literally change your life. Please consider the idea of committing to starting eboarach day by reading a new article that will life you up, inspire you and recharge your batteries!




Why You Shouldn't Be Investing In Anything At All!
Author: David Teng

I have little capital to invest, should I invest it in the stock market?


Author: Peter Sinclair

Now before you send me an e-mail to correct the above statement, I want to assure you that I was fully alert and awake when I wrote it.


Why am I still so fond of Mrs. Mann, and how can you benefit from her wisdom?
Author: Marc Wiltse

At the moment, the bits and pieces that are coming to me are about 15 other kids and myself sitting in a circle playing "Doggy, doggy, where's your bone?", making make-believe boats out of card-board brick blocks, and taking naps on the sailboat blanket mom had hand-stitched my name on with thick white yarn.


Where Ever You Are, Be There
Author: Lee Stang

At my daughter’s softball banquet a couple months ago, the coach was continuously interrupted by numerous cell phone calls to members of the team.


When You Wish Upon A Star!
Author: Andrew Wood

I recently overheard a group of four young golf pros talking about what it takes to be a champion. As it happens, the discussion was not limited to golf. They were talking in more general terms. Who are the people destined to make it to the top in golf, in business or in life? What is it, these young players wondered, that makes it possible for an otherwise average person to raise his performance to championship levels? What determines who will be the ones to shoot in the 60s, lead the sales figures, head up major corporations and generally live life on their own terms?


When you come to the fork in the road, take it!
Author: Lee Stang

This quote by the great New York Yankees catcher and manager, Yogi Berra, about choice, is a great summary of part of my life philosophy. Life is a journey molded by the choices we make and the paths we follow.


When Writing Your Goals, Do What Works for You
Author: Don H. Morris

As a personal coach who assists people in defining their vision and purpose in life, I am often asked whether it is better to write down your goals by hand or to use a word processor on the computer


What's Important in Choosing Your Career
Author: Jay Earley, Ph.D.

There are many different criteria that people use in choosing a certain job or career--security, recognition, power, life purpose, and others. If you happen to be in serious financial difficulty or on the edge of being out on the street, you choose a job for survival reason--whatever will pay the bills. Most people choose a career partly for the financial security it can provide or the enhanced standard of living. These choices are completely valid, but people often find that if they stay in a job that pays well but doesn't provide anything else, they end up disappointed and frustrated. They also need work that is enjoyable and challenging. Be careful that you don't get used to a high paying job and a pricey standard of living which then rules out career choices that would be more satisfying.


Whatever it Takes!
Author: Harald Anderson

Whatever it Takes!


What You Focus Your Attention on Is What You Get!
Author: Laura Howard, Life and Career Coach

Cheryl Richardson, a favorite author and fellow coach, has written a new book called "Stand Up for Your Life". In this book she talks about how our society tends to "bond over stress instead of success". I see this in action every day in my own life and in the lives of my clients.


What would you do if you could change your life right now?
Author: Nicholas Dixon

Hello everybody and a good day (or night !) to you all.My name is Nicholas Dixon and I am in my early twenties and I reside on the beautiful island of Jamaica.I work full time in a public library , but in my spare time I design and market websites.I personally think that it is fun to help my fellow brother or sister to get what they want out of this life.


What to do when you realize you've been going in the wrong direction
Author: Lee Harris

With age comes wisdom and so as we mature and begin to look back on our lives, we see that every juncture was an opportunity to choose an outcome. The choices that we made culminate into the life we are presently living. For better or worse, with intention, or not we were at the helm when the ship finally pulled in the port. So many of the choices I made were short-sighted and callow but I cannot fault myself; the wisdom of the ages was not mine to draw from and so I did what I thought was in by best interest at the time. My first response to that realization was to grieve and my second response was to curse myself. My life is not squalid by any means, perhaps to some it is even admirable but I know that I have to capacity within me to do far greater things than I had done in the past. I know this now; but then, I did not and so my choices reflected a self-imposed and self-accepted limitation that was bequeathed to me in an agreement between an uninformed world and myself.


What Road Are You On?
Author: Carol Gegner

Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side, of course! That age old question continues to delight young children. In their eyes it’s a simple question with a simple answer.


What Motivates You...Fear or Fun?
Author: Clifford Kuhn, M.D.

What if medicine and spirituality could converge and give you more freedom? I'd certainly want that! But why aren’t we more free? It is fear that restricts and imprisons us. And such restrictions are neither medically nor spiritually healthy.


What Kind Of Example?
Author: Ed Hirsch

Are you the example in whom others should follow? Why? I mean let's get personal . . . What do you actually do in life which warrants, or even makes you worthy for another to trust and take guidance from?


What it Takes To Finally Get On With Your Dreams
Author: Suzanne Falter-Barns

It seems to me there is only one real and proper way to live a joyful life, and that is to do the thing you are meant to be doing. There are people out there who make it seem like rolling out of bed, But I know from experience -- pursuing your dream 'ain't always so easy.


Author: Nancy Anderson



What is Optimal Thinking?
Author: Rosalene Glickman Ph.D.

Optimal Thinking is the mental technology that empowers you to be your best. It stops you from settling for second best.


What is coaching?
Author: James Olson-Murphy

Simply put, people want more out of life. A quality of life, if you will. They are turning to external sources namely coaches, to assist them in achieving their personal goals and outcomes. Coaches have ventured beyond the boardroom when selling their services. Individuals at all levels and walks of life are turning to this new wave of organizational and personal development. Coaching cannot however be construed as a fad or new age trend.


What is coaching?
Author: James A. Murphy

Simply put, people want more out of life. A quality of life, if you will. They are turning to external sources namely coaches, to assist them in achieving their personal goals and outcomes. Coaches have ventured beyond the boardroom when selling their services. Individuals at all levels and walks of life are turning to this new wave of organizational and personal development. Coaching cannot however be construed as a fad or new age trend.


What Inspires You?
Author: Barbra White, MBA, Personal and Business Coach

Many of the people who hire me as their personal coach have decided they want to find more passion in what they do each day. They're no longer willing to settle for less than a totally fulfilling life, and they want this life now…in the present...rather than waiting for some future date, or for retirement. I love when I hear this kind of conviction in someone’s voice. It tells me they're ready to make some really great choices for themselves.


What in the World is Life Coaching?
Author: Cameron Powell

In my speaking engagements I have often compared coaching today to psychotherapy in the 1920s. The level of public understanding of coaching, outside of people in a certain socio-demographic category, is still in its infancy. We are all so saturated with the language of psychoanalysis - it’s difficult to read a book or watch a movie that isn’t premised on this shared language - that we probably don’t consider there was once a time when practitioners were asked:


What If I Fall Flat On My Face?
Author: Skye Thomas

I hope you do. Sounds awful, I know. But I really think the best thing that can happen to you is for you to take a timid little leap and fall flat on your face. Then, I want to see you get back up, evaluate what you did wrong, and jump again. Keep on taking that leap of faith and learning from each and every mistake until you become used to jumping and used to falling. Then, you'll get over the fear of falling and you'll finally begin to concentrate on flying. I want to see you run with everything you have and dive into your dreams with so much passion and fire that you forget all about the possibility of failing. You will never find your wings until you do.


What I Learned From A Parakeet
Author: Sibyl McLendon

I want to tell you about the lesson that I learned from my parakeet. Yes, I did say that I learned something from a parakeet. I suppose that it is possible that I have too much time on my hands. Moving on...


What do you need to do to be successful?
Author: graham and julie

What do you need to do to be successful? If you are searching the net you may feel that you need to sign up for the latest affiliate marketing programme. Or perhaps you need to be a member of the latest MLM scheme. On the other hand it may be that you need to follow the directions of the latest web marketing guru. Each of theses routes give you the opportunity of being successful but without courage, zeal and enthusiasm you will join the ranks of the 80% plus who fail.


What CEOs, Celebs and Professional Athletes Have Taught Me
Author: Connie Scholl

During my years working as a massage therapist, I attracted many of America’s top CEOs, celebrities, and professional athletes as clients. After working with these successful people for several years, I became aware an interesting commonality among them. No, it wasn’t that they all had fame and fat paychecks (or an occasional tantrum). It was something much more profound. I noticed that this rather accomplished lot had a success strategy for preserving their natural power at any cost.


What Are Keywords And What The Heck Do You Do With Them?
Author: Karon Thackston

When I first began my online business, I honestly thought that the moment I uploaded my Web site to the host it would magically appear on every search engine in existence. Some of you are giggling. Others are saying, “You mean it doesn’t”? No… it doesn’t.


We are called to a path of spiritual evolution
Author: Lee Harris

These days bring a certain amount of uncertainty and chaos. As we are forced to evolve, our resistance to change threatens our very progress as individuals, cultures, nations, and as a species. We somehow thought (because we are a thinking species) that we were exempt from the natural progression of life. We thought our emergence from the cave, the invention of fire, the industrial revolution, the information age were simply historical events. “Not so”, says the wise observer; they are the soul’s paths to evolution. They are the lessons we have learned as individuals and as a collective body. They represent the patterns of our own evolution.


Want to Keep Your New Year's Resolutions? Look to a Coach
Author: Linda Thee

Successful people looking to make 2004 an even better year are hiring life and business coaches in record numbers. In fact, coaching is the second fastest growing profession today*. Why? A skilled coach can be the catalyst in making the necessary changes for success.


Want Success in Business? Hire Your Intuition!
Author: Lynn Robinson, M.Ed.

(c) Intuitive Consulting and Communication, Inc.


Using The Law Of Vibration To Manifest Your Vision
Author: Asoka Selvarajah, Ph.D

Science and Metaphysics agree. The essence of all things is vibration. Science reveals that everything in the manifest universe is ultimately composed of packets of energy; quantized units vibrating at specific frequencies. Esoteric wisdom reveals that in the beginning, all things were created through sound (i.e. vibration); whether it be the "OM" of Eastern mysticism or the "Word"/Logos of Western spirituality.


Using Metaphorical Tools
Author: Niela Miller

In my coach supervision group, an ADD (attention deficit disorder) coach who has ADD and vision challenges made the statement "I can't see how to use drawing with my clients." The following exercise can be used by the coach for herself and with any client who tends to "interrupt" their movement toward a goal...which could be any of us!


Using a USP to Quickly Connect With Prospects
Author: Maria Marsala

The acronym USP (Unique Selling Proposition) was created by Rosser Reeves, marketing expert in the 1960's. Over time, his concept has been used by others, called different names by different individuals and pretty much has taken on a life of its own. You might know about this concept, but call it a Unique Selling Advantage (USA), Competitive Advantage, Elevator Speech or 30-Second Commercial. Dennis S. Vogel, Internet author, says, "The biggest words for each of them is UNIQUE!" One thing that seems to be consistent is that USPs work best when they're short and get your point across - fast! During a recent teleclass I attended, held by Jay Conrad Levinson, author of Guerilla Marketing Handbook, mentioned creating a 7 word USP.


Use Your Knowledge Skills To Improve Customer Service
Author: Carole Nicolaides

We live in an increasingly service-oriented economy. A better phrase might be an “attention-oriented economy? No doubt you already understand the importance of serving your customers well in order to retain their repeat business and referrals. However, the key factor that seems to be misunderstood is applying the knowledge each of your employees has in order to develop relationships with your clients.


Author: Mike Moore

I am drawn to people with pizzazz, that spark of enthusiasm and excitement about life that makes being in their presence a joy. They smile easily and often and laugh with great energy and pleasure. It feels good to be alive and in their company.


Universal Laws Exposed: What They Are, Why They Are There
Author: David Cameron

There are some two very simple questions which, once you get their answers, can change your life dramatically for the better. This is so because these two questions relate to absolutely everything that you experience and create in your life.


Author: Ed Hirsch

Do you desire to have what others have?


Unchain My Heart
Author: Joseph Liberti

Disconnected? Do you feel disconnected from your true self and a desire to somehow be and express more of who you really are? Do you feel a lack of connection with others, and the need for closer more genuine relating with friends, co-workers, and community? If you answered yes to either or both questions, you’re certainly not alone. You’re part of a big group whose membership is growing all the time!


Uncaged Dreams: The Dream Squashers versus the Cage Openers
Author: Don H. Morris

The Caged Dreams of the Majority


Two questions to ask, to improve your life
Author: Richard Gumsley

Richard Gumsley


Twelve Outrageous Secrets of Success Your Guru never told you, But Your Mentor Will!
Author: Claude Diamond

Don't read this if you're looking for touchy-feely, warm and fuzzy, hug a tree, you and me, personal achievement psycho banter. There is plenty of that nauseous stuff around to get us through the 21st century. (If you don't believe me go to any garage sale/flea market in Southern California and check out all the leftover personal motivation tapes for sale)! I want to share with you some of the practical/real world advice that has enabled a kid who grew up with his family in a deli/grocery store in NYC to achieve the life he wanted and yes, that includes financial freedom, quality of life, health of body, spirit of mind and just plain enjoying each day of life. Some of the items on my list you will agree with and others might outrage you. I can only tell you that they worked for me and they just might work for you. OK, here we go folks.


Tuning In: How To Focus
Author: Art Nefsky

Obsessive? Who says I’m obsessive? I’m not obsessive! I prefer to think of myself as... focused.


Transporting You To Success: How Coaching Can Work for You
Author: Robert Knowlton

Mentor. Guru. Sage. Teacher. Throughout time people have sought the counsel and advice of wise men and women in order to make better decisions and achieve their goals. Today, in business, music, athletics, acting -- across all disciplines -- people are using coaches to move them from where they are to where they want to be.


Transition Management
Author: Mickey Parsons, M.Ed., Life - Work Coach

In the past, changes (societal shifts, disasters, mergers, plant closings, promotions) were relatively infrequent and took place within an environment that gave people time to adjust to the new situations. But in today’s world, the nature of change itself is in a word - changing!


Training Lesson: Using Your Mistakes To Springboard To Success Adapted From Success For Dummies
Author: Zig Ziglar

Each of us at one time or another has thought about how wonderful it would be to have as much foresight as hindsight. Then we could avoid making mistakes! Not only is that hope unrealistic, it's also unwise. Mistakes are often the springboard for major accomplishments. Here's a good example:


Tough Times Never Last But Tough People Do(Overcoming Obstacles, Adversities And Discouragement)
Author: Rick Gettle

Rick Gettle © 2003


Top Ten Ways To Use Your Intuition to Make Winning Decisions
Author: Lynn A. Robinson, M.Ed.

"Follow your heart." "Listen to your inner voice." "Trust your guidance." It all sounds so easy. But what do you do when your inner voice sounds like your inner critic, or worse, your inner child run amok!? How can you learn to depend on your intuition to help guide you to the right decisions?


Top Ten Reasons to Partner with Someone
Author: Alvah Parker

Partnerships come in many forms. There are legal ones such as in business or marriage and there are loose ones when two people come together to work or share ideas but then go on to work or share ideas with others too. I partnered with Dovid Grossman to come up with this list of reasons to collaborate. Dovid was excited about a new partnership he had formed with Chris Vogler author of THE WRITER’S JOURNEY. Dovid and Chris will be working on a series of teleclasses and a book on THE HERO’S JOURNEY FOR PARENTS. Parents - That is a partnership too. So what are the benefits of collaboration?


Top Five Techniques for Getting Into Your First-Choice College
Author: Robert J. Moore

Customize your approach.


Top 7 Mastery Principles to Building a ,000,000+ Business
Author: Denise Corcoran

Are you aware of the single ** most powerful ** asset in your business? Is it money? Is it employees? Is it your credentials or intellectual knowledge? Is it your products or services?


Top 5 Strategies to Make Your Mark on the World
Author: Michael D. Pollock

Would you like to make your mark on the world? That's the theme of my new website ( It's also the focus of my coaching practice from this point on.


Top 5 Sources of Energy Drain
Author: Helaine Iris

(c) 2004


Top 10 Ways To Generate Brilliant Ideas
Author: Darren Roberts

Here you will find ten of the best methods I have used in my organisation for idea generation. They have worked for me very well. I now share them with you. I trust they will assist you in your endeavours as they have done with mine.


Top 10 Traits of Highly Successful People - That You Can Learn!
Author: Philip Humbert

We have all read about people who are successful briefly. They win a gold medal, make a fortune, or star in one great movie and then disappear. Or, there are those like Marilyn Monroe and Howard Hughes who achieve extraordinary success, at the cost of their own lives. These examples do not inspire me!


Top 10 Instructions For Creating Your First Business &
Author: Maria Marsala

Have you ever heard of "Dream Boards" or "Treasure Maps"? They are a visual picture of the dreams you have for your life and assist you to turn those dreams into reality! Here is my take on them:


To Make Your Copy Sell - Make A Personal Connection
Author: Karon Thackston

by Karon Thackston ? 2001


To Increase Your Advertising Effectiveness - Stop Selling!
Author: Karon Thackston

How many times have you heard the old adage, “The customer doesn’t want a drill, he wants a hole in his wall”? While I may disagree with parts of that phrase, one thing is for sure… if you want to increase your advertising effectiveness, you have to stop selling what YOU want the customer to buy and start solving his problems.


To Be A Champion, Become A Child
Author: Priya Shah

Have you ever wondered what successful people have that


Title: 7 Reasons why it is so hard to REALLY spread the Word of Success
Author: B Ina Bliss

It is the oldest and most proven way, word of mouth, and still, even Jesus' story must yet reach all corners of the world, although he performed miracles.


Time for Change ... When your basic systems no longer work for you
Author: Edward B. Toupin

I've heard many clients and friends discuss how they just can't seem to move beyond their current situations in life. They can't find a better job, make more money, find happiness in relationships, or find fulfillment. The question I usually ask is, "What is your idea of the perfect, fulfilling situation?" They usually sputter a few ideas then stop and realize that they truly don't know what it is that would bring them fulfillment.


Thriving Through Major Life Changes
Author: Sharon Davis

1. Identify the payoffs and price of staying where you are. There are certainly good reasons you have for not already having made a transition. Do some soul searching with trusted allies or through journaling to uncover what payoffs you’re receiving for not making the change. At the same time, identify the price you are paying for maintaining the status quo. When your conscious mind gets that the price is greater than the payoff, you’ll be much clearer whether it’s in your best interest to keep things the same or to make a change.


Three Tips to a Successful Time Out
Author: Cathy Goodwin, Ph.D.

Do you ever wish you could get away from work for a month or a year?


Three Sales and Marketing Tools to Boost Profits
Author: Joel Sussman


Author: Denis Waitley

1. Accept the Unchangeable - Everything that has happened in your life to this minute is unchangeable. It's history. The greatest waste of energy is in looking back at missed opportunities, lamenting past events, grudge collecting, getting even, harboring ill will and any vengeful thinking. Success is the only acceptable form of revenge. By forgiving your trespassers, you become free to concentrate on going forward with your life and succeeding in spite of your detractors. You will live a rewarding and fulfilling life.


Three F's and a Challenge
Author: Steve Errey

It’s no secret that life is a tricky animal to understand and it’s even harder to tame it so that it delivers what you want. But from my work in the world of personal development I've figured out three simple things that can transform any situation, any problem, any issue...and any life. Three things that once in place can bring the best out of you, bring the best to you and allows you to enjoy all of it. What are these three things? I call them the Three F's - Fun, Fulfillment and Freedom.


Think Slim
Author: Nancy Gewargis

When it comes to weight loss, too much emphasis is placed on the body and not enough on the mind. After all, our actions are first a thought. Weight loss must first start in the mind and follow through to the physical actions we take. That is when real and lasting results happen! The following activities will help you lose weight and keep it off!


Think Positive -- Positively!
Author: Adam Khan

When a person thinks a negative thought and tries to get rid of it, that person is thinking positively negatively. Daniel M. Wegner of Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas, has conducted a long string of experiments that show the futility and actual danger of trying to get rid of thoughts.


Think On Paper
Author: Ed Hirsch

What is the most valuable use of your time, right now? hatever it is, work on THAT. Your ability to discipline yourself to work on those few tasks that can make the greatest difference in your life is the key quality that makes everything else possible for you.


Think Like A Kid
Author: Jennifer Ottolino

I was taking a walk around my neighborhood recently and was befriended by a six-year-old girl. This charming child decided to impart her life wisdom on me. Here are the lessons I learned:


The Value of Values
Author: Karen Vizer

From time to time, I find myself focused on and reconnecting with my values. Values are the qualities that are the most important to you in your life and are what make your life worth living. Values are activities or behaviors that you are naturally drawn to. There is no push or force in this, it comes naturally. Values are the map to wholeness and unity in your life because you are your values!


The Value of Things
Author: Don Pagan

"What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly; it is dearness only that gives everything it's value."


The UnConventional Millionaire
Author: Claude Diamond

Claude Introduction: I don't know about you, but I am really sick and tired of hearing the same old garbage about "How to achieve Success and financial freedom". If writing your goals down, repeating your positive affirmations, having a positive attitude when you had a lousy day is the Path to Wealth then why is Success so hard for so many? After wasting enormous resources on the conventional, I have compiled a few ideas for you to ponder that have worked for me and will work for you. You may agree or disagree, but I can tell you these ideas will get you to the bank and have the Success you deserve.


The Ultimate, Proven Principles for Success
Author: Larry W. Robinson

In a day and age when most people are striving for success, wouldn't you like to know what are the time-tested, proven principles for success? If there were some proven success principle that can improve the quality of your life, would you give them a try? I sincerely believe that every person, including you, deep down inside, desires to be a success. Hidden like a buried treasure, inside of every person's heart is the ultimate potential for success.


Author: Lynn A. Robinson, M.Ed.



The Top 7 - How Well do you Speak?
Author: Sandra Schrift

The ability to speak well can enhance your career, clinch a sale, sell a point of view and increase an executive's productivity. Coach Sandra Schrift, founder of the first national speakers?bureau in San Diego, shares a few insights on making a presentation.


Author: Marilyn O'Hearne

Whether you are attracting new clients for your business, have moved into a new community and want to make friends, have started a new job, or are open to romance, here are some ways to attract new people:



Too many people live in a state of constant guilt. They feel guilty if they spend a cent on themselves. They feel guilty if they are not constantly at the beck and call of someone else. They feel guilty if anything goes wrong in the life of any of their loved ones, because, somehow, they should have prevented it. Sometimes it seems as though they feel guilt just because they exist! Others feel guilty because their behavior and their values are frequently at odds. Here are some reassurances and ways to plan ahead so as to not feel guilty.


The Top 10 Lessons from the Year 2000 U.S. Presidential Election
Author: Jim Allen

By the time you read this, it may all be over. Or, they may still be counting votes and going to court. Either way, it's never too early to start taking some lessons from one of the most intriquing elections in American history.


Author: Christine DeCorte

"High ideals, lofty goals, best laid plans, strict standards of excellence" . . . these are often the "buzz" words of people talking about success. Everybody talks a good game. Winners go out and DO something. "Good, loyal, committed, honest, tough, brave, confident, organized, competitive" . . . these could be used to describe a Winner. But lots of people who are all those things and more never break through to success. Of those adjectives, "competitive" is the only one that in its nature leads to action, and that's only if you're willing to compete. Some people use competition as an excuse not to do it. They say, "I just can't compete with those people, there's no use in trying." What keeps people from putting their plans into action? The big reason is: FEAR. It paralyzes, it saps your energy, it creates imaginary difficulties. Even when you're doing something you like to do, the fear of what you are putting off is always there in the back of your mind. In "Think and Grow Rich," Napoleon Hill said, "Do


The Subject of Coaching - From a Master Coach and past owner of over 20 coaching centers
Author: Alan C Walter

Alan C. Walter is recognised in "21st Century Leadership" as one of the 100 Top leaders in America today. He has coached and advised Oscar winners, Olympic Gold Medallists, Wimbledon Champions, Billionaires, and Multi- National Corporate Leaders. Alan is president of the Advanced Coaching and Leadership Center, a training center for professional coaches.


The Sport of Coaching
Author: The James Olson-Murphy Companies

Coaching it's not just a game of sports any longer. Companies like Microsoft, Intel, AT&T, Hewlett Packard, etc., are utilizing the hottest thing in management these days. The coach, a coach is someone who has the skills to play consultant, friend and therapist.


Author: Craig Lock

We hope that the following article may be informative and/or helpful for your e-zine, or on your web site. Craig Lock's other articles (internet marketing, self help, writing and money) are available at:


The Secret to this Famous Singer's Success
Author: Jason M. Gracia

It seems the longer think we have, the longer we put off


The Secret To Successful Article Promotion
Author: Karon Thackston

I wish I could count how many times I've been asked the question, "Why aren't my articles pulling?" You created what you see as a masterpiece, but the response just wasn't what you expected. Never fear! There are some common - but easily overcome - mistakes that many writers make. Let's look at these problems, and their solutions.


The secret of your future depends on the departure from your past!
Author: Sheraun Britton-Parris

Rich, Famous, Successful. We all want it. But how many of us will actually do what it takes to attain wealth, fame and success? Well, given that most people are stuck in neutral - still wishing and dreaming of the day that they are financially independent enough to actually leave their 9 to 5, I’d venture to say that many people will continue to limit themselves (unconsciously of course) to the mediocrity of just making a living instead of the joy of designing their lives the way they want them to be.


The S.W.P.D. Recipe for Success
Author: Steve Brunkhorst

A wonderful quote by author and scholar William A. Ward relates a time-tested recipe for success. Think of it as the S.W.P.D. success recipe. This simple and powerful formula has brought success to many men and women who have put it to use. S.W.P.D stands for studying, working, preparing, and dreaming.


The Receiving Cycle
Author: Ed Hirsch

Do you remember how much others have helped you in your life?


The Prosperity in Forgiveness
Author: Lori Hamann, MSE

I have found myself inspired to write on this topic on more than one occasion. All of us, at some point in our lives have felt the desperate inner turmoil and confusion that comes from feeling that we have been "wronged" or betrayed in some way. You fight to understand what is wrong with that person to have done such a thing, or to be such a way. You wonder what may be wrong with you …. Have I deserved such treatment? Am I just completely naïve? I am too trusting. I have loved too deeply, and now I am paying for it. The list of inner chatter goes on and on as we try to make sense of our lives.


The Power of You - Part 1
Author: Bob Doyle

Whatever you're up to in your life, there is always room from growth. There is always an opportunity to get even better at an area in which you already excel! What it takes, however, is the proper motivation...the right REASON for pushing yourself to new heights of excellence.


The Power of One Day
Author: Caterina Rando, MA, MCC

As I speak to different groups I hear what makes a difference in people's lives--how one conversation, one sentence, one meeting, one phone call, one radio program can put an idea in someone’s head that sticks there and won’t leave until action is taken and things become different.


The Power of Keeping Track
Author: Sylvia L. Rubalcava-Chavez

No doubt, by now many of us have read numerous self help books, attended seminars, and read dozens of daily quotes with the intention of becoming fully motivated and driven enough to full our ultimate goals in life. We’ve learned the latest techniques, mental attitudes, and physiological response to get there. However, somewhere along the lines, we still fall through. The reason for this may be not your motivation but rather the visual tools you used to help you fulfill your goals and track your progress. It can be that simple.


The Power of Coaching
Author: Bruce D Schneider, Ph.D., MCC

Forbes cited it as the second fastest growing profession in the country, Fortune 1000 companies have used it to transform their organizations, and testimonials from around the world keep pouring in about the power of professional coaching. Yet with all this, relatively few people even know what coaching really is. In fact, it is estimated that only about 15% of the general population has heard about professional coaching, and less even is aware of its true identity and power.


The Positive Power of Quitting
Author: Jim Allen

I'm a big believer in quitting. I think it's a good thing. You should do more of it.


The Path to Success: Finding the Confidence to Step Up to Key Moments
Author: Nina Ham, CPCC, LCSW

Whether it’s making a prospecting call to a promising business contact, giving an informal “elevator speech” to a networking group, or attempting to close a transaction, there are certain key moments when putting your best-dressed foot forward really matters. Some of life’s fortunate people seem to be naturally at their best under this kind of pressure. The rest of us have to learn.


The Path of Appreciation
Author: Selena Richardson

Without appreciation, any success you have will be in vain and


Author: Philip E. Humbert, PhD

When we think of Olympic athletes, it's tempting to pretend that they are somehow "different". We tell ourselves they were born with incredible strength or unusual talent, or had training that we could never get for ourselves. We look at Michael Jordon in sports, or we compare ourselves to Barbra Streisand as an entertainer, and say, "I could never do that."


The Office Bully: What's a Co-Worker to Do? Part II
Author: Pauline A. Salvucci, M. A.

You're on your way to work. You feel tightness in your chest, a knot in your stomach and tension in your shoulders. You haven't even stepped foot in the office and already there's physical chaos in your body! You're aware of the dread you feel, and of of how nervous and jittery you are. You didn't sleep well last night. Come to think of it, you really don't sleep well at all anymore. You used to sleep lots better, before all this began.


The Office Bully Part III
Author: Pauline A. Salvucci, M.A.

Workplace bullying is a silent epidemic in corporate America. Studying anti-social behavior isn't new. It has been researched and evaluated widely over the years, and continues to be studied by psychologists, psychiatrists, sociologists, behaviorists, criminologists and educators. More recently, the workplace environment in American businesses has become the focus of the study of aggression, incivility and violence.


The Office Bully Part I
Author: Pauline A. Salvucci, M.A.

The Office Bully: What's a Manager to Do? Part I


The “No META Tags, #1 Listing” Formula For High Search Engine Rankings
Author: Karon Thackston

Depending on who you ask, you can receive two dozen different answers as to what factors will get you that coveted #1 spot on your favorite search engine. However, the proof is in the pudding, as the saying goes. Well, my pudding has bubbled and boiled and is now ready for tasting!


The Myth of the Empowered Warrior
Author: Tony Dovale

Just what is empowerment? I recently met a highly placed man (CEO) from a very large local insurance company. And he proudly informed me that ALL of his staff were TOTALLY empowered - all the way from the receptionist through to the salespeople and the managers. He smugly told me that they could do almost anything that they want to! Just after that comment he also insinuated that they were NOT DOING VERY MUCH with this empowerment. Why Not? We know - Because they lacked the “FLI” factor.


The Myth of the Earnings Yield
Author: Sam Vaknin

A very slim minority of firms distribute dividends. This truism has revolutionary implications. In the absence of dividends, the foundation of most - if not all - of the financial theories we employ in order to determine the value of shares, is falsified. These theories rely on a few implicit and explicit assumptions:


The Missing Cornerstone of Success
Author: Rick Beneteau

1. A Hero is someone who the moment prior to becoming one was a reckless, irresponsible dreamer.


The Mindset of “Job Security” Can Be Killing Your Best Resource
Author: Carole Nicolaides

When it comes to managing knowledge, learning from past mistakes, and capitalizing on the hidden knowledge and the wisdom of people, organizations historically have not done that well. Instead of building human portals and mediums that connect and unite people, and creating safe environments that allow people to share freely what they know, more attention is given to building large database systems and other mediums that capture human knowledge. This difficult, yet important task of building a knowledge-sharing culture within companies is primarily given to the Information Technology departments, by far the least prone towards knowledge sharing. They are appointed as the primary players for this business initiative, and literally take over in creating the perfect knowledge sharing organization or at least a perfect system to facilitate knowledge capture.


The Lost Art of Thinking
Author: Michael Angier

Auguste Rodin’s classic statue "The Thinker" is one of my favorites. It’s hard to look at it (or one of its many replicas) without being moved by it. The innocent display of someone deeply in thought causes most of us to ponder a bit ourselves. Why is this image so captivating? What’s he thinking about?


The Key to getting lucky!
Author: Andrew Wood

When Gary Player arrived in the United States in the late 1950s, he was already becoming known as a “world traveler.?His schedule was at first limited; nevertheless, he quickly made an impression on many of the home-grown pros, and soon developed a reputation among them as a "lucky" golfer. As is common when faced with someone who is more successful, many of the regular Tour players decided Player was winning because he was luckier than they. Incidentally, this epithet would also be hung around the neck of Seve Ballesteros when he burst upon the tournament golf scene.


The Key Attitude For Success
Author: Asoka Selvarajah, Ph.D

There is one key factor that can do more to guarantee your success in life than anything else. Conversely, the absence of that factor will be a sure guarantee of a life of failure and almost continual disappointment. That key factor is RESPONSIBILITY.


The Joy of Procrastinating and How to Spoil It
Author: Ninive Badilescu

We’ve all been there. We’ve all came up with great reasons for not doing something at a certain point in time. For some of us this is just an isolated episode, for others it's a way of life. The only common point is the draining of power and real control once you are caught in the somehow comfortable and yet so deadly web of excuses.


The HOW Behind the WOW
Author: Robert Knowlton

Imagine you have been working at uncovering your Purpose, you have done the reflection, connected the dots of life and WOW, it hits you. "Yes! This is my Purpose!" You look back over your life and indeed, it all lines up. This is what you have been expressing or trying to express in all contexts through your life.


The Hidden Superpowers Of Your Mind
Author: Michael Lee

The mind is an infinite wonder. It has the fantastic ability to transmute your desires into their physical counterparts. You can do anything that your mind can conceive, as long as you have the belief and will power to back it up.


The Grey Knit Vest
Author: Linda Caroll

When I was little, the sun rose & set on my Grandpapa. Frozen forever in time are memories of wire rimmed glasses and a grey knit vest that almost always had chocolate covered raisins in the left pocket. Grandpapa always read to me. I'd curl up beside him and listen, spellbound.


Author: Marsha Schauer

When I joined the network marketing business, I didn't realize that I had signed up to run a marathon, did you?! And now I'm realizing that this marathon will probably take a few years to finish! Huh? Say what?


The Future's Not What It Used To Be...
Author: Jim Allen

I don't know about you, but I'm a bit miffed. I mean, here it is, the 21st century and we STILL don't have flying cars! Can you believe it? We're still driving around on four little wheels. Incredible!


The Four Keys to a Free Mind
Author: John R. Barker

Success and happiness are different for each of us. That is why when my clients say, ¡°I want to be more successful.¡± I ask, ¡°What is success for you?¡± Success isn¡¯t about things, accomplishments or cash flow. I believe each of us is looking for a feeling inside that we associate the words happiness and success with.


The Fear Factor
Author: Sharon Davis

© Copyright 2001 Sharon Davis


The Entrepreneurs Prayer
Author: Rick Beneteau

As I awaken with the gift of yet another day and prepare for the tasks at hand, I offer up this most ardent prayer:


THE ENEMY WITHIN - Uprooting apathy and cynicism
Author: Jim Clemmer

“Dead-end job” is a term most often used by dead-end people.


The dream I nearly gave up ........
Author: Nicholas Dixon



The Dennis Walters Story
Author: Andrew Wood

At 24, fresh out of college, Dennis Walters had all the traits of a champion. He had been dreaming big dreams since childhood, and he was ready to take action. That year, he had finished eleventh in the US Amateur Championship and had led his school to its fourth consecutive collegiate championship. His dream was to play on the PGA Tour and his future there looked bright. Then on July 21, 1974, a warm, sunny morning, just a few days before Qualifying School was to begin, Dennis was playing in a pro-am tournament at the Bonnie Brae Country Club in New Jersey. At the 18th hole his approach shot was plugged in a greenside trap, but Dennis played a fine explosion shot to three feet and saved his par. That shot would be the last competitive golf shot Dennis Walters would ever hit.


The Creative Process
Author: Franklin Baer

There are dozens of books about creativity and hundreds of books on management. Each has their own sure fire "steps to success." Amid this abundance of diveristy and confusion, I have found that there are more similarites than differences. I have found that there is one general process with variations and terminology applied to specific working environments. The links at, explain how I came to this conclusion, and how you can personalize your own creative style.


The Contrarian Millionaire How to Distinguish Between Myths, Realities
Author: Claude W. Diamond J.D.

Claude W. Diamond J.D.


The Compounding Effect of Selfishness
Author: Gary Vurnum

Five-year-old Katie asked for a coin for her to throw into a fountain at a local shopping centre. She was given one, and duly walked over to the fountain, stopped for a few seconds, and threw it into the water, and came back to us, smiling.


The Bottom Line of Style: How Your Professional Image Affects Your Profit
Author: Dianne M. Daniels, AICI

Solopreneurs and Business Owners have to maximize and leverage the opportunities all around them, and if your professional image doesn’t project the professionalism, knowledge, creativity and skill you possess, it could cost you time, clients and ultimately, dollars!


The best at a skill doesn't make a great coach
Author: Robert Torrey

Who is the Best Coach For Achieving Your Goals?


The Art of Adapting to Change
Author: Michael Lee

One of the main reasons that may hinder us from reaching our innermost goals and desires is our inability to be flexible.


The 7 Deadly Sins Of Progressive Leaders
Author: Carole Nicolaides

Thousands of years ago and miles away in Ancient Greece, Heraclites, a wise man known in the west as “Heraclites the Dark”, said, “Although this truth [self-awareness] is eternally valid, men are unable to understand it. Not only before hearing it but even after they have heard it.” His words are so true.


Ten Winning Traits - That Make A Difference!
Author: Richard Gorham

No surprise - winning traits are common among high achievers.


Ten Ways to Simplify Your Life
Author: Jennifer Ottolino

In this very fast paced world, it seems impossible to simplify our lives. But think about this, how much time and energy do you waste on the unnecessary? How much time do you waste because you can't find things? How much energy do you waste telling yourself all the things you should do? We often make life much more complicated than it needs to be and somehow we have convinced ourselves that our lives must be filled to max. We over schedule our lives, and then wonder why we feel dissatisfied. In turn, we end up spending the majority of our time on the things that don't matter to us. Here are some strategies to help you weed out the unnecessary and simplify, simplify, simplify.


Ten Ways to Position Yourself for Personal Success
Author: Lori James

Whether it is applying new information gleaned from a book or course, writing resolutions at the beginning of the year or new intentions for your birthday, or just deciding to develop a new habit, all of us have experienced the process of committing to do something new or different. Most of us don’t succeed during our first few attempts. How can you make this time different? Here are some suggestions to increase your personal success.


Ten Top Ways To Get Unstuck And Reach Your Goals
Author: Scott Fite

1. Write down 2 or 3 ways you can immediately start moving toward your goal. Select one and GET STARTED!


Ten Steps to Uncover Your Core Beliefs
Author: Robert Knowlton

I once went out for a day with a prospector to look for gold. We arrived at a spot in a mountain stream and he pointed out a certain area for me to start panning. I asked how he knew this particular place had potential and he briefly explained he was looking at the type of rock, water movement, location, etc. He knew what to look for as a clue to where the gold was hidden. We did not strike it rich that day but we did leave with almost half an ounce of gold dust!


Ten Steps To Solving Any Problem
Author: Brian Tracy and Colin Rose

The more organized and systematically you deal with any problem, the more positive and creative you will be in solving it. Here is a 10-step method you can use to think systematically. With this method, you develop your creativity to genius levels.


Ten Keys to Success
Author: Kathy Sanborn

Whether your goal is to find career success or achieve a personal goal, here are ten keys that you'll want to practice in order to make your way to accomplishment easier.


Ten Common Misconceptions of Success
Author: Jim M. Allen

1. Some people can't be successful because of the background, education, etc.


Talk your way to financial freedom
Author: Cathy Goodwin, Ph.D.

Feeling trapped by lack of funds? We can learn from those who live comfortably and retire early. They speak a different language from those who are stuck in a scarcity process.


Taking Your Business From The Information Age To the Age of Personal Touch
Author: Karon Thackston

How many years has it been since the Internet launched publicly? At least 10 if not more. And as it goes with every life-changing invention, we all assume that it “just can’t get any better than this”! And, as it always goes, we are dead wrong.


Taking Time For You
Author: Karon Thackston

This article may be reproduced in part or in whole provided proper attribution is given to the author and the author’s Web site.


Taking Responsibility - A Step Toward Progressive Leadership
Author: Carole Nicolaides

Recently, I was asked to facilitate a meeting and offer coaching to 20 executive members at a company’s strategic conference. As I sat quietly and observed everyone in the room, I began to notice that all conversations seemed to revolve around placing blame.


Surviving Work: Feedback & Criticism
Author: Michaela David

Have you ever stopped yourself from doing or saying something in a meeting or group of friends for fear of criticism? Does your stomach drop and your heart palpitate at the mention of a job review


Surviving Work: Boundaries at Work
Author: Michaela David

No one can do anything to you unless you allow it. You cannot be treated disrespectfully as if you have no feelings, are stupid, slow or unworthy unless you allow that to happen.


Surviving Work: A Family Affair
Author: Michaela David

For anyone who does not know the term "family-of-origin", it comprises our immediate family members - mother, father, siblings and grandparents. These are the people from whom you learned the safest way to react to life situations. For each person in this family, you created a set of behaviours which best suited their way of interacting with you. When you go off to your job, you take this learned behaviour with you and apply the creative adjustments that worked within your family, to your bosses and co-workers. Depending on what you learned in your family-of-origin this course of action can be a smooth road or slippery slope.


Surviving the Transition Zone that Accompanies Change
Author: John Robson

To significantly change in our lives, our subconscious minds and our belief systems must change. As these changes occur, we find ourselves in a transition zone, a place of the unknown, the lull, the fog, the void, the dead space. It is like being between first and second base on unsafe and vulnerable ground. It is uncomfortable, new and often scary. Often we get fearful and go back to the old safe place on first base. And that's O.K., but at some point, we may want to leave the rut that was not working for us.


Success-two critical questions to ask, and answer
Author: Jerry Lopper

Success is one of those words that we all understand, or at first glance, we think we do. We hear that someone is a big success, and we nod in agreement and apparent understanding. But what is success? Webster defines success as reaching a conclusion, usually a fortunate one. OK, what is fortunate? Most of us correlate success with money. If someone has a lot of money we tend to think of them as successful. But if you’ve been around a few years you know that money doesn’t buy happiness. Money can make one’s life easier and that can eliminate many obstacles to happiness, but money itself brings little or no inherent joy. And joy is the trademark of success.


Success, Elbow Grease And A Little Luck
Author: Dave Turo-Shields, ACSW, LCSW

I like to think that as a professional psychotherapist & coach, the space in which I work in my office is a smaller reflection of our much larger culture here in the USA.


Success Tips for the Entrepreneur
Author: Myrtis Smith

Entrepreneurs are a rare breed. They embody the American Dream. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, the majority of people in this country owned and operated their own business. And while today, its easier to find employees than business owners, entrepreneurs are still the backbone of this country. According to the Small Business Administration (SBA) in the year 2000 over 600,000 new business were started.


Success Teams Maximize Your Potential
Author: Dr. Ann Ronan

Did you ever stop to think that “self?improvement projects could actually be accomplished better with the support of others? I’m excited about a new project I’m working on with a colleague: creating a Mentoring Academy for a professional women’s organization. One aspect of this process is the creation of "Success Teams": a circle of friends who support each other in creating and defining their dreams and then creating strategies and assigning deadlines to those dreams to make them real. Our Success Team work is based on a process described in the book Wishcraft by Barbara Sher and our own experiences.


Success is Okay!
Author: Jim Allen

Did you know that it's perfectly alright to be successful?


Success Formula
Author: Madhu



Success and Communication
Author: Lea Brandenburg

Everything we do in life requires communication. Personal and business success often hinges on how well we understand others and how well they can understand us. If one of the objectives of communication is achieving a shared understanding, what can you do to become more effective when communicating?


Success -- There Are No Secrets
Author: Ginny Dye

There Are No Secrets To Success


Author: Nicholas Dixon

Hello everybody and a good day (or night !) to you all. My name is Nicholas Dixon and I am in my early twenties and I reside on the beautiful island of Jamaica.I work full time in a public library , but in my spare time I design and market websites.I personally think that it is fun to help my fellow brother or sister to get what they want out of this life.


Succeed by taking risks
Author: Roy Bartell

Taking risks is difficult - whether for an individual or a company - because it involves uncertainty. Fear of the unknown ends to hold us back. But because risk is one of the main paths to success, intelligent, calculating risk taking is worthwhile. Here are a few tips to bear in mind:


Succeed !
Author: Kelly Wissink

Are you successful? What does that word mean to you? Unlimited wealth, “toys” as far as the eye can see, or family gatherings at your cottage on the lake?


Subliminal Programs Move into the Future
Author: C.W. O'Manioin

Subliminal Programming in the public eye is a mixed batch of skeptical jokes, subversive attempts to control the masses, and sometimes quick fix attempts unbalanced personalities.


STOP! Don’t Click That Link!
Author: Karon Thackston


Sports Creativity in Your Own Backyard
Author: Marty Schupak

The sporting goods industry is a multi-billion dollar business, and the cost of equipment can be ridiculously expensive. Every family cannot afford the latest and greatest products (and gimmicks). But the old saying that “the best things in life are free” can also hold true in sports. Before you go out and spend hundreds of dollars on a deluxe glove or equipment to help your kids learn a level swing, you should look around your house and see what you can create, cheaply, that will help your kids improve their skills--and still have fun.


Spiritual Problem-Solving: Making divine lemonade and other useful strategies
Author: Ann Strong

Even the most successful or spiritually-attuned people encounter problems. They just don't let them remain problems for long. Their swift resolution or turn-around of a problem sets them apart from the not-so-successful. If you'd rather be sipping lemonade than pulling out your hair, then employ one or more of these strategies the next time you find yourself in a tangle.


Speak For Yourself: 10 Ways To Communicate Your Personal Brand
Author: William Arruda

Your personal Brand is your promise of value. It separates you from your peers, your colleagues, and your competitors. And it allows you to expand your success. Personal Branding is not about building a special image for the outside world; it is about understanding what is truly unique about you - your strengths, skills, values and passions - and using that to differentiate yourself and guide your career decisions. Achieving your professional goals requires understanding, nurturing, and, of course, communicating your unique personal Brand.


Sorting Emotional Laundry
Author: Sibyl McLendon

This week has been a real roller coaster at my house. A lot of emotional dirty laundry is piling up at my door. As much as I would like to not answer it, that isn't realistic. Avoidance of troubles is not the answer. I long ago learned that it you let that stuff pile up, soon you won't be able to get out of the house anymore.


Solving the Million Dollar Mystery: 4 Steps To Create A Turn-Key Business
Author: Stephanie Frank

You're a smart, hardworking entrepreneur, and you're moving fast. You are highly educated in your field and your business is growing and getting busier each day. But somehow, you find yourself stuck. You're doing more tasks that take you away from your core business, you are working more and earning less. You need help. Wouldn't it be great if there was someone, anyone out there who could help you take away some of the daily tasks so you could focus on the things you really love?


Solid Rock
Author: Ed Hirsch

Do you understand the truth about life and always do what is right ... or at least most of the time?


Soft Skills In the IT Environment - Part 2 of 2
Author: Carole Nicolaides

by Carole Nicolaides, Copyright © 2002, All Rights Reserved


Soft Skills In the IT Environment - Part 1 of 2
Author: Carole Nicolaides

by Carole Nicolaides, Copyright © 2002, All Rights Reserved


Six Reasons to Become Self-Employed in Your Retirement
Author: Karyn Greenstreet, Small Business Coach

So, you’re looking forward to being retired. Relaxing in the lawn chair, sipping iced tea, watching the clouds roll by. Lazy days of reading good books, traveling with family and friends, puttering around in the garden.


Sincere Trust
Author: Ed Hirsch

The Chief thing I look for in relationships is trust. Business and Personal alike, when trust becomes an issue, my tendency is to back out of the effort.


Showing Up
Author: Ed Hirsch

Much can be said for "reaping what you sow."


Author: Rick Beneteau

Many a great teacher has professed the pearl of wisdom that when one chooses to focus on helping others to attain satisfaction and achieve success, they in turn enjoy ultimate success.


Shoot & Move
Author: Jim M. Allen

Back when I was a videographer in the Air Force, videotaping various training activities and shooting military documentaries, one of the basic filmic principles I used was the "shoot and move" method.


Shifting From Stuck To Flow
Author: Gregory Newman, M.S.

Whenever I’m feeling “stuck,” I almost always ask myself the following questions. I’ve also asked them in many coaching sessions with clients who were able to shift from stuck to flow. If you’re feeling stuck in any area of your life (work, relationship, creativity, etc.), consider answering these simple questions.


She's Not Just Another Pretty Face
Author: Dave Cole

One day Annette Gantz saw a lady driving a big pink car. Seeing that pink car eventually became the beginning of a tremendously satisfying career for this Wheeling, West Virginia resident.


Seven Steps to Successful Negotiation
Author: Linda D. Tillman, Ph.D

****Philosophy of successful negotiation: In negotiating


Seven Steps to Getting Known - Guerrilla PR for the Entrepreneur
Author: Jill Lublin

So you’ve started your own business and you’re ready to let the world (or your neighborhood) know. Now it’s time to add public relations to the list of your entrepreneurial skills. Public relations is human relations and a critical aspect of growing your business. Everything you say and do is part of your PR campaign. It is the image you project every day to everyone you meet. It is about you and your company becoming a force in the public eye on a regular basis PR that you undertake yourself can be a primary way to grow your business and become known without major expense.


Seven Steps To Change Your Life
Author: Kimberly Fulcher

Kimberly Fulcher


Seven Aspects of a Making Brilliant Decisions: The Relationship Between Work and Self
Author: Connie Butler

Workwerkn: an opportunity for discovering and shaping; the place where the


Setting and Attaining Your Goals
Author: Marti Eicholz, Ph.D.

Goals are the basic units of life’s design. They are markers or targets we set to measure our progress along life’s path. In the process of attaining the goals we strive for, we keep our commitments to ourselves, and we experience greater satisfaction in our lives.


Self Care, Whether You "Deserve" It Or Not!
Author: Molly Gordon

Is self-care something you practice based on how well you have behaved or performed lately or how much you have left to do? If so, you run the risk of running out of gas in the middle of the night on a deserted highway.


Seeking Success? Start Now!
Author: Ronnie Nijmeh,

Have you wanted to accomplish something for a long time but have had trouble starting? Was it because you didn't know what to do? Or maybe you weren't "in the mood"? Or perhaps you told yourself, "not today, maybe tomorrow." Well, you're failing yourself and let me tell you why.


Secrets of Highly Successful Companies
Author: Bill McGrane

Why do some companies seem to always be at the top of the performance charts? No matter how you measure them, they always seem to excel. What secret do they have that others don't? When we decided to search for the secret of their success we were surprised at how simple the answer was. Because what we found was so simple, we couldn't believe so many companies don't use this secret.


Scared to Death!
Author: Ed Hirsch

Does your heart ever beat so fast and hard that you feel you may die? When this happens, (and it happens to me) it motivates and forces decisions (and action).


Author: Ed Hirsch

What direction do you choose to go in today? Are you ready RIGHT NOW to do whatever it takes to accomplish the Will that your life represents?


Author: Les Brown

I've done a lot of research on the topic of conflict resolution in recent months, and here are a few tips I've come up with for resolving conflict in your workplace and professional life:


Releasing Your Thoughts
Author: Jan Tincher

Releasing thoughts that hold you back is a powerful step toward taking control of your life.


Reclaim Your Independence
Author: Marije Miller

Each year we celebrate the 4th of July, Independence Day, in the most magnificent ways! With beautiful parades that involve the whole community, elaborate picnics and amazing fireworks this day has become one of the Nation’s greatest holidays. And while it is very important to look back and celebrate this country’s history, it also gives us a great opportunity to look at our current lives and evaluate our own personal independence. Personal independence, meaning: How much in control are you of your life?


Recession Protection: Learn To Brand Yourself For Better Job Search Success
Author: Carole Nicolaides

After the feverish storm of abundant jobs and wealth, corporate America has started seeing and feeling the negative sense of what almost always follows “boom times??a recession. Companies of all sizes are laying people off. So how do you make yourself more appealing to recruiters when everyone is clamoring for a job?


Receive... and you shall be given more...
Author: Nisandeh Neta

Has someone given you a compliment lately?


Reaping the Fruit of Success in Life
Author: Barbara White

One way to become more successful in our lives is to look at the lifestyle and habits of people who are already clearly reaping the fruits of success in life and living and growing towards their unique God given potential. What are some common characteristics and behaviour that we can apply to our own lives to help us on our own personal journey towards excellence? I have spent many years studying this area, and have discovered that there are common principles and habits that successful people follow and see results many times over. Even people who have achieved great personal growth in their lives know the importance of having established life habits and daily motivation towards their personal goals. Here are three things that are important keys to unleash personal growth.


Realtors - How To Start A Traffic Explosion In Your Spare Time
Author: Stan Smith

You have permission to publish this article electronically


Raffles: A Marketing Tool for Business Success
Author: Susan Franzen,

"Our next raffle prize is a free haircut from Shine Designs, and the winner is...."


Questions & Requirements
Author: Ed Hirsch

You REALLY want to succeed in business. Nothing will stop you THIS time. What will make the difference so that what happened in the past (failure) will not happen again?


Author: joel Hill

Joel Hill knows what works on the Internet, "Offer what people want and need as opposed to what you think they want and need!"


Psychology of Success
Author: John Giagkiozis

You must understand You are already a Success, and before you think I'm crazy read further you'll get the point.


Promote YOUR Site Every Day!
Author: Irena Whitfield

I expect you want to succeed in your online business. I can guarantee you will succeed beyond your wildest dreams if you follow the below routine. Promote YOUR Site Every Day! Consider lost every day that you didn't do at least something to promote your site - consider such a day lost, a day wasted. Each day you miss to promote your site is exactly why you will have to wait longer for the future you have chosen for yourself - for your success.


Problem Solving Tips
Author: Chrissie Slade

"Problems are messages ignored." Anonymous


Preventing Your Employees From Failing
Author: Carole Nicolaides

Have you ever noticed what happens when you become suspicious of and unsatisfied with an employee’s performance? Whether you realize it or not, you begin to create a “failure mindset” for them. With time, you stop believing in your employee and a cycle starts that revolves around low morale, low performance and deterioration of performance.


Point/Counterpoint on Coaching
Author: Susan Dunn, M.A.

In response to Dr. Cathy’s Goodwin’s article, ”The Free Coaching Session May Cost You Plenty,” I want to talk a little about coaching from the standpoint of the coach.


Point of Decision
Author: Julie Jordan Scott

How many decisions do you make daily?


Play Your Bigger Game
Author: Molly Gordon

"Shine your life like a light."


"Planning for Success"
Author: Gary Simpson

The purpose of having an analytical brain is to use it to think and make a plan before we act.


Plan your performance review before you start the job
Author: Cathy Goodwin, PhD

When you start a new job, you probably realize the first three months are critical to your long-term success. Everybody's eye is on the "newbie" as you learn the ropes. "Does anybody want to go to lunch?" is the wrong thing to say in a run-during-lunch or never-leave-the-desk culture.


Author: T. G. Desrosier

¡°You may already be a loser¡±.


Personal Branding: Speak For Yourself: 10 Ways To Communicate Your Personal Brand
Author: William Arruda

Your personal Brand is your promise of value. It separates you from your peers, your colleagues, and your competitors. And it allows you to expand your success. Personal Branding is not about building a special image for the outside world; it is about understanding what is truly unique about you - your strengths, skills, values and passions - and using that to differentiate yourself and guide your career decisions. Achieving your professional goals requires understanding, nurturing, and, of course, communicating your unique personal Brand. Here are ten areas well worth considering when working to communicate your Brand.


Author: Glen Hopkins

One of the keys to being successful in anything you do is persistence. Once you have determined exactly what it is you want to accomplish, you must take massive action on a consistent, persistent basis in order to succeed. Think of it like building a muscle. If you have never weight rained before, the first time you walk into a gym, chances are you will not be able to bench press 250 lbs. However, if you are persistent, and you consistently go back to the gym, you will find yourself getting stronger and closer to your goal with each and every visit. One of the things you’ll notice on your journey towards your goal, are roadblocks. That is, you will encounter obstacles that seem to jump out of nowhere in an attempt to halt your progress. Count on these obstacles. They are a part of life. Everyone would have every success they ever wanted if there were no obstacles. Your job is to be persistent and work through those obstacles. If you find little or no obstacles along the way, chances are you are not really cha


Passion versus Detachment
Author: Dr. Steve Taubman

Passion vs. detachment


Passion Pushes You Forward - So Do What You Know and Love!
Author: Maria Marsala

The process of starting a business or choosing a career is very enjoyable and stressful at the same time. It's a good type of stress, but stress nonetheless. One way to keep your sanity in the midst of growth is to do what you know!


Overcoming Poor Coworker Relationships
Author: Karon Thackston

Granted. You can’t always get along with everybody. There are some people on this earth who simply won’t allow you to make friends with them. However, at some point in life, you are likely to come upon a situation where a good relationship with a coworker has become strained for one reason or another.


Out with Panic
Author: Hershey Wier

This article may be published electronically in either your ezine or website under the provision that all copyright, contact and link information is kept in tact. We would appreciate receiving a copy for our Publishers Directory. Thank You. Word count: 547 (article body only; excludes title, bio.)


Our Worst Enemy
Author: Michael Lee, CPA

Who do you consider as your worst enemy? The criminals roaming the dark streets? Your boss who's killing you mentally and emotionally with stress and harsh words? The people in office who are engaging in graft and corruption, instead of helping those in need?


Open Up the Flow to a Fulfilled Life
Author: Helaine Iris

I had a really neat experience this morning. I was having a conversation with a friend when he suddenly asked me to chat with his wife and briefly explain what "life coaching" was about. Although I was a bit surprised by his sudden request, I happily agreed.


On the Verge of Success: Resistance is not Futile, It's Likely
Author: Bill White

How many times have you started a project and, as you approached completion, found yourself losing momentum? How many near misses have you had with success?


On Having A Mentor - A Lesson from Alexander The Great
Author: Asoka Selvarajah

It would seem that Alexander was a devoted reader of Homer's great epic poems, The Odyssey and the Iliad; particularly the latter. The Iliad deals with Ancient Greek ideals of hero, warfare and glory in the context of the war against the city of Troy. Alexander, it would seem, read these stories from an early age and imagined himself to be in the same line as the classic Greek heroes of yesteryear. He was quite obsessive about this poem epic and could recite large sections of it by heart. In fact, he had a special copy made for himself and took it with him on his exploits and conquests of two million square miles of the ancient world.


On Embracing Impermanence
Author: Drew Rozell, Ph.D.

Sadness came a hold of us, Terrified was I, but good things will come of this, Good things will blossom out of this,


Oh Those Pesky Bad Habits, Part II
Author: Dr. Sharon House

Okay, now that's you've read part 1 and have your list of good, positive habits together, it's time for part 2 and back to those negative pesky habits again .


Oh Those Pesky Bad Habits, Part I
Author: Dr. Sharon House

One of the things I ask every new coaching client to examine is their everyday habits. Why? Basically because good habits strengthen and empower. Negative habits weaken and harm. While positive habits add to our lives, negative habits simply detract, derail and disempower us from truly living a quality life experience; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. They are time wasters, energy "suckers" and affect us much more than we are consciously aware of.


Author: C.J. Hayden

No, that's not a typo in the title. Resolutions are easy; most of us make them at least once a year. A revolution, on the other hand, is something you may not have made since you started your business.


Author: Ed Hirsch

The *wind* which moves us in a specific direction in our life causes us to be who we are (our essence of being).


Networking Can Land You The Big One
Author: Thomas P. Meisenheimer

I like to fish Lake Okeechobee in South Florida. It’s a place where good net working can make the difference between landing a ten pound largemouth bass or giving it up to the fifteen foot alligator that usually watches me --- waiting to snap up the one that I let get away. Good networking in human relations can put some “keepers” in your live box for future reference too.


Networking Can Land You The Big One
Author: Thomas P. Meisenheimer

I like to fish Lake Okeechobee in South Florida. It’s a place where good net working can make the difference between landing a ten pound largemouth bass or giving it up to the fifteen foot alligator that usually watches me --- waiting to snap up the one that I let get away. Good networking in human relations can put some “keepers” in your live box for future reference too.


Moving From Manager to Coach Part II - Going Visual
Author: Robert Knowlton

In a previous article we covered the first steps for moving from "manager" to "coach." These skills and tips are as applicable to coaching yourself as they are to coaching others.


Moving From Manager to Coach
Author: Robert Knowlton

These days it seems the "coaching" word is everywhere. Business owners coach staff, as do managers and supervisors. Parents coach kids for life skills. We’re even coaching ourselves. Unfortunately, just because we change the name from


Money Woes
Author: Dr. Noelle Nelson, Ph.D.

"Money makes the world go 'round" may be a great song title, but all it seems to do in your household is make things come to a screeching halt. It's the holidays, and you can't believe you and your wife/girlfriend/husband/boyfriend are fighting about money - again. She goes out and buys this perfectly ridiculous set of unbelievably expensive ornaments


Money Woes
Author: Dr. Noelle Nelson

"Money makes the world go 'round" may be a great song title, but all it seems to do in your household is make things come to a screeching halt. It's the holidays, and you can't believe you and your wife/ girlfriend/husband/boyfriend are fighting about money - again. She goes out and buys this perfectly ridiculous set of unbelievably expensive ornaments for the tree, which


Mistakes Are Important Teachers
Author: Josh Hinds

Mistakes are important teachers - All around us life is offering opportunity after opportunity. The problem is that in many cases these little jewels are hidden. In order for us to be aware of them we have to be willing to look for them in many cases. So then the question is how do we do this?


Author: Dr. Noelle Nelson

You're married. You're very married. Or you're in a serious committed relationship, either way, you know you shouldn't be doing this. "This" being an incredibly HOT passionate affair you are completely caught up in, despite


Author: Ed Hirsch

Who do you need to be to make your dreams real?


Mentor??? Who Needs A Mentor?
Author: Charles Lalonde

Who needs a mentor. . .everyone who is truly serious about achieving more of their true potential, personally and financially. In fact, Richard Brooke says:


Meet The Editor of Self-Starters Weekly Tips
Author: Lynn Terry

For those of you who don’t already know me personally, I am a 29 year old single mother of two awesome kids, and I work from my home office full-time as the owner of Web Service Network. I have been in business since late '96, when I opened a storefront in Murfreesboro, TN, but I have since resorted to the beautiful Center Hill Lake and operate from my home office.


Master the Art of Communication. Part 1 of 2- Using Your Passion To Make A Connection
Author: Carole Nicolaides

by Carole Nicolaides © 2002 All Rights Reserved


Marketing You
Author: Catherine O'Donnell, Career and Business Coach

MARKETING YOU is a three-step career strategy:


Managing and Negotiating Your Finances
Author: Marti Eicholz, Ph.D.

Depending on your primary behavioral traits, you may have an easier or more difficult time handling your finances, but the good news is that anyone can learn the skills necessary to manage money wisely.


Manage Your Negative Habits, Eliminate Your Payoffs
Author: Dr. Sharon House, Master Certified Coach

Recently, Dr. Phil McGraw, the author of "Life Strategies" sat down with four women on Oprah to talk about why they haven't been able to take their excess weight off. It was music to my ears… here, finally, was someone talking about what I have said for years… to manage your life, eliminate your payoffs and you'll manage your weight.


Making Your Sales Copy Sell… Even In A Recession
Author: Karon Thackston

I was talking with a group of business associates the other day and one question popped up that was of particular interest. “Is everyone finding that sales come MUCH slower these days?” The answer from all on the call was a resounding yes! The next question won’t surprise you… “What do we do about it?”


Making Your Purpose Your Business, Step #1
Author: Heather J. Tait

Step#1- Discovering Your Purpose


Make Your Ads Sizzle & Skyrocket Your Sales
Author: John Colanzi

Do your ads sizzle?


Make Mistakes! It's Okay. Really!
Author: Ronnie Nijmeh,

When you fall, do you get right back up? Do you learn from your mistake and move on? Or do you kick yourself so hard in the butt that you just mope around for days in your PJs and wonder why you're so miserable? Come on! Get a grip!


Make It Fun and Get It Done
Author: Jean Charles MA, OTR

I learned a valuable less from my 13-year-old son last week. We were hiking in the woods on our very hilly, rocky farm. He stopped near a cliff and starting hurling some rather large rocks over the edge, seeing how successfully he could get them to smash on a large boulder at the bottom. I got tired of watching him do this after about 20 minutes and suggested that we move on. He protested and kept on his constant picking up, carrying and hurling rocks.


M.B.A. - The 3 Factors of Success
Author: Anita Foley

You will often hear it said that things come in 3’s. My Grandma used to say, “Good news, bad news, and blind mice all come in 3’s.” Well, she was right, and, over the years, I have discovered the 3 most important things needed to be successful.


Love your Debt - Insanity or the Path to Financial Freedom?
Author: Barbara Voss

Have you heard that new age maxim “If you want to be free of something you must first learn to love it”?


Looking For Peace
Author: Ed Hirsch

The world wants hope and I can only speak from my own experiences.


Look At Your Success Picture 1000 Times A Day
Author: Jan Tincher

When a person looks at something a thousand times -- OK, maybe not 1000 times a day but at least several times an hour all day -- don’t you think it would be implanted in his brain? Don’t you think he/she would always have that as a reference? And I mean ALWAYS.


Living Without Regrets
Author: Caterina Rando, MA, MCC

When you approach my front door you can't help but notice the bright white awning with green lettering that reads "No Regrets Apartments". An energetic, friendly and eccentric woman owns my building, it is the theme by which she lives her life. She has lived in the same neighborhood all her life, yet has friends she corresponds with all over the country, she never learned how to drive, yet gets around twice as much as people half her age, she sometimes skips lunch but a day never passes that she doesn't enjoy some gourmet chocolate, and her whole life even in fancy restaurants she always eats her dessert first. When I have asked how she is she has smiled back and said, with asmirk in her upbeat voice" I can't complain, it doesn't do any good anyway". She is on the move living by her own rules, always looking forward never looking back.


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Living Light
Author: Deb Martin

Clearing Clutter


Lifestyle Evangelism
Author: Ed Hirsch

As a result of following a series of actions over time, you will receive the consequence, negative or positive of those actions. In life, we all have freewill to choose from an unlimited number of actions.


Life Lessons
Author: Life Designs Coach Julie Fuimano, MBA, BSN, RN

"A life spent making mistakes is more useful than a life spent doing nothing." ~ George Bernard Shaw


Life Issues Pt. 2 - Against All Odds
Author: Nicholas Dixon



Life is a Hard Teacher: Failing to have an exit strategy
Author: Bill White

Life is a Hard Teacher: Failing to Have an Exit Strategy


Why on-site sales training fails and wastes your money!
Author: Guy Petrik, President, SalesPro Online

A company schedules a sales meeting, perhaps just for sales training (worst case) perhaps also including other business issues, new product introduction and/or product training.


Life IN The Balance
Author: Ed Hirsch

Do you want to be like everyone else?


Life be design; not by default
Author: Lee Harris

Imagine that right now, right here, today… there is within your grasp not one but several opportunities to redesign specific aspects of your life so that the sum total is a life you absolutely love. Then imagine that the only thing standing between you and your opportunities is a closed mind, fear, habits, concern, worry, drama, or perhaps mental, physical, and emotional clutter. Do you know what a default is? It’s what you get when you don’t choose to get something else and for most of us a default life is average and mediocre with sprinkles of joy in between. A default life is living for the weekend. A default like is hanging on ‘til retirement. A default life is waiting for the kids to grow up, move out, and finish college. A default life is waiting, and waiting, and waiting for things to get better someday…one day. Most people don’t accidentally have a great life, a great job, a great marriage, a great body, or great children. I don’t know about you but I am not touched, moved, or inspired by mediocrity.


Let’s Get Positive!
Author: Anita Foley

It seems that lately I’ve been reading an awful lot of articles in e-zines about the difficulty of doing business online. They talk about all the hype, all the scams, all the lies and false promises. They talk about all the worthless web sites, loaded with affiliate links, promising millions and delivering nothing. They talk about the undeliverable and returned e-mail, the fake addresses, the junk mail and the spam. They talk about server problems, software problems, hardware problems, too many ads, too many viruses, not enough content, lost messages, lost lists, lost customers, and lost dreams!


Let The Past Be The Past
Author: Josh Hinds

Take time each day to ponder the things that have occurred in your life. While I personally find it easy to initially focus on the negatives (hey don't we all?) at the same time I realize that to do so is simply counter productive!


Learning more about yourself
Author: BZ Riger-Hull

Finding balance is deciding to notice what goes on in your life. To make conscious choices and to experience life, not just let it happen to you. Learning more about yourself is an important first step in creating balance in your life. It is easy to get caught up in the fast pace and pressing schedule of our busy lives. We loose sight of what is important to us, what we want to accomplish.


Learn to Accept and then Conquer Failure
Author: Charles Gueli

The first time you tried to walk, you fell down. If you're like me, the first time you tried to swim, you almost drowned. You've already failed many times, although you may not remember.


Language Your Life: Express Success
Author: Sterling Van De Moortel

We create our place in the world through our language. LANGUAGE IS CONSCIOUSNESS IN ACTION ?THE HUMAN OPERATING SYSTEM ITSELF. Indeed, we are our words in deed.


Author: C.J. Hayden

When you're just starting out in business, it's a safe bet that you need more clients. But what if you have been up and running for a while, and you're still not making as much money as you would like? You may be in the habit of thinking that attracting new clients is the answer, but this isn't always the case.


'KICK START' 2004 AS YOU BEST YEAR EVER - with a 90 Day Action Plan !
Author: Kathy Baker

Yes, the 'silly season' is upon us again. People are about to wind down & get into festive party mode. Not that this is a bad thing, no, not at all ! We all need rest & recreation. But, do make sure that you also make the most of this time for another vitally important activity -- Action Planning for the New Year ?


Key Things I've Learned From Studying The Lives of Great Achievers
Author: Josh Hinds

I've long been a student of those who have achieved high levels of success. Over the years I've noticed several common threads in the makeup of the people I've studied. I'd like to recount several of those traits for you in the hope that in identifying them, you can implement these qualities into your own life and in turn be better as a result.


Keeping Your Team Up When the Economy Is Down
Author: Carole Nicolaides

by Carole Nicolaides © 2001


Just Get Rid of It
Author: Timmi Perrin

Spring cleaning - a wonderful annual tradition associated with this time of year. A powerful way to honor one’s Self and the shifts occurring both in the earth and in our collective consciousness. I am committed to introducing ideas and concepts that inspire people to honor home and space in a new and influential way.


Journal to the Center of Your Soul
Author: Mary Jo Marchionni

I have always been intrigued by the idea of keeping a journal. I was always in awe of people I would see furiously writing in their journals at the park, the beach, at lunch, or on the train. What they heck were they writing about? From the looks on their faces, it seemed pretty intense!!


Joe "MrFire" Vitale As One Of The Speakers At The Super Seminar 2001
Author: Tatiana Velitchkov

All of you probably have had some episode in your life, when you felt so excited about the things you were going to hear. Exactly this kind of feeling took hold on me when Joe "MrFire" Vitale started his speech on The Super Seminar 2001 in Atlanta. For as much as I know, there is no one among the entrepreneurs on the Net that does not know who Joe "MrFire" Vitale is, author, copy-writer, speaker, and more.


It's True, God Wants You To Have Money
Author: Frederick Zappone

People yearn to be rich, yes even people on the spiritual path yearn to be rich but many of you on the spiritual path deny this yearning. In fact, many people on the spiritual path, secretly want nothing to do with money because it has been a painful or stressful part of their lives. Spiritual people who refuse to acknowledge their desire to have money in abundance are, to put it succinctly, kidding themselves.


It's Time To Create Your Yearly Theme!
Author: Maria Marsala

Did you have a theme this past year? Will you have one for next year? Themes can make your life fun and focused. Have you ever given a birthday party and asked people to bring gifts with a "garden" or "fishing" theme? I know someone who asked people to bring something they made themselves! What wonderful ideas! To actually get what you want at your party!


It's That Time Of Year
Author: Helaine Iris

It's That Time Of Year


It's More Than Just Learning
Author: Gene Donohue

American author Alvin Toffler said, "The illiterate of the future are not those that can not read or write. They are those that can not learn, unlearn, relearn."


It works! Knock-Their-Socks-Off, Wildly Effective Advertising
Author: Linda Caroll

Have you ever noticed that most ads suck?


It Depends On Me
Author: Ed Hirsch

"If it is to be, it is up to me!" was the first quote that really hit me while reading my first self-help book by Wally Famous Amos ... and the start of my continuous travels on the road to an empowered life.


Island Time and Your Internet Success
Author: Dr. Don Aronson

Several years ago, I had a real "eye-opener" from one of my patients.


Author: W. Bradford Swift

Until thought is linked with purpose, there is no intelligent accomplishment. With the majority, the bark of thought is allowed to drift upon the ocean of life. A man or woman should conceive of a legitimate purpose in his heart, and set out to accomplish it.


Is Your Life On Purpose?
Author: Anthony Fiore, Ph.D.

Life Coach Dave Ellis asks us to imagine a person who walks up to a counter at the airport to buy a plane ticket for his next vacation.


Is Your Ad Killing Your Brand?
Author: Karon Thackston

by Karon Thackston ?2002


Author: Bill McGrane

What a weird question. Internet users are business people, teachers, students of all ages, housewives, ministers, all sorts of people. Are they lonely? There must be research somewhere to break people down by economic standing, social status, education, etc., but that is probably not needed to get an idea as to the nature of at least some of the Internet users. Think, for a moment, about people in your own circle of relationships. How many are Internet users and why? As you read this, think about people you know. Do you see any of them, or yourself, in any part of this story?


Author: Bill McGrane

What a weird question. Internet users are business people, teachers, students of all ages, housewives, ministers, all sorts of people. Are they lonely? There must be research somewhere to break people down by economic standing, social status, education, etc., but that is probably not needed to get an idea as to the nature of at least some of the Internet users. Think, for a moment, about people in your own circle of relationships. How many are Internet users and why? As you read this, think about people you know. Do you see any of them, or yourself, in any part of this story?


Is Cow-Thinking Controlling Your Life & Business
Author: Barry Goss, Editor,

With all the sensationalistic, gloom-and-doom type hyperbole and half-truths we constantly hear on the mainstream media these days (even if we are just scanning the channels for a quick 15-minute break ... as I often do to catch a breath), I couldn't help but remember a very funny (sad, but true) parody Dave Barry wrote about 4 years ago.


Is an online business for you?
Author: Erol Alici

Is an online business for you? By Erol Alici


Inviting Success & Abundance Into Your Life
Author: Mary Beth Lang

1) In order to get what you want out of life you first have to know exactly what you want. One of the most necessary and difficult things you must do is to define success for yourself. Discard the "shoulds" and "coulds". Ignore the "voices" of your spouse, parents, and society. Based on your wants and values, what conditions must be present in your life for you to feel successful. This is where you'll find real desire and motivation.


Introducing WorkforceDNA
Author: Ethelle G. Ames, M.Ed.

In May 2001, I took a livelihood risk. I left my old ways of coaching behind in favor of a powerful, new system called WorkforceDNA. This system is the brain child of Sandra Seich, whose 8 years of research and development resulted in this 'first of its kind' assessment. The slogan is "business solutions at the gene level" because it measures self-perception on three key levels and in lay terms.


Internet Marketing - Do YOU see the Obvious?
Author: Nicole Paige

Have you ever walked around the same park, section of neighborhood or strand of beach over and over again? Is it possible that in going "around the block" so many times we actually miss seeing the obvious, what is right in front of us? I believe it is.


Internal Competition Can Kill Your Organization
Author: Carole Nicolaides

Competition is believed to be the driver of the Western Economy. Most Western countries believe that competition produces innovation, stimulates thinking, and it is simply characterized by many as the engine of capitalism. In a similar fashion, “internal competition drives business results” has become a popular saying. Mercedes Benz from Germany, Intel from the US and others across the western hemisphere encourage internal competition.


Inflate Your Sales With Balloon Replicas
Author: Karon Thackston

Whether you know the term or not, you’ve probably seen “inflatables” many times before. These are the gigantic balloons that are shaped like company logos, mascots, characters or symbols. They hold some real power when it comes to promotion and almost always increase sales when used.


Industry Pro Interview: What Is Uncle Sam Really Entitled To?
Author: Karon Thackston

Eva Rosenberg (a.k.a. Tax Mama) started out just like you and I did… small! She took her BA in Accounting and MBA in International Business and put it to work with her own online company. is the result of Eva’s inspiration and dream. She now answers our questions about marketing expenses and what Uncle Sam is really entitled to!


Industry Pro Interview: The Selling Power of Consumer Confidence
Author: Karon Thackston

Butch Pujol came into his business through a unique series of events. Being taken advantage of himself didn’t set well with Butch and he realized that many others had been through the same thing. His background lends itself to Butch’s need to provide service and to care for others. The combination of these elements came together in a realization that when you take care of your customers - when you put forth a strong image of consumer confidence - your customers take care of you by granting you their loyal and repeat business.


Author: 05_10_23_4157



Industry Pro Interview: Insider Secrets To Building Your PR Campaign
Author: Karon Thackston

Todd Brabender of Spread The News Public Relations was kind enough to answer some burning questions most small business owners have about public relations, press releases and gaining media attention.


Industry Pro Interview: Expanding Your Market Reach For More Sales
Author: Karon Thackston

Have you ever wondered how to get out of a “sales slump”? I think all of us have! One of the most common things we, as small business owners, allow ourselves to suffer through is “narrow mindedness”. We have thoughts about what our product/service is, what it does and who it serves.


In Search of Life Purpose
Author: Amit Bhatt

On July 6, 1946 a kid was born to a chorine and an Italian immigrant. A foreceps accident during his birth severed him paralyzed. He also suffered with rickets. At age 15, his parents' divorce, leaving him a homely, sickliest child. By this time, the kid had developed a passion to become a movie star. But the kid’s face and even his deep voice were factors in his constant rejection for stage and film roles. He was turned down for uncountable times. Rather than give up, however, he turned to writing scripts--lots of scripts. He penned the screenplay for Rocky and went to sell it to producers with a condition of he be the star in movie. After tons of rejection a miracle happened. And an icon of machismo and Hollywood action heroism, Sylvester Stallone was born.


Imagine Success
Author: Ed Hirsch

Unless maintained by some outside restraint, expenditures always surpass whatever income is available --Parkinson's Budgetary Expansion Principle


Author: Pauline Wallin, Ph.D.

Picture this scene: Little Johnny's mother places a large piece of chocolate cake on his plate. He's pretty happy with it -- until he glances over at his brother's portion and notices that it's even bigger than his own. Suddenly Johnny is no longer satisfied with what he got. He starts to pout and complain, and may even resort to throwing his cake on the floor.


I Want To Be Somebody New
Author: Dave Cole

How You Think...Determines How You Act How you act....determines how others React to you.


I Don't Have Enough Time
Author: Wendy Hearn

How often do you hear yourself saying you don't have enough time? Even if you're not saying it out loud, I bet you think it. "I wish I had more time" or "There's never enough hours in a day" are statements voiced every day by most people. It's a fact of life that there just isn't enough time. There never has been and never will be more than 24 hours in each day. So, why can some people achieve more in less time? I suggest one of the reasons is attitude of mind.


I Do Not Want That To Happen
Author: Jan Tincher

The experts say that your unconscious doesn’t pay attention to the negating factor, the NOT in sentences like the title of this article. Knowing that, do any of these following scenarios pertain to you and your thoughts?


How To Write Motivational Copy That Sells
Author: Karon Thackston

Who of us hasn’t written advertising copy that we thought was great only to find out it flopped big time? Why? When you wrote it, it seemed very persuasive. You included lots of benefits and even gave a money back guarantee. It got YOU up and moving so why did your customers turn their heads?


How To Write Little Tiny AdWords Ads That Bring Giant-Sized Profits
Author: Karon Thackston

It seems to be a phenomenon. You try Google AdWords Select, your ad gets “disapproved” by the powers that be at Google, you count your losses and give up. It doesn’t have to be that way.


How To Use The Past, Future, And Present In Attaining Success
Author: Michael Lee

Did you know that your past, future, and present can affect directly or indirectly your outlook in life?


How to turn Failures into Unstoppable Success
Author: Saravanan Sivagnanam

Failure, the moment we hear this word, we get the feeling of dejection and disappointment. Not many of us can take failure as a learning experience. If we want to live through failures and emerge successful, we need to know the meaning of failure, the reasons for failure and how to handle them.


How to Think Like a Winner, Secrets of a Three-Time Olympian
Author: Ruben Gonzalez

What would your life be like if failure was not an option? Would you like to perform at your peak more often? What would you do if you knew you could not fail?


Author: Brian Tracy



How to STOP Being a Person that NOTHING Seems to Work For
Author: Bob Doyle, President of Flightwaves

Do you ever wonder why great things happen to some people but not to you?


How To Start, Survive, and Finish Your Journey To Super Success
Author: Michael Lee

"The more you hate, the more you love."


How to Regularly Achieve Repeat Success
Author: Naseem Mariam

ABSTRACT: Success is not a one-time act. You need to repeat


How to pick a business opportunity
Author: Erol Alici

How to pick a business opportunity By Erol Alici


How To Offer Individual Praise Without Undermining Team Efforts
Author: Carole Nicolaides

A lot of discussions lately are centered around teamwork and leadership. This is especially an issue after all the leadership scandals that have been brought to light in corporate America this past year. Due to major layoffs, and the loss of exceptional brainpower, there is a huge need for leaders who possess both a heart and a sound knowledge base at the same time. The quest is on! Leadership books outsold all books this summer giving us great insight into the challenges of companies around the world.


Author: Cathy Goodwin, PhD

A guarantee is a critical tool to build relationships and develop strategy. Designing a guarantee will change the way you look at your business.


How to negotiate for a raise, promotion or job
Author: Cathy Goodwin, Ph.D.

Negotiating for a raise -- or a job


How to Make Yourself a Successful One-of-a-Kind Resource in Your Industry
Author: Burt Dubin

A touch of background first: A successful, journeyman level speaker, serving associations and corporations, I routinely received fees of 00 to 00-6000 for 1 to 3 hours of programs. I got 1 or 2 bookings a week.


How To Make Your (Home) Office Reflect You
Author: Maria Marsala

If you're reading this, then you are spending quite a bit of time in a room or corner of your home you call "my home office". The "feel" of this area is so important to your creativity - not to mention your sanity! Below are some questions your office has been meaning to ask you! Use these questions to get your home office into tip-top shape and make it a room in which you really enjoy spending your time.


How to Make a Stong First Impression: Seven Tips That Really Work
Author: Bill Lampton, Ph.D.

We have all heard this warning: "You never get a second chance to make a good first impression." Also, psychologists, writers, and seminar leaders caution that we only have from seven to seventeen seconds of interacting with strangers before they form an opinion of us.


How to Make a Joint Venture Successful
Author: Valerie Vauthey

Question: What was your first successful JV, and what were the steps you took to


How To Keep Your Entrepreneurial Spirit Strong In Challenging Times
Author: Anne-Marie Rennick

Hope, opportunities and possibilities - these are the lifeblood of the entrepreneurial spirit. Yet now, with world events, economic forecasts, and the reality of your own bottom-line your entrepreneurial spirit may be having trouble responding. You may not feel the hope, see the opportunities or imagine the possibilities yet they still exist. Here are ten tips for keeping your entrepreneurial spirit strong during these challenging times.


How To Juggle (and Build a Better You)
Author: Larry Hochman, C.A.G.S.

Most people know how to ride a bicycle. It's a rite of passage in childhood. But most people do not know how to juggle.


How to Find Your Ideal Job
Author: Barbra White, MBA, Success Coach

Are you like thousands of other people who are seeking more meaningful and satisfying work?


How to Find Your Ideal Job
Author: Barbra White, MBA, Success Coach

One of the biggest mistakes people make is trying to design their lives around their careers. It really works much better the other way around: Start by designing your ideal life, and then figure out what sort of work will support it.


How to Find a Career You Love
Author: Jay Earley, Ph.D.

Does your current job feel satisfying? Is your life missing excitement and passion? Do you feel alive only in your spare time outside of work?


How to do Everything
Author: Jim M. Allen

"I guess I'm going to have to get used to the idea that I can't do everything I want to do," my coaching client said.


How to Create Your Ideal Life
Author: Barbara Rose

When I lost it all, I felt powerless. During my darkest hours, I wrote letters to God asking “why?” I received answers in writing.


How To Create a Great First Impression
Author: Lenny Laskowski, Professional Speaker

They say you can't judge a book by it's cover but how many of us judge people by the way the talk, the way they talk or even by the way they answer the telephone?


How To Conduct Your Own Research and Use It To Make More Sales
Author: Karon Thackston

I received an email from a prospective client the other day. It was disturbing. The message stated, “…my customers aren’t buying and I don’t know what they want anyway. I’m adding new product lines all the time but nothing seems to work.” I could feel her frustration.


How To Become A Millionaire In 7 Easy Steps
Author: Dave Cole

Well if you want that million dollars, perhaps you'll get lucky enough to land a spot on ABC's popular game show bearing that name. Simply give the right answer to all the questions and you'll walk away with the million dollar prize.


How to be Successful
Author: Craig Lock

Dream big dreams.


How Do You Measure Success?
Author: Charles Garcia

Happy New Year everyone - this is a great time to focus on our life plan and define what success means to you. Hopefully it's not just money. In the movie, "Wall Street," Martin Sheen argues with his son, Charlie Sheen, over whether Michael Douglas intends to exploit the father's company, which is the subject of a takeover bid. The father said to his son, "What you see is a man who never measured a man's success by the size of his wallet."


How Do You Measure Success?
Author: David McGimpsey

Success isn't all that it's cracked up to be... I'm serious! Stop laughing!


How DO you become successful on the Internet?
Author: Chuck McCullough

Everyone on the Internet is looking for the ultimate get-rich- quick scheme. At least that is what the people selling the ultimate get-rich-quick scheme would like you to believe.


How Can A Virtual Assistant Help Your Business?
Author: Maria Marsala, Life & Business Evolution Coach/Consultant/Speaker

In general, a Virtual Assistant (VA) is someone who performs administrative tasks away from the office of their clients. A VA is the modern day version of the executive assistant or personal assistant.


How Attractive Are You?
Author: Myrtis Smith

What makes a person attractive? I'm sure when most people think of attractive, their first thoughts lean towards the physical aspects: a certain body type, a nice smile, sparkling eyes. But we have all met people who, while very pleasing to the eyes, had such an awful personality that we found them anything but attractive. This confirms that there is much more to attraction than meets the eye.


How A Simple Mirror Can Make You Successful In 28 Days!
Author: Thomas J. Stevens

I know what you are thinking right now.


Hone Your Edge, Stay Focused
Author: Duane Gordon

A common hazard faced by new entrepreneurs is a lack of faith in the power of their offer. Many business people lose focus because they are worried they won’t generate enough cash flow from their core product. They attract potential customers with outstanding expertise but then muddy the water by trying to sell anything those customers want, regardless of how it fits into their business plan. This is confusing, both for the customer, who doesn’t really know what type of business you have, and for yourself. Here’s how to stay on track.


Home Business Success Strategies
Author: BB Lee

If you want to start a home based business, now is the time to strike out on your own and seek an alternative career.


Hold Tight To Your Integrity
Author: Josh Hinds

While I might concede that the spoils of life don't always go to the most deserving. I hold true to the belief that without a doubt the "spoils" are always more enjoyed when one has lived a life with integrity and not sold out on the things they value most.


Helping Others When You Need Help
Author: Phillip Mountrose

For those of us who do help others, an uncomfortable question inevitably arises: how can I help someone else when I’m messed up myself? If I’m overweight, have bad habits, relationship issues, fears and phobias, who am I to offer my assistance to someone else?


Heightened Perception
Author: Brendan Nichols

I walked into a warmly lit room in the company headquarters. The space was long and rectangular. In the center of the room was a very expensive timber and glass coffee table. The whole place had the scent of prestige, money and power. If this room had a name, it would have been known as "The special meeting room to impress people." If you worked for this company, this would be the room you would aspire to be in. Around the coffee table were thick, luxurious lounge chairs, and on these were seated the chief executives of the company.


Healing the Heart
Author: Kim Eickhoff

The philosophy behind Working it Out, Within, is made up of four components. The first is quieting the mind, the second is healing the heart, the third is strengthening the body, and the fourth is listening to the soul. This article focuses on the second component, healing the heart.


Harnessing the Power of the Unknown: Move from Repeating the Past to Re-inventing the Future
Author: Connie Butler

The Unknown - it is scary territory for many, something to be avoided for others and shameful for those who feel they are supposed to know everything. What is your relationship with the Unknown? Take a moment to ponder it because your attitude towards and experience of this is what governs your ability to create, to innovate and truly bring more of yourself out into the world - in short to be successful. If you are going to create something new in your life - in your career, your relationships and your creative endeavors you will be walking into unknown territory. Learning how to navigate this territory effectively and with power is what makes the difference between having a full, rich experience of life and work you enjoy, relishing the adventure of every day or living in frustration wondering why the same thing keeps occurring repeatedly.


Grieving your Losses
Author: Maurice Turmel PhD

What is it about Grief & Loss that upsets us so much? Is it the heavy duty emoting that we have to do to get through our suffering? Is it the fear we have about opening ourselves to all this pain? Because, let's face it, it's hard down there, in the land of grieving where all those emotions toss us around like a cork on a stormy sea.


Author: Ed Hirsch

Do good things always happen to bad people, and bad things happen to good people?


Going with the "Flow"
Author: Paul McNeese

This whole idea of change is founded on a single principle:


Author: Ed Hirsch

Can you trick the Universal Laws of nature and do you listen to the Call of the free?


Get Paid in Multiple Ways for Your Expertise
Author: Marcia Yudkin

Whether or not you have formal credentials, if you have years of experience in your line of work, you may be able to cash in on these four innovative ways of delivering your expertise. For each option below, I've provided two links for learning more.


Author: Dr. Dorene Lehavi

Many of my clients are working harder than smarter. This is not a put-down of their intelligence. It is a statement about the conventions of the way most of us live and work. Without a concerted effort to step back and take an objective look at how we function day in and day out, we find ourselves subject to old ways of doing things without periodic checkups to see if they are working.


Get Out of Your Own Way!
Author: Barbra White, MBA, Success Coach

Do you dream of running your own business? Working from home? The idea of calling all the shots has prompted millions of people to go out on their own, determined to make a living in a more meaningful, profitable, and satisfying way while also allowing them to pursue a more balanced and enjoyable life.


Gateway to Greatness
Author: Amit Bhatt

Since from the beginning of earth, from the dawn of human race, the society itself has divided into two parts. The division was quite natural, no one has made it, but it was automatic. The division was of winners and losers, of Great person and an ordinary man. Every one admires, appreciate and salute the Great man. But does not keep any further relationship with an ordinary man, infect no sympathy. It may sound brutal, but this is the reality. And of course, you are born to be Great. Then why don’t you claim your birthright? Downright the question is how to recognize that power to claim my birthright? Well, I have written this article to answer this question. But before you read further, let me ask you a question,


Gain Serenity & Peace From Within!!!
Author: Darren Roberts

Darren Roberts


From Striving To Thriving
Author: Helaine Iris

From Striving To Thriving


From Neediness to Needing Less
Author: Julie Fuimano

Have you ever felt like no matter what you do you don’t quite get the results you want? Or perhaps you’re achieving the results you want but you don’t feel as good about your success as you thought you would. It seems that you keep doing things right but there’s still something missing.


Fried Mush for Your Soul
Author: Carol Gegner

Have you ever had one of those times when nothing seemed to click in your mind? No matter how hard you tried ideas wouldn’t flow. Your synapses just weren’t connecting. Your brain was on strike!


Freedom From Fear
Author: Helaine Iris

Freedom From Fear


Free Offline Methods To Promote Your Internet Business
Author: Karon Thackston

This article may be reproduced, in part or in whole, provided proper attribution is given to the author and the author’s Web site.


Four Steps for Wonderful Attitude
Author: Tracy Brinkmann

Tracy Brinkmann © 2005


Focus On Soft Skills: A Leadership Wake-up Call
Author: Carole Nicolaides

The rules for succeeding in business are changing daily. Yet people are still asking for the magic formula that contributes to a successful organization. Is it talented, knowledgeable people plus innovative products? That's a great start, but something vital is missing from this equation.


Focus on Prosperity
Author: Sandra Baptist

What does prosperity mean to you? Riches, happiness in life, success, family security…


Focus of Our Attention
Author: Jeanie Marshall

"A weak mind is like a microscope, which magnifies trifling things but cannot receive great ones."


Author: Peter Sinclair

A scientist marvelled at how a seemingly harmless magnifying glass could create such intense heat, when the suns rays passed through its glassy surface. He asked the magnifying glass, 'How can you do what you do? You have this incredible ability of tapping into the rays of the sun. You then take those vast rays and bring them to a powerful point that burns holes in leaves and sheets of paper.' The magnifying glass replied to the scientist by saying, 'Well sir, I have learnt this one thing throughout the years. The hotter it gets, the more focussed I become.'


Five Ways To Take A Vacation Without Taking A Vacation
Author: Helaine Iris

Helaine Iris © 2004


Author: Simon Baxter

1. Follow up with your Prospect, time and time again...


FINE-C Your Day, for Success
Author: Sylvia Henderson



Find Your Balance
Author: Helaine Iris

Find Your Balance


Financial Abundance or Lack: Which One Are You Creating?
Author: Carol James

I've noticed that there are many people who feel they lack sufficient money to be completely happy. However, while wanting money, they frequently think about not having enough money and how that lack prevents them from having, doing or being what they want. Yet, their very thoughts about lack prevent them from moving toward financial abundance.


Feelings, emotions and creative visualization
Author: Remez Sasson

Most of you have probably heard or read about creative visualization. Some of you have may have tried it too. The idea is that by concentrating on the mental image of an object, it is possible to attract it. Circumstances, events, and behavior can also be influenced and changed by the power of thought.


Fear or Confidence: Which Are You Choosing?
Author: Carol James

Carol James


Fantastic Follow Up
Author: Caterina Rando, MA, MCC

As a business success coach I assure you the factors that contribute to the success of any business are the same whether you are in the business of selling copiers, counseling sessions, or chimney sweeping services. In most cases in any non retail purchasing situation, once the interest and curiosity of a potential client has been aroused, you will need to implement some Fast Fabulous Follow-up techniques in order to bring in the business.


Face Your Fears
Author: Lisa Martin

Fear can be broken down into three categories: real (healthy), imagined (thought-based) and worry. Although fear can get in your way by interfering with your hopes, dreams and desires; fear is not always a bad thing. Admitting you’re afraid of something can be quite enlightening. It gives you a chance to assess what is holding you back.


FABS Part 1 and 2
Author: Sibyl McLendon

Have you heard of the FABS? The FABS are quadruplets; they are not identical but they are very, very similar! The FABS are: Fear, Anger, Blame and Shame. This quartet love to arrive, uninvited, at people's houses and literally stay forever. They will certainly stay as long as you allow them to; they never seem to get tired of hanging around and causing troubles for the unsuspecting host.


Eye Of The Tiger
Author: Scott Fite

Have you ever felt the magic of ¡°eye of the tiger¡± focus and concentration? When you feel this intense experience, others see and feel this state energizing you. They see the determination in your eyes, hear the self-assured way in which you speak, and feel confidence and success radiating from you. You feel ¡°in flow¡± -- in an effortless zone. Things somehow seem easier, as if you've tapped an unlimited source of energy. You are ¡°on,¡± and challenges and obstacles seem small.


Expectations At Work Can Destroy You if You Don’t Communicate Them!
Author: Carole Nicolaides

by Carole Nicolaides © 2002


Expect Success!
Author: Diana Ennen

That’s right! Don’t sit back and hope that clients will come your way and this business might work for you. EXPECT IT! Go in with a winning attitude. An attitude that no matter what obstacles come your way, no matter what challenges arise, you will meet them. Not only will you meet them, you will face them and grow in strength by overcoming them, and rising above them. EXPECT SUCCESS!!


Expect Success to Stay Self-Motivated and Get Great Results
Author: Caterina Rando

If you called my office you will hear my voice mail message that ends with the words “Expect Success.”


Excellence. The search continues
Author: Sally Higgins

Excellence - the path of constant and never ending improvement. Excellence is about being outstanding and about enjoying superior results. Excellence is about traveling the extra mile, leaving no stone unturned, and never settling for what you currently have. Regardless of how amazing your life is, the power to be more and to have more is inside of you right now.


Excellence. The search continues
Author: Sally Higgins

Excellence - the path of constant and never ending improvement. Excellence is about being outstanding and about enjoying superior results. Excellence is about traveling the extra mile, leaving no stone unturned, and never settling for what you currently have. Regardless of how amazing your life is, the power to be more and to have more is inside of you right now.


Success & Life came from Schlepping my kids to their little league games.
Author: Claude W. Diamond J.D.

NO! Not me ! I wasn't ready for this; I am only 47 and way too young. The day that I always feared had become a reality. My son actually wanted to play baseball during the summer of '99. I had heard horror stories about what became of parents who drag their kids to little league baseball games and what they turn into. They mutate into a new form of life which has the need to yell from the aluminum bleachers, spitting David's?Ranch flavored Sunflower Seeds while firmly clutching their Gatorade?


Success & Life came from Schlepping my kids to their little league games.
Author: Claude W. Diamond J.D.

NO! Not me ! I wasn't ready for this; I am only 47 and way too young. The day that I always feared had become a reality. My son actually wanted to play baseball during the summer of '99. I had heard horror stories about what became of parents who drag their kids to little league baseball games and what they turn into. They mutate into a new form of life which has the need to yell from the aluminum bleachers, spitting David's?Ranch flavored Sunflower Seeds while firmly clutching their Gatorade?


Enough Rope?
Author: Ed Hirsch

I believe that God gives us each just enough rope to hang ourselves. In addition, He provides us the choice whether to do so or not.


Endings Are Beautiful Too
Author: Helaine Iris

© 2003


Encourage and Expect Individual Accountability
Author: Dennis R. Kyle

Encourage and Expect Individual Accountability is a necessity in life as it is in business. I have yet to find a business professional, athlete, or parent who maintains a high level of integrity, honesty, and success without understanding this law. One of the most difficult things is to say, “I’m wrong?or take responsibility for misconduct


Embrace Rejection
Author: Caterina Rando, MA, MCC

The last two weeks I have been waiting for an answer from a potential client on a large piece of business. While playing the waiting game I have been thinking a lot about the sales process. I realized I have not been turned down much lately. Before I got too excited I also realized I had not been asking for the business much lately either. My excuse was I had been busy with speaking, coaching and writing assignments and had taken my attention off generating new business. Ask yourself, are you asking for the business often enough?


Dreaming in Dream
Author: Navendu Mahodaya

All that we see or seem; is but a dream within a dream.


Dr. Robert Anthony Reveals How To Use Quantum Physics To Supercharge Your Life
Author: Rick Miller

What secret dreams do you have for your life?


Don't Give It Up! Give It TIME!
Author: Sue Seward

Network Marketing takes time and effort. It's not always a piece of cake! In fact, we've got to start thinking more in terms of it being a marathon and not a sprint!


Don 't Fight the Fear!
Author: David A. Carbonell, Ph.D.

In this article, I'm going to explain why so many people have so much trouble with anxiety, and what you can do to have less trouble with yours.


Do Your Employees Take Responsibility
Author: Bill McGrane

Getting FOUR employees to do the work of ONE is one of the easiest management jobs available, and one of the most common. No! That was not a typo.....Personal productivity is one of the most mismanaged areas within most organizations. Not because employees want to work at less than their capabilities, because THEY ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE RESULTS....YOU ARE! If you have employees that are working at 20% of their personal capacity, and you have accepted that as standard, then you are hiring at that standard. Because you are accepting less, less is happening...YOU ARE AFFECTING YOUR CASH FLOW!


Do You Think Or Are You Being Thought?
Author: Asoka Selvarajah, Ph.D

So much of what we do is governed by the opinions of others, or out of concern for what others might think. However, there is something much more pervasive going on. There is a process operating in the lives of all human beings called "social proofing" which basically means that we derive most of our social values, morals, imperatives and taboos from those around us. In a more universal sense, this is known as Entrainment.


Do You Remember To Send Nice Notes?
Author: Maria Marsala

In the past few years, the look of marketing has changed -


Do You Need More Time?
Author: Helaine Iris

Helaine Iris © 2004


Do You Have the Courage?
Author: graham and julie

Do you have the courage to do what you believe in? Do you have the courage to complete the task even though the whole world thinks you are crazy? Do you have the courage to continue with your dreams when they appear to be impossible dreams? Or do you just cave in and find good excuses as to why they were impossible? The question is: Do you have the courage to follow your heart?


Do You Have A Hard Time Trusting People?
Author: Jan Tincher

Do you want to trust them? Do you know how to trust them? How can you trust that you know how to trust them?


Distinction: Connection vs. Contact
Author: Howard Block, Coach



Discover how to attract the help you need to build your Network Marketing Business.
Author: Fernando Soave

Fernando Soave © 2003


Did You Include ME?
Author: Ed Hirsch

Do you include everyone to participate in your life with you ... or are you always gravitating to the same clique? Do I need to ASK, or will you initiate your involvement with me? By associating yourself, and keeping open to all the people you encounter, day to day, anything and everything, is possible for you.


Did You Goof Or What?
Author: Jan Tincher

Did you get ready to purchase some items and you realized you didn't have your wallet?


Developing self-belief - The 9 step process
Author: Nick Best

To achieve any goal in life, you must believe you are going to be successful. If you do not, you are likely to fail. For each your goals, in your heart of hearts, do you really believe you will achieve them? If the answer for any of them is no, the following 9 step process will help you to develop this belief and stride forward confidently towards achieving your goal.


Developing self-belief - The 9 step process
Author: Nick Best

To achieve any goal in life, you must believe you are going to be successful. If you do not, you are likely to fail. For each your goals, in your heart of hearts, do you really believe you will achieve them? If the answer for any of them is no, the following 9 step process will help you to develop this belief and stride forward confidently towards achieving your goal.


Developing A Media Kit Built To Sell
Author: Karon Thackston


Develop Your Sense of Expectant Curiosity
Author: Ann Strong

When things don't go our way, we often focus on the problem or our upset about the problem, which leads to more problems or upset. The next time you find yourself in a situation you don't like, play around with using your sense of expectant curiosity instead of focusing on the problem.


Dessert In The Desert
Author: Helaine Iris

Helaine Iris © 2004


Desires Of The Heart
Author: Ed Hirsch

What things are done FOR you in life which you take totally for granted?


Design Your Own Success Formula
Author: Barbra White, MBA, Success Coach

In my work as a personal coach, I often encourage people to set goals that stretch out them of their comfort zone and that truly inspire them in an irresistible and compelling way. I ask them to forget what they think they "should" do and design goals that feel great.


Design Your Ideal Life
Author: Barbra White, MBA, Success Coach

One of the biggest mistakes people make is trying to design their lives around their careers. It really works much better the other way around: Start by designing your ideal life, and then figure out what sort of work will support it.


Deeply Rooted
Author: Julie Jordan Scott

In a Wildlife Preserve outside Savannah, I experienced a scene like out of "Where the Wild Things Are" by Maurice Sendak. I went on a walk through a Spanish Moss covered dense wood within the swamp. The unusual collection of birds sang a symphony as they gathered there on the sunny May morning.


Decision-Making Truth and Consequences
Author: Donna Birk

Decision-making can be one of the toughest and most stressful tasks any of us can face. Yet, we face numerous decisions every day. Most of us take each one as it comes and form our conclusions as we see fit at that moment. Our decisions and subsequent actions from those decisions are based largely on whatever our emotions, feelings, and initial reactions happened to be at the time.


Customer Service Is 10% Aptitude and 90% Attitude
Author: Karon Thackston

This article may be reproduced, in part or in whole, provided proper attribution is given to the author and the author’s Web site.


Cultivate Your Gift
Author: Ed Hirsch

Are you prepared with the right attitude to serve others? Is your mind organized in an orderly way in agreement with your most core values and principles?


Crown your life with meaning
Author: Ridgely Goldsborough

A recent study of a group of people over the age of 100 queried the participants as to what they might do differently if they had their lives to live over again. Amidst a number of varied answers, three emerged as common to most, and certainly unveil a universal perspective:


Critcs Killing Your Dreams? Turn Wet Blankets Into Comfort Quilts
Author: Cathy Goodwin

You've embarked on a major transition and your enthusiasm is growing. Just when you get a small fire going, someone comes along with a heavy wet blanket.


Creating Sales Letter Lists That Make Your Customer’s Drool
Author: Karon Thackston

You’ve seen them a hundred times. Those lists that copywriters use within their sales letters that tell you what the product or service offers. They might say something like:


Creating Environments that Nurture Success
Author: Julie Fuimano

In my marketing materials, I promote the ‘creation of environments that nurture success’. Recently, someone shared, “I don’t get it. What does it mean to create environments?” Good question.


Creating Change
Author: Howard Symbol

In this, the inaugural issue of our transitions newsletter for our internet-wide audience, I would like to address the fundamental theme of creating change. Most people want some things to change in their lives. However, how many people are successful in actually bringing about significant and lasting change?


Creating A True Collaborative Environment By Honoring Your People
Author: Carole Nicolaides

We all know the benefits of creating a collaborative teamwork environment. Where we often fall though is in creating and sustaining such a united front. We often hire the brightest people, inspire them to be the very best that they can be and then we forget to do the simple things that will encourage their participation and loyalty.


Author: Mark Victor Hansen

Your attitude determines the state of world you live in. It is the foundation for every success and every failure you have had and will have. Your attitude will make you or break you.


Create Your Own Luck
Author: Josh Hinds

I find it particularly disheartening when I hear someone refer to a person’s success and achievements as simply luck. Or even worse... dumb luck.


Create Your Business Vision
Author: Jacqueline Cornaby

Smart business owners and managers know that the key to business success is to strive for growth-oriented results that will challenge you and your employees to achieve more. We’re going to increase profits 20% in 90 days. We’re going to reduce our overhead costs by year’s end. We’re going to hire high-caliber, positive people for our new department. The list is endless. Yet in the quest for higher profits and increased customer satisfaction, many owners and managers put their big vision on the back burner in exchange for a short-term goal. As a result, their business stays the same year after year, with little indication of any growth at all. What went wrong?


Create Life Theme
Author: Lisa Martin

Ahhh.... the ubiquitous New Year's resolution. How many times have you developed a list of New Year's resolutions, which at the time sounded great, only to find yourself feeling less than enthused about it six months later? Have you ever felt guilty or depressed because you didn't achieve a New Year's pledge? Alternatively, have you reached a goal and yet felt uninspired or unfulfilled by it?


Cracking The Billable Hours Ceiling
Author: C.J. Hayden

How many of you made as much money as you wanted to last year? Don't be shy; raise your hands. Hmm, I don't see too many hands out there. What would you say is the cause of this gap between your goals and your earnings?


Copywriting Successes and Failures: A Comparison Of the Good and Bad
Author: Karon Thackston

© 2002


Control Your Emotions and Reach the Top!
Author: Carole Nicolaides

Socrates knew it all along. If you want to succeed in life you must “know thyself.” This is the first step for everything and for anybody who wants to make a difference in his or her life. The ability to listen to our own emotions, wants, desires and needs is as important as listening to others. In addition, putting the understanding of your emotions (and those of others) into practice is equally important. There are times all of us want to lash out at our superiors or peers for violating our boundaries, not “getting it”, interfering with our projects, crossing the line, stepping behind our backs, taking advantage of our absence and simply playing the old and cold business game.


Continually Improve Your Life
Author: Charles Gueli

Northrop Frye, a Canadian literary critic, has said that "the mind best fitted for survival in any world is the mind that has discovered how knowledge can be joyful, leading to a friendship with wisdom that is pure delight. That mind is ready to tackle any kind of knowledge with intentness of will."


Consciousness: -The Origin of Your Personal Power!
Author: Dale Murphy

In order to acquire and maximise your success in life, hold on to it and build upon it, you must first need to understand the true origin of your personal power.


Confessions of an Internet Newbie
Author: Barbara E. Zabel

"Let's see... I've got a website I poured my heart and soul into. Although I make improvements to it all the time, and it's always in a state of "never done," I'm pleased with my creation...."


Complain Your Way to Success
Author: Irette Patterson, Coach

Learning how to complain effectively can be a great asset to your career. The steps are simple -- understand the problem, come up with a solution and present both the problem and the solution to your immediate supervisor in written form. So let’s take the steps in more detail:


Communicating in Stressful Situation
Author: Sylvia Henderson

Deadlines. Commitments. Obligations. Time constraints. Terrorists. Business and personal goals. Wait a minute! Did I say terrorists?


Author: Terry L. Sumerlin

One of the challenges of multi-career marriages is allotting time for the family and for each other. Some years ago, Sherry and I began to realize this and decided to take steps to insure “our time” every day. So, we began going to a convenient place in the evening just to have coffee and to visit.


Author: Molly Gordon

It occurred to me as I was driving up the highway to buy berries at a local farm that all creation is co-creation. I’d been musing about the difference between times of ease and forward momentum and times of struggle. At the risk of oversimplifying things (and keeping this week’s quotes firmly in mind), I suspect the difference can usually be found in whether or not I am aligning my intentions and energy with what might be variously termed "the flow," "circumstances," or even "God’s will."


Coaching Through Change
Author: Donna Karlin

One of the things I work on with my clients is Defining Success. It's more than a personal mission's success as you know it according to your personal ethics, values and integrity, taking into account competencies, talents and strengths and when you see the results it's extremely powerful. It's who you are according to you. This is your personal contract, the core of what you are working towards, in your personal and professional life what you aspire to be. It gives focus and vision and a vehicle with which to move forward no matter what the circumstance.


Coaching Is for Losers
Author: Curtis G. Schmitt

Anyone who hires a coach must be deficient in some way, right?


Coaching As A Business - Part 2:YOU - As a Component Of A Successful Coaching Practice
Author: Ninive Badilescu

We were saying, in our last installment of this article, that the interaction between You, your Planning and Marketing does ensure a successful coaching practice or any other small business for that matter.


Coaching - the modern day art of GROWING!
Author: Paul Stretton-Stephens

‘Life is like a jigsaw puzzle; occasionally you need someone else to help you place some of the pieces in the right place.’


Clarity 4 Life: The 4Rs of Living With Clarity
Author: S. Joseph (Stan) Carter

You’ve heard it before, “Life is a Journey”. I suppose when you really think about it, that holds true, considering there is a beginning, an inevitable end, and what transpires between the two.


Choose A Bigger You
Author: Ann Strong

Last week, I heard myself saying, "I'm an emotional person. That's just who I am." I gave this justification during an intense, messy situation with a friend. I would have felt much happier if I could have responded in a detached, intellectual manner. The next day, I heard one of my clients saying, "I make things hard. I've always been that way." Imagine how much easier her life would be if she routinely told people, "Things are easy for me. It's always been like that."


Author: Ed Hirsch

I am a Network Marketer. The direction I go in my business is in exact proportion to the lifestyle I have planned in my mind years ago to live.


Cause-Related Marketing
Author: Steven Van Yoder

Altruism. Corporate responsibility. Philanthropy. These are often used to describe cause-related marketing, an activity in which businesses join with charities or causes to market an image, product, or service for mutual benefit.


Case In Point: Getting Your List To Respond
Author: Karon Thackston

© 2002


Case In Point: Getting 24% ROI On Email Campaigns
Author: Karon Thackston

So often we hear of individuals who get exceptional returns-on-investment from their advertising campaigns. However, what we don’t often hear are the intimate details of how these people work their strategies. Marketer Diane Hughes has agreed to give us the nitty gritty of her latest solo ad project, including how she consistently earns 24% in profits.


Case In Point: Designing A Site That Demands High Traffic
Author: Karon Thackston

by Karon Thackston ?2002


Case In Point: Consistent Response Rates of 50%
Author: Karon Thackston

We are all so inundated with advertising these days that we barely take note any more. Statistics show that it takes an ever-climbing number of impressions before our customers take note of us, too. The quest for new, attention-getting mediums is one that every marketer pursues. The Holy Grail is the one that brings about immediate and consistent responses. Would you believe that a ghost from the past is now the bright and shining star of the marketing future?


Case In Point: A New, Profitable Way To Share Your Knowledge
Author: Karon Thackston

Every good marketer is always looking for new and profitable ways to create residual streams of income. Viki Nygaard of Mount Evans Designs ( has discovered one such way. Let’s eavesdrop on our conversation to find out how you can share your knowledge in a new, innovative way and earn a profit from two sources at once!


Career Transition Guide Into The Non-Profit Sector
Author: Maria Marsala

1. Contact programs such as your local United Way , Retired & Senior Volunteer Program and the Corporation for National Service for information. Many states, North Carolina, for instance, have a non-profit clearing house with directories and lots of interesting information.


Busyness is Not a Long-Term Health Plan
Author: Joan Friedlander

"I'm really busy right now, but it's a good busy." I heard these exact words quite a few times the first few weeks of the year. Every time I heard someone say it, it made me wonder what that really means. When I heard it from one person after another, I became quite curious. Although I knew that I was in a transition mode, and that I was happy about being less than busy, it still caused me to feel twinges of concern. I actually had moments when I became concerned about my lack of busyness - was even a little envious - and also wondered why so many people were saying the same exact thing. What did this mean?


Author: W. Bradford Swift

One of the megatrends of the 90s is home based small businesses. Millions are finding new levels of independence and freedom from being their own boss. Unfortunately, many new business owners also are finding that working for themselves isn't always as rewarding or fulfilling as it could be. Here's one proven technique for bringing more fun, focus and fulfillment to your work. By the way, it also works if you're employed by someone else.


Business and Self-Care
Author: Marguerite Tennier, M.A., Personal and Professional Coach

A couple of years ago, I heard someone say that the qualities which are necessary to succeed in business were of one kind, while those which are important in the realm of relationships were of another. Considering that the most (and don't forget, the longest) relationship we have is the one we have with ourselves, it may explain why business and professional people are often challenged when it comes to self-care. Don't mistake me. We (yes, I also find that as a business woman I must make a conscious effort not to fall into the trap) groom, and we go to the beauty salon, and the gym. We dress in nice, often expensive clothes. Some of us drive late model cars. The kind of self-care is am talking about refers to emotional, spiritual and physical self-care: an internal make over. All my business and professional clients show signs of being out of breath. Their lives are and have been for a while, a race. On the outside, they look like peaceful ducks gently flo! ating on the river. Underneath it all, they paddle l


Building Better Employee Relations Through Dialogue
Author: Carole Nicolaides

This is a time of historically extraordinary change for most organizations and individuals. We are moving quickly from the Information Age to the Age of Communication. The exceptional turns of business events we are currently experiencing result from the need for communication. While there may be an abundance of information available, we as a society are growing farther apart and more remote. The complexity of the times demands that we build upon the strength of our collective thought and collaborative action. Simply put we need to connect and grow together again.


Breakthrough: Guaranteed Secrets to Create an Extraordinary Life!
Author: Larry W. Robinson

Would you like to know the amazing secrets that millions of Americans use to live an extraordinary life? If you knew the time tested, proven, secrets that can produce the life you have always dreamed of; would you use them?


phone, bio Title:
Author: Asoka Selvarajah, Ph.D

Many people these days hate their jobs and wish they were doing something else. Given that each of us has tremendous genius potential within, why do we fritter it away on an activity that consumes most of our life and yet brings little satisfaction? Why do we live only for the weekend, saying "Thank God it's Friday"? Why is it medical fact that the highest incidence of fatal heart attacks occur at 9:00 on Monday morning?


Brand Your Brilliance™
Author: Ramon Williamson

Most people think nothing of putting on their T-shirt with the distinctive "swoosh" on the sleeve, grabbing their "Starbucks" travel mug or jumping in their car with the "see-I've made-it" icon on the trunk. Yet, few have ever considered using the power of "brand think" to build their career.


Author: Peggy Klaus



Author: Peggy Klaus



Book Summary: What Is The Emperor Wearing?
Author: Regine P. Azurin

This article is based on the following book:


Book Summary: The Rebel Rules
Author: Regine P. Azurin and Yvette Pantilla

This article is based on the following book:


Book Summary: Secrets Of Word-Of-Mouth Marketing
Author: Regine P. Azurin and Yvette Pantilla

Spread the word about your hot new product or company!


Book Summary: Good To Great
Author: Regine P. Azurin and Yvette Pantilla

This article is based on the following book:


Book Summary: First Break All The Rules
Author: Regine P. Azurin and Yvette Pantilla

This article is based on the following book: First, Break All The Rules ‘What The World’s Greatest Managers Do Differently’ By Marcus Buckingham & Curt Coffman Simon & Schuster, 271 pages


Best Resources For Tax Information
Author: Maria Marsala, Life & Business Evolution

Where can a business owner obtain tax information? When you don't know what questions to ask, it's very helpful to take some classes, and read a few articles prior to visiting with a CPA. Enjoy these resources:


Best Resources For Tax Information
Author: Maria Marsala

Where can a business owner obtain tax information? When you don't know what questions to ask, it's very helpful to take some classes, and read a few articles prior to visiting with a CPA. Enjoy these resources:


Believe That You Deserve To Be Wealthy
Author: Stuart Goldsmith

You are lost if you do not believe that having money is a good thing.


Believe it and You Will See it!
Author: Anita Pathik Law, CFCC, MSMC

Let's face it, Human Beings want. And most us want a whole lot more than we need. Human needs, as defined by one of my greatest teachers of simple yet profound truths, Dr. William Glasser, fall into one of five main categories; Survival, Love and Belonging, Freedom, Power and Worth, and Fun/Pleasure. Most of us, if honest with ourselves, have the survival needs covered. The others we meet in a variety of ways, some healthy and some, well let's just say, NOT! (check out for more information) All behavior, Glasser taught, is completely driven by these needs.


Selling In The Midst of Terror Tuesday
Author: Marcella McMahon, COO, Positive Results Sales Training

The economy is not some esoteric thing. We are the American economy. It is we. Each and every one of us.


BEFORE The Apple
Author: Ed Hirsch

Do you believe in a Promised Land?


Author: Madeleine Singer, Ph.D.

The more we celebrate success, the more a success mentality is built.


Authenticity in the Midst of Chaos: Assisting the Anxious Class
Author: Jane Miller

Just look at all the downsizing, right-sizing, loss of productivity, layoffs, severance packages, re-organizations, information overload, neglected families, stress, and workplace violence - it¡¯s CHAOS! But, wait. There¡¯s also re-direction, re-born family values, educational access, easy to find goods and services, new occupations, challenges, community growth opportunities, new visions, technological advances, options, choices, profits¡¦ it¡¯s CHAOS!


Authentic Success 2 Part Two
Author: Lenny Ravich

In my first article "Authentic Success" Part One, I stated that the way to be truly successful is to be connected to the inner vibrations which say, "I MUST do this for my peace and happiness," and not I "should" do this or that because someone said it is the way to success. If your inner voice vibrates at a ten on a scale from one to ten, then it will be yours in time. Do it, with all the fears and monsters that will inevitably appear. If it is a seven or eight on a scale of one to ten, forget about it, even if your mother, your best friend, or that workshop facilitator told you in her seminar that you "ought to" do it.


Authentic Success
Author: Lenny Ravich

If you ask a thousand people what success is you'll get a thousand different answers. There is only one true "authentic success". That is when you go deep inside and ask yourself what you truly love. "What could I do that would give me energy, love, happiness, smiles, laughter and optimism and without it I would die?" That's the question you should be asking. Not, "How much money can I make?" If you do what you truly love and what you were meant to do, (your mission and purpose in life) money will flow to you. Trust me on that one.


Asking Empowering Questions
Author: Jeanie Marshall

Jeanie Marshall


Ask and you shall receive!
Author: Larry W. Robinson

I have discovered a secret so powerful, I just had to share it with you. Do you desire for more out of life? Do sense that there is more to life than what you are presently experiencing? Recently, I was evaluating my own life. Simply reflecting back on all the things I have experienced in the past and all my hopes and dreams for the future. In that moment God spoke to me and said, "You do know that their is MORE to life than what you have already experienced".


Are you unhappy with your current career?
Author: Kathy Sly

These are questions most of us have at different times throughout life. While some people are able to decide early what it is they want to do for the rest of their life, the average person will change their career seven times.


Are You Trustworthy?
Author: Malcolm Harvey

Trust is a very difficult thing to establish or maintain. Our senses are daily bombarded with all kinds of messages and stimulations that would have us believe that we should accept everything we see or hear.


Are You The Master Of Your Destiny?
Author: Michael Lee

How strong are you?


Are you the CEO of your Thoughts?
Author: Gregory Pearce

The NSF reports that the average person processes between 12,000 and 50,000 thoughts on any given day. No matter how you cut it - that is a lot of internal dialogue!


Are You Stuck?
Author: Murdo Macleod



Are You Strong Enough To Face Facts: Poor Employee Performance Could Be Your Fault Part 2 of 2
Author: Carole Nicolaides

In Part 1 of this series, we reviewed a case study regarding one client of mine whose company was facing some monumental obstacles in the area of employee performance. In this conclusion, I’ll offer solutions to some of those challenges and provide steps to overcome and move forward.


Are You Strong Enough To Face Facts: Poor Employee Performance
Author: Carole Nicolaides

Too often, I hear successful leaders say that, even though they meet their objectives and budget quotas, they continually face one major problem; poor employee performance and low interest from their people. They describe this phenomenon as a gap between performance and maximum potential. When I ask them why and how they still achieve their goals, I get almost always the same answer.


Are You Starving Yourself of Success?
Author: Noah St. John, author of _Permission To Succeed: Unlocking The Mystery of Success Anorexia_

by Noah St. John, author of _Permission To Succeed: Unlocking The Mystery of Success Anorexia_


Are you ready?
Author: Julie Fuimano, MBA, BSN, RN

You know that life can be better than this. You long for something new, something different. You may not know what you want but you know that where you are is not working for you anymore.


Are you paying taxes on your charitable giving?
Author: Marc A. Pitman

If you are not strategizing your giving with your advisors, you may inadvertently be paying tax on your charitable gifts according to Marc A. Pitman, director of the Inland Foundation, Inland Hospital’s fundraising subsidiary. “Accountants, tax strategists, attorneys, and insurance agents are not able to read their clients’ minds,” says Pitman, “They only know about as much of your personal goals as you tell them.”


Are You Marketing Backwards?
Author: Charlie Cook

Marketing is like rowing a boat. When you know how the pointed bow moves smoothly forward through the water encountering the least amount of resistance. Rowing backwards, the square stern of the boat pushes against the water, requiring more effort and increases the risk of having a wave come over the transom (back) and swamping it. Yet most people market backwards, trying to grow their business while pushing against the greatest level of resistance.


Are you living your purpose?
Author: Bruce D Schneider, Ph.D., MCC

“Whatever path a man travels, it is my path. Wherever he goes, it leads to me.”


Are You Living to Your Full Potential? Quiz
Author: John R. Barker

Professional and life success depend on consistent, proactive thinking. When emotions such as fear, anger or frustration occupy our thoughts we approach situations reactively. Rather than staying on our path, unconsciousness produces choices which lead us off our path and into chaos, at the extreme.


Are You Disciplined?
Author: Rhoberta Shaler, PhD



Are You a Bully?
Author: graham and julie

He’s a very successful sales manger who craves results. He can’t be bothered with people who don’t produce. They are losers. He always produces the numbers year after year. The question is does he do it through bullying or coaching?


Are We Becoming a Nation of Boiled Frogs?
Author: Donna M. Genett, Ph.D.

They say if you put a frog in water and increase the temperature of that water slowly, the frog will gradually cook to death without ever producing a survival reaction to protect itself. Because the change of temperature is so gradual and insidious, the frog doesn’t realize death is encroaching.


Anthony Robbins' 12 Reasons Why People Don't Get Wealthy
Author: David Cameron Gikandi

According to Wallace Wattles, in his popular wealth treatise called the Science of Getting Rich, said that, "There is a science of getting rich, and it is an exact science, like algebra or arithmetic. There are certain laws which govern the process of acquiring riches, and once these laws are learned and obeyed by anyone, that person will get rich with mathematical certainty."


An Apple A Day.....
Author: Dave Cole

John Chapman was a man who saw opportunity when everyone else saw garbage.


Always Look Beneath the Surface
Author: Michael Pollock

In working with clients as well as on my own personal growth, I¡¯ve noticed a unique human characteristic that few people recognize. When you understand this insight, you¡¯ll be able to use it in your own life to propel you to greater levels of happiness, success and fulfillment. I¡¯ll reveal this characteristic in a minute but first I¡¯d like to share this story to help illuminate the point.


Alice in Credit Card Land
Author: Sam Vaknin

Your credit card is stolen. You place a phone call to the number provided in your tourist guide or in the local daily press. You provide your details and you cancel your card. You block it. In a few minutes, it should be transferred to the stop-list available to the authorization centres worldwide. From that moment on, no thief will be able to fraudulently use your card. You can sigh in relief. The danger is over.


Advertising Secrets I Learned From The Kirby Vacuum Cleaner Man
Author: Karon Thackston

I was just sitting here at my computer (as usual) when my husband walked in and announced, “There’s a man here to see you? What? I wasn’t expecting anyone. “Who is it? I asked. “Some guy who wants to speak with my wife.? OK, my husband was home so I knew I was safe. I ventured outside to see who it was.


Act Now!
Author: Irena Whitfield

The Internet overflows with sites containing opportunities, software, books, newsletters, ezines, guides, courses, affiliate programmes, reseller programmes, advice, recommendations, tips, secrets, ads, banners - information in short. And that's it. INFORMATION.


Accessing Your Intuition
Author: Brian Tracy

It has been said that men and women start to become great when they begin to listen to their inner voices. Your intuition is your direct connection with infinite intelligence. Intuition is so powerful that it has been studies and written about by the greatest men and women of history for thousands of years. When you begin to use it regularly and systematically, there is virtually nothing that you cannot accomplish.


A Wake Up Call
Author: Helaine Iris

Helaine Iris © 2004


A Secret For Discovering What Your Customers Want
Author: Karon Thackston

Doesn’t it drive you crazy that people visit your Web site and then just leave? What are they looking for? What is missing from your site that they need? Here’s a free way to find out.


A Season of Growth
Author: Michael Pollock

Here in New England, you don't need a calendar to know it's the first week of October. The trees tell the story quite well as their leaves change from shades of green to the bright vibrant shades of orange, red and yellow. At the peak of the fall foliage season, it's truly a magnificent sight that draws people from all around to behold the beauty. The season progresses and the leaves fall to the ground one by one where they become nourishment for the grass, flowers and gardens in the spring.


A Powerful New Way to Use "Why" Questions
Author: Michael Pollock

To start making dramatic changes in your life, transform the way you use questions that begin with "why." IBM Founder Thomas Watson, Sr. is quoted as saying "the ability to ask the right question is more than half the battle of finding the answer." "Why" questions are uniquely powerful in that they already contain an answer themselves.


A lesson from Tiger, Focusing on Your Core business!
Author: Andrew Wood

As Tiger Wood’s sank his last putt to win the 2000 US Open by 15 shots, promoting some to suggest that the USGA ought to flight future tournaments, a thought crossed my mind. While David Dvaul takes time off to go snowboarding or Phil Mickson reminisces about how great it is to spend time at home with his new baby daughter, Tiger Woods just practices and try’s to get better.


A Jar Of Sauce Can Make You Bigger
Author: Helaine Iris

A Jar Of Sauce Can Make You Bigger


A Human Machine?
Author: Ed Hirsch

The Process which leads to making your dreams and goals real needs to be fun.


A Happy Professional Chooses Clients
Author: Dorene Lehavi

Many professionals do not refuse clients out of fear of losing money. However, there is another side to the coin -- the high price of the negative effect of accepting everyone who walks in the door.


A Fast Way to Fill a Coaching Practice
Author: Suzanne Falter-Barns

So you've gotten the coach training certification, made up


A Disciple (What is it?)
Author: Ed Hirsch

A willingness to learn, communication back and forth with adult to adult conversation.


A Blessing Will Come
Author: Ed Hirsch

Something will happen with or without you.


A Better Tomorrow
Author: Ed Hirsch

If you KNEW how to obtain resources that others needed, and did NOT share this valuable information with those who requested this knowledge, or simply did not make the effort to locate them to share it, are you a bad person?


A Balanced Life
Author: Brian Tracy

According to psychologist Sidney Jourard, fully 85 percent of your happiness in life will come from your personal relationships. Your interactions and the time that you spend with the people you care about will be the major source of the pleasure, enjoyment and satisfaction that you derive daily. The other 15 percent of your happiness will come from your accomplishments. Unfortunately, many people lose sight of what is truly important, and they allow the tail to wag the dog. They sacrifice their relationships, their major source of happiness, to accomplish more in their careers. But one’s career, at best, can be only a minor source¾and a temporary one, at that¾of the happiness and satisfaction that everyone wants.


A Balanced Life
Author: Brian Tracy

According to psychologist Sidney Jourard, fully 85 percent of your happiness in life will come from your personal relationships. Your interactions and the time that you spend with the people you care about will be the major source of the pleasure, enjoyment and satisfaction that you derive daily. The other 15 percent of your happiness will come from your accomplishments. Unfortunately, many people lose sight of what is truly important, and they allow the tail to wag the dog. They sacrifice their relationships, their major source of happiness, to accomplish more in their careers. But one’s career, at best, can be only a minor source¾and a temporary one, at that¾of the happiness and satisfaction that everyone wants.


A Baked Potato Can Change Your Life
Author: Michael D. Pollock

It was 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and I was ready for lunch. A powerful craving for a hot, baked potato and a bowl of chili arose within me. Mmmmm. I could practically taste the mouth-watering, sour cream and chive flavoring of that soft, warm, baked potato. I had to have it.


Author: W. Bradford Swift

You have finally clarified what your life is about, you know who you are and what your life purpose is. You have even created a life purpose statement. Now what? How do you get the most out of the work you've done. How do you have your life purpose shape your life? This list will help guide you to along the path to living a life on purpose.


9 Hot Tips for Linking with other Web Sites
Author: Gareth Davies

If you have a website the chances are you receive e-mails from Webmasters asking you to make a link exchange with them. But how do you know whether you should link to their website or not? Well here are 9 rules of thumb, to help guide you through the linking maze.


7 Ways to Ensure A Very Cool Day from Start to Finish
Author: Dr. Drew Rozell

1) Set a Relaxed Tone. Give yourself plenty of time and space in the morning. Avoid waking up, jumping in the shower, throwing on some clothes, and dumping coffee in your lap while weaving through traffic. If you begin your day burning adrenaline, you've set the tone for a stressful day where you're continually running late.


8 Critical Steps to Create a Customer Service Culture
Author: Anthony Mullins

“Every company’s greatest assets are its customers,


7 Ways To Capture Wisdom From Your Coach
Author: Burt Dubin

A coach is a modern-day mentor. In Greek legend, Mentor was a friend of Odysseus. As advisor, sage, and counselor he was entrusted with the education of Telemachus, the son of Odysseus.


7 Tips for Success
Author: John Baker

In this article we mention 7 tips for your success. That's not to say these are the only ones, nor will every successful person use all these. But using these tips will help you succeed.


4 Simple Steps to Increase Your Wealth -
Author: Kevin Purfield

1. Believe you can


4 Powerful Mind Principles to Control Your Destiny -
Author: Michael D. Pollock

The word "resolve" has been showing up in my space quite a bit lately. I've no doubt it's a definite "sign of the times." I'd like to spend a few minutes to discuss this word, what it might mean to you, and offer you some principles that can positively affect your life experience.


14 Ways To Create And Keep Your WebSite Trustworthy -
Author: Maria Marsala

Have you ever visited a web site and been attacked by screaming pop-up ads, gotten lost in a clutter of banner ads, had things flash and go boom? And have you ever visited a site that was informative, easy to navigate and generally pleasant to peruse?


1-2-3 Success! Build Your Personal Brand and Expand Your Success -
Author: William Arruda

Since pre-industrial times, branding has been used to develop strong, enduring relationships with customers. Customers of Mr. Jones's pie shop knew that his pies came with more real fruit and were always given to you with a smile. It made it worth the long walk and extra two cents. Today, albeit on a larger, more global scale, branding continues to provide those same benefits. Volvo is differentiated from other car companies by its promise of safety and security. Disney stands for family entertainment. Virgin is irreverent and risk-taking.


Author: W. Bradford Swift

WHETHER you consider yourself a highly creative person or not, it is possible for all of us to be more creative if we'll take the time to nurture that part of ourselves. These simple steps will give you direction in how to bring more of your creativity to the surface and to optimize your intuitive powers at the same time. Pick the ones that seem to fit for you and give them a try.


10 Tips to Transform Your Life
Author: John R. Barker

Beliefs create potential. Potential enables action. Action produces results. Use these following ten points to transform your life and create what you desire.


10 Tips to Improve Your Attitude Today!
Author: Jim Allen

1. Think like you want to be


10 Tips to Change Your Attitude TODAY!
Author: Jim Allen

1. Think like you want to be!


10 Thoughts on Leading Teams into the 21st Century
Author: Jim Allen

1. Make sure that your team IS a team, and not a group.


10 Things You Can Do To Produce A Quantum Leap In Your Life FAST
Author: Asoka Selvarajah, Ph.D

10 Things You Can Do To Produce A Quantum Leap In Your Life FAST


10 Things that Keep You from Writing Your Book… and What You Can do About It
Author: Patsi Krakoff and Denise Wakeman

9 out of 10 professionals and small business owners have at least one book or information product inside their head, but lack the time and organizational skills to get it out into digital or print form.


10 Incredible Ways To Keep Your Sales Soaring
Author: celine martin

1. Maximize the effectiveness of your banner ads. Don't just use the same ad on every banner, use a variety to attract the greatest number of clickers.


10 Great New Year Things-to-Do
Author: Jim M. Allen

All right, the new year is here and it's time to get busy!


10 Feng Shui Tips for your Office to Boost your Prosperity
Author: Vicky White

Feng Shui (fung-shway) is the study of arranging your environment to enhance your life. Every minute of every day your environment is either supporting you or draining you. Feng Shui teaches you to join forces with your environment to make living your best life effortless.






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